You along with a few others are missing the point.So $5 more than the cost of a single AAA game and people are taking a victory lap? In most places less than a single AAA game with sales tax for a service that guarantees at least a single high profile AAA game annually.
No problem found unless that price is a type because $20 a month should be $240 a year not $75.
Yea it's 3-5$, not much in the grand scheme of things.
But it's also Microsoft admitting that there is minimal growth. So in turn they're going to charge their existing customers more.
Once most companies/products make that turn they're not going back. In the future do they spend more for content in attempt to create growth, or just up the price again?
Even with Gears, there isn't much on the radar that'll move the needle for them. I guess Elder Scrolls, but with Starfield we all saw that most folks just decided to purchase the game.
They tried to downplay (selling)consoles when that was their main source of subscribers.
I guess if anyone can recover it's Microsoft, but it's looking real shaky.