since books 4 and 5 run at the same time (mostly), i think it wont be as tough. yea all the iron islander POVs and shyt like areo hotahs pov and arys oakheart povs might be a little like

if they put too much time into them, but i think they will cut those down by alot and focus on the main characters.
i think the biggest issue is time. unless HBO goes on a 2 year GOT hiatus, the show is definitely gonna catch up to the books before GRRM is done. season 4 will be second half of book 3 with the beginning of book 4 and 5 and then season 5 will be the rest of 4 and 5. season 6 has to be winds of winter unless they stretch out the second half of book 5.
so to be safe lets say season 7 is winds of winter. thats just 4 - 5 years from now. i guess if they go on long hiatuses, they can reach season 7 a little bit after winds of winter comes out, but then itll be another 5 years before book 7 comes out.
so he needs to finish WoW by 2016 and the last book by 2018. n at this rate, i doubt it