I was just getting the joke off breh, I actually more or less agree with your underlying point about the media landscape. I don't think it's an Alex Jones type that's needed, but there does need to be something that counteracts the right wing disinformation machine. I think it's more about the message than the messenger though. Democrats first need to build out a proper counter-fascist policy program that doesn't just focus on how bad the other side is, but is primarily about how good our side is. Gotta give these hypothetical Democrat influencers some ammo. Because right now all they have are these bullshyt leads. Gotta give them the Glengarry leads. If you build it, they will come.
I agree with you but I think democrats and the left can walk and chew gum at the same time.
A lot of Trump voters are conspiracy pilled and mistrustful of the government, in ways they are justified in feeling that way.
The fact that the left doesn’t have an equivalent of Alex jones is a huge void and allows those people to easily be funneled into the right wing.
Imagine for a moment the left had an Alex Jones that was putting out content highlighting the gross corruption going on right now by the oligarchy.
Imagine that Alex Jones making a sensational documentary exposing the Curtis Yarvin/Peter Thiel project or the heritage foundation nefarious motives.
Imagine how red pilling and effective that would be for the public in waking them up to how evil the Republicans and MAGA movement is.
The difference is that the left wing Alex jones wouldn’t be spreading lies but highlighting the truth.
There really is an “Illuminati” and they’re showing themselves in the Trump administration