King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
There is a contingent of posters (and voters) who are more concerned with defending the name and brand of the Democratic Party than acknowledging how catastrophically they have failed to not only win elections against the fascist menace, but also failed to deliver serious, material wins for the public. This is not a difference that can be papered over for the sake of comity, it is a deep ideological schism. Many of them are psychologically harmed by the presence of the criticism because they have developed a parasocial relationship with the Democratic Party and its leaders, so they cannot engage with the criticisms in good faith. The most obvious way this whole dynamic manifests is in their constant refrain that we should eliminate criticisms of the Democrats because we should only be focused on criticizing Trump/MAGA. We cannot all come together and sing kumbaya until this fundamental difference is resolved one way or another.Right. So who in this thread has failed to do a legit autopsy of the political conditions? Why are we still arguing over this?