I re-watched the Director's Cut of the movie "
Troy", last night. Watching the sack of Troy, got me thinking about watching the Sack of King's Landing on the big screen.

P.S. I'm currently rewatching or watching for the 1st time a stable of movies to keep me good until the Season Premiere of #DemThrones, which includes "Braveheart", "Gladiator" (Extended Cut), "Troy" (Director's Cut), 2004 "King Arthur" (Director's Cut), "Kingdom of Heaven" (Director's Cut), "300", & 2010 "Robin Hood" (Director's Cut).
Tell me why it seem all these films have AT LEAST 1 or 2 actors from GoT? Off the top of my head, "Troy" had Ned Stark, Grand Maester Pycelle, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jeor Mormont & etc.

P.S.S. What y'all think about the movie 2004 "
Alexander"? I'm considering watching it, but the reviews for the movie from both critics & normal folks are
SO BAD. Also there's 3 versions of the movie, with a 4th & final cut coming out in June.