I want to get some people's opinions on where this whole thing is headed. So, a couple of quick questions:
Who do you think are Jon Snow's real parents? Personally, I think it's obvious Lyanna Stark is his mother. I think his father is Rhaegar Targaryen. I think when Lyanna was "kidnapped" by Rhaegar, she actually ran off with him, so Robert started the war because of that. It wouldn't surprise me if Robert killed Lyanna himself, or if Ned knew all of this.

The only thing I wonder about is Jon Snow doesn't have the silver/blond hair like the other Targaryens, but maybe the Stark blood is strong.
Who do you think is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne? This one is too complicated for me. I think there is about 10 people who could legitimately say they should be the ruler.
More importantly, who do think will claim the Iron Throne in the end?
I know most people probably think it's gonna be Daenerys Targaryen, but I don't think GRRM is all in to the fairy tale endings. I have a feeling something is going to happen to her dragons, and she will lose her power. I'm rolling with Jon Snow on this one. I think he has the dragon blood in him, and that's gonna have something to do with him claiming the throne. I know these theories are probably full of shyt, but
What are your predictions for how things play out over the last two books? Also, feel free to discuss other scenarios not mentioned yet.