The Syrian conflict is the most mind baffling conflict I've witnessed through out my whole life.
The funniest thing in all of this is the progressive media's sudden approval and massive praise for the clown in Orange which they despised until this week.
Fareed Zakaria called Trump a cancer last fukking week and now he's tossing his salad live on TV. Brian Williams from CBS despises Trump yet he's been full of praise and within a 30 second TV segment he called the strike beautiful and used the word beautiful 3 times to describe tomahawk missiles. The only beautiful thing is his fake story about Hezbollah striking his chopper in Lebanon 20 years ago. fukking fraud.
Jake Tapper, Michael Weiss, Morning Joe, I could go on and on about media personalities which were hostile towards Donald the molester yet they've somehow managed to shower him with praise.
I remember mentioning to friends recently that I thought the media and the elite hated Trump for his neutral stance on Syria, the neo cons were always that way, blood thirsty and greedy sons of whores but the so called leftist liberal media outlets have been sounding the war horn since 2012.
Which gets me thinking why? And how much money have the cancerous regimes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel gave to lobbyists and media personalities. From my perspective siding with the rebels in Syria is a death sentence to every minority in the Levant and will turn the nation into amother Afganistan with tribes and extremists running the thing into the ground.
Israel's end game is simple in this, they want an eventual war with Lebanon and Iran and Saudi Arabia openly calls for the slaughter of Shia and Alawites.
And for some fukking cancerous reason our buffoon in charge which actually labeled Saudi Arabia as the leading sponsor of terror prior to his presidency has done a complete 360 (obviously), I hope he chokes on a golf ball tonight.