Genocide Joe finally speaks on Gaza protests at universities UPDATE: Columbia President Resigns

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
But those in the middle east are not scared to fight.
Those kids are not saying the same thing, that is said by our kids.

Those kids over there do not view this as something to pontificate about and protest
They serious

This a recipe for disaster
Is this a joke post?

What are you talking about? Israel is a foreign country starting shyt with its neighbors. We are NOT obligated to help them out. What the fukk are they going to do if we don't help them? Is Israel vital to our economy? How many trillions of dollars are they adding to our economy?

The people in the middle east are of course going to fight and die because they're defending their HOMES. This shyt is real to them because it's where they are. If you're a country in that region and you don't have nuclear weapons, it's like living in an apartment complex where there's a neighbor on your floor with a gun and he walks down the hall and shoots into an apartment every now and again. You're completely helpless if that mf decides to kick down your door because he "feels threatened" and starts blasting.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Is this a joke post?

What are you talking about? Israel is a foreign country starting shyt with its neighbors. We are NOT obligated to help them out. What the fukk are they going to do if we don't help them? Is Israel vital to our economy? How many trillions of dollars are they adding to our economy?

The people in the middle east are of course going to fight and die because they're defending their HOMES. This shyt is real to them because it's where they are. If you're a country in that region and you don't have nuclear weapons, it's like living in an apartment complex where there's a neighbor on your floor with a gun and he walks down the hall and shoots into an apartment every now and again. You're completely helpless if that mf decides to kick down your door because he "feels threatened" and starts blasting.

Isreal is our ally.
Any problems they have, we have.
So if the arab states decides to go at Isreal, there would be a war.

Do you not understand how important isreal is to america?

To be frank
Biden is the one stopping world war 3 right now.
If his actions/rhetoric were different.
We might absolutely be there right now.

He has been on a tightrope, and that should be respected.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Isreal is our ally.
Any problems they have, we have.
So if the arab states decides to go at Isreal, there would be a war.

Do you not understand how important isreal is to america?

To be frank
Biden is the one stopping world war 3 right now.
If his actions/rhetoric were different.
We might absolutely be there right now.

He has been on a tightrope, and that should be respected.
You seem to not understand the disconnect.

The average millennial and Gen z watched America bumble into 2 wars that produced nothing and raised the national debt by trillions of dollars.

Then they had to watch as billions of dollars in their tax money went to a country that didn't do shyt for them. They do not see Israel as an "ally" moreover, they have an understanding that many of America's foreign policy problems are blowback from years and years of absolutely dog shyt foreign policy that only put military contractors and oil companies first instead of American people.

Veterans were told they were going to Iraq to stop a dictator who had weapons that DID NOT EXIST. They were told they were going into Afghanistan to find a man that WASNT THERE. These young people grew up watching Americans put their lives at risk for nothing. We didn't make our money back, and those veterans were treated like shyt when they got back by the same government that was supposed to compensate them.

People are asking "why am I supposed to accept that there's no money for climate change, Healthcare, child care, a federal high speed rail network, but every year my fukking tax money that I break my back for is going to some a$$holes who are obsessed with killing their neighbors and their children?"

And your response boils down to "well because we said that we'd help them! So their problems are our problems"

That isn't a response that anyone with basic critical thinking skills will accept. This is a "because I said so!" Type beat, and this is a generation of adults that fukking hated hearing that as kids so they sure as shyt won't accept that as grown adults who grind every day just to survive. This isn't 1955. The cold war is over. This isn't 1942, none of these Arab countries have the capability Germany had. America hasn't been involved in a "just" war since WWII.

They do not want kids being killed with their tax money. The only people that have a tough time understanding this are people who don't see those grieving parents and dismembered children as human beings. The only people that this is complicated for is people who benefit from the status quo.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
You seem to not understand the disconnect.

The average millennial and Gen z watched America bumble into 2 wars that produced nothing and raised the national debt by trillions of dollars.

Then they had to watch as billions of dollars in their tax money went to a country that didn't do shyt for them. They do not see Israel as an "ally" moreover, they have an understanding that many of America's foreign policy problems are blowback from years and years of absolutely dog shyt foreign policy that only put military contractors and oil companies first instead of American people.

Veterans were told they were going to Iraq to stop a dictator who had weapons that DID NOT EXIST. They were told they were going into Afghanistan to find a man that WASNT THERE. These young people grew up watching Americans put their lives at risk for nothing. We didn't make our money back, and those veterans were treated like shyt when they got back by the same government that was supposed to compensate them.

People are asking "why am I supposed to accept that there's no money for climate change, Healthcare, child care, a federal high speed rail network, but every year my fukking tax money that I break my back for is going to some a$$holes who are obsessed with killing their neighbors and their children?"

And your response boils down to "well because we said that we'd help them! So their problems are our problems"

That isn't a response that anyone with basic critical thinking skills will accept. This is a "because I said so!" Type beat, and this is a generation of adults that fukking hated hearing that as kids so they sure as shyt won't accept that as grown adults who grind every day just to survive. This isn't 1955. The cold war is over. This isn't 1942, none of these Arab countries have the capability Germany had. America hasn't been involved in a "just" war since WWII.

Are you saying there is no chance of war?
Or no matter what, Americans will not go to war?

Are arab states hostile to America/Europe, or peaceful?

Seems you saying that isreal is the problem

So I ask again, is Isreal important or not to America?

I have not been the one here stating gleefully that Biden will lose the election.
Or acting like I did not hear trump state explicitly that Netanyahu should go all the way

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
Having all the differences we do
Having all the nukes we do

Do you think humanity will survive another 1000 years?

And how can that be done with religion as you prefer?
You made this 'is' claim about religion: "ancient and set in stone"

You made this 'is' claim about science:
"Science...has been PROVEN to progress humanity."

If the antiquity of religion has yet to cause humanity to perish, but the relatively novel invention of "nukes," a result of scientific progress, is what you are worried about, how then can religion be, undoubtedly, the demise of humanity?

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
You made this 'is' claim about religion: "ancient and set in stone"

You made this 'is' claim about science:
"Science...has been PROVEN to progress humanity."

If the antiquity of religion has yet to cause humanity to perish, but the relatively novel invention of "nukes," a result of scientific progress, is what you are worried about, how then can religion be, undoubtedly, the demise of humanity?

You have to keep in mind that The Republic is one of my favorite books.
The whole socratic reasoning etc.

Yes I have admitted that knowledge can also be used to speed up our destruction.

If things were different, maybe they could have been working on other things.
Like electric cars. Hence we would have been farther today.

I ask again for about the 5th time.
If we continue as we are, do you think humanity can survive another 1000 years?

Can the earth survive another 1000 years?
Maybe in 50 years water will be a scarcity

Please answer, and if possible tell me how religion can save the earth

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Are you saying there is no chance of war?
Or no matter what, Americans will not go to war?

Are arab states hostile to America/Europe, or peaceful?

Seems you saying that isreal is the problem

So I ask again, is Isreal important or not to America?

I have not been the one here stating gleefully that Biden will lose the election.
Or acting like I did not hear trump state explicitly that Netanyahu should go all the way
I(and I'm sure am not the only one) have asked how America has Benefited by continuing to fund this country.

Did they stop bin laden from paying a bunch of pissed off incels from causing pandemonium on September 11th?

Are they sending construction workers and volunteers to build housing and get our homeless people back on track?

Did they stop Iraq from getting the phantom weapons?

Did they prevent the banks from gambling with peoples pension funds in 2008?

Did they send thousands of doctors and nurses to America to help slow the spread of covid 19?

Did they send battalions of soldiers to Ukraine to put an end to putin's advance?

Have they pledged money to prevent climate damage?

What has the average american gotten for the billions of dollars of their money that has been sent to this foreign government?

What are we getting for what we are spending?

Pakistan is not hostile to America. Saudi Arabia is not hostile to America. Afghanistan isn't even a threat to America. None of these countries can or will do anything to America and we've largely stopped bombing them and sending money to dictators who keep the people down.

So to answer your question: Israel is absolutely NOT important to America, and these politicians have absolutely failed miserably to make a case that can't easily be refuted by observable facts. You seem to actually believe (with no evidence) that Israel is actually doing anything to improve the quality of life for Americans and is worth the "investment". That's where the disconnect lies. You don't need evidence because you seem to believe that all Arab nations are hostile for no reason to America and Israel is acting as some kind of shield to protect America.

Meanwhile these people protesting are keenly aware that Israel isn't shielding shyt except itself from the consequences of its own actions. You don't bomb a fukking hospital with babies inside and expect nothing to happen. You don't kill a journalist then show up to the funeral to arrest the pallbearers without expecting anything to happen. You don't manufacture a famine and health crisis then get shocked when people are furious at you and want revenge. They're doing shyt that antagonizes people and they're reacting. That is NOT our problem any more than it's our problem that there's currently multiple military conflicts and humanitarian crises happening in Africa.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I(and I'm sure am not the only one) have asked how America has Benefited by continuing to fund this country.

Did they stop bin laden from paying a bunch of pissed off incels from causing pandemonium on September 11th?

Are they sending construction workers and volunteers to build housing and get our homeless people back on track?

Did they stop Iraq from getting the phantom weapons?

Did they prevent the banks from gambling with peoples pension funds in 2008?

Did they send thousands of doctors and nurses to America to help slow the spread of covid 19?

Did they send battalions of soldiers to Ukraine to put an end to putin's advance?

Have they pledged money to prevent climate damage?

What has the average american gotten for the billions of dollars of their money that has been sent to this foreign government?

What are we getting for what we are spending?

Pakistan is not hostile to America. Saudi Arabia is not hostile to America. Afghanistan isn't even a threat to America. None of these countries can or will do anything to America and we've largely stopped bombing them and sending money to dictators who keep the people down.

So to answer your question: Israel is absolutely NOT important to America, and these politicians have absolutely failed miserably to make a case that can't easily be refuted by observable facts. You seem to actually believe (with no evidence) that Israel is actually doing anything to improve the quality of life for Americans and is worth the "investment". That's where the disconnect lies. You don't need evidence because you seem to believe that all Arab nations are hostile for no reason to America and Israel is acting as some kind of shield to protect America.

Meanwhile these people protesting are keenly aware that Israel isn't shielding shyt except itself from the consequences of its own actions. You don't bomb a fukking hospital with babies inside and expect nothing to happen. You don't kill a journalist then show up to the funeral to arrest the pallbearers without expecting anything to happen. You don't manufacture a famine and health crisis then get shocked when people are furious at you and want revenge. They're doing shyt that antagonizes people and they're reacting. That is NOT our problem any more than it's our problem that there's currently multiple military conflicts and humanitarian crises happening in Africa.

So according to you Isreal has no use whatsoever to America?

And the arab states are no threat to Europe/America?

So if support was stopped and they were told to fukk off

You think the arab states would live in peace with isreal?

I am just making sure you really believe these things

I respect your intelligence so I am not saying you do not know what you saying

It is a problem cause many folks on thecoli etc are willing to have trump in office cause "genocide joe"

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
Russia and China run many psy-op campaigns in Africa pushing disinformation that the people don't know who to trust. It effectively stops democracy which is the point.

It seems a similar campaign is being run in the United States.

We need more people to sound the alarm about Israel's disinformation campaigns too. They're not only targeting regular people, but our politicians, leaders at college institutions and the media too. And they are extremely effective. I wish people cared more about this as well, because their interference is undermining our democracy and damaging speech. Word to Tal Hanan.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
So according to you Isreal has no use whatsoever to America?

And the arab states are no threat to Europe/America?

So if support was stopped and they were told to fukk off

You think the arab states would live in peace with isreal?

I am just making sure you really believe these things

I respect your intelligence so I am not saying you do not know what you saying
Israel is not a 51st state. It is not American territory.

If America tells Israel it's on its own, it will either have to live in peace with its neighbors or will be destroyed by them. They've done PLENTY to draw their ire, so they should not be shielded from the consequences of their actions any more than Rhodesia or apartheid south Africa were.

I'll say it ten toes down as long as free speech still exists in this country: I do not care what happens to Israel. They are a foreign government an ocean away from America who causes their own problems and demands we back them up. They are a colonial ethnostate that has blood on its hands and they can either learn to live in peace with their neighbors as Europeans learned or they can fukk all the way off.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
If you think the world will/can continue with as is, then I cannot convince you.
Eventually laws will have to be made that benefits the world.
We have different ways, yet we all human.
And ALL need the earth.
So whether it be universal environmental or nuke laws.
It will happen.
-You don't need a single government to agree on environmental laws & the first time they pass smaller laws like an abortion law there's gonna be issues. You also can't have a society dictated by science/logic/reason & have it be humanitarian. Logic will tell you eradicating a good portion of humanity's what's best for the world.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Israel is not a 51st state. It is not American territory.

If America tells Israel it's on its own, it will either have to live in peace with its neighbors or will be destroyed by them. They've done PLENTY to draw their ire, so they should not be shielded from the consequences of their actions any more than Rhodesia or apartheid south Africa were.

I'll say it ten toes down as long as free speech still exists in this country: I do not care what happens to Israel. They are a foreign government an ocean away from America who causes their own problems and demands we back them up. They are a colonial ethnostate that has blood on its hands and they can either learn to live in peace with their neighbors as Europeans learned or they can fukk all the way off.

Your post reeks of bias sir.
You seem to believe they deserve destruction.

Are you aware that Isreal would END THE WORLD before any such thing happens?

I am a bit shocked as to how peaceful you consider the arab states to be.
Even more so to "evil for evil"

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
Can the earth survive another 1000 years?
Maybe in 50 years water will be a scarcity
I'm not a geologist
I'm not a marine biologists
I'm not a demographer
If we continue as we are, do you think humanity can survive another 1000 years?
tell me how religion can save the earth
No, you demonstrate how religion is a categorical net negative for humanity

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
-You don't need a single government to agree on environmental laws & the first time they pass smaller laws like an abortion law there's gonna be issues. You also can't have a society dictated by science/logic/reason & have it be humanitarian. Logic will tell you eradicating a good portion of humanity's what's best for the world.

Well now we have approached that bridge.
Yes, it is why God REPEATEDLY destroyed whole peoples/cities.

Some people are stopping the progress of humanity.
It is logical that they not be allowed to affect our future.

Religion is not logical.