Art Barr
NO way its on par with the 4-5-6...
I have it below and ahead of part 1-2...but to say its just as good is not true.
Only thing i really liked about it was finally seeing Yoda vs Palps and grievous...
Alot of the movie felt rushed to me...they didnt set up the original trilogy that well...
They even explained where Vader came from and he was a clone.
I don't think guys knew much star wars mythos to give this critique.
The sequels barring the jar jar stuff is all top notch.
Obi won showed why he is the best most confident Jedi all time.
all through the prequels and how resourceful to bad ass he was.
Like I seriously put obi won ahead of every Jedi cause obi won was that deal.
Just off the strength of the prequels.
Art Barr