Jon snow is as much targaryen as Rhaes kids and they have dark hair.Also were there simply no dark haired Targaryens? It's the future but Jon Snow is a dark haired Targaryen.
Jon snow is as much targaryen as Rhaes kids and they have dark hair.Also were there simply no dark haired Targaryens? It's the future but Jon Snow is a dark haired Targaryen.
Nah. Corlys went into the Step Stones against his wishes.Yall keep saying they dont fear him. Dont confuse a forgiving king, which he is, for one not feared. Everyone does as he says. The one person who disobeyed, Alicent, in the most recent episode was scared of the consequences when she was talking to Otto. He told Daemon to bounce and he bouncedyall want some joe pesci type leader or something. The kingdom been good for decades, what yall crying about really?
Just cause someone yells a lot doesnt mean people fear them. Joffrey killed innocent people and no one respected him still. Hound called him a bytch to his face. Tyrion slapped the piss outta joffrey. Aint no one slapping viserysCersai was openly disobedient to robert even if it meant getting slapped up, she had b*stards on him and everything. At least viserys kids are his
they spit and threw shyt on cersei when she was queen. I aint see anyone throw no shyt at viserys
Nah. Corlys went into the Step Stones against his wishes.
Even his own Hand was plotting behind his back.
He’s probably loved but he’s definitely not feared.
He banished his hand cause his daughter told him toand he banished his hand, and he helped with the step stones once Corlys took action
So he listens to people around him that he finds trust in, and you think this is an issueHe banished his hand cause his daughter told him to
And he offered to come to the Step Stones after three years cause his Queen convinced him to.
Yeah I know about the incest, I just figure at some point a recessive gene or the occasional mix up would kick in. But I think they're doing this on screen to emphasize the bloodline, in the books not all of them are, for example I don't think Rhaenys has silver hair in the book.Because of incest
Jon snow mother iswhich explains the dark hair.Lyanna Stark
I can't remember what hair Rhaegar had but his mother was Elia martell(dorne) if I'm not mistaken.
The point is people don’t fear repercussion from him. He told Corlys no twice and he didn’t listen and got his brother to go with him.So he listens to people around him that he finds trust in, and you think this is an issue?
And look how egregious it is. I guess it's the one time race/color is emphasized cause they was acting like there's 0% chance. But like I said I think the hair is being dramatized for the screen to emphasize Rhae's kids being b*stards.Jon snow is as much targaryen as Rhaes kids and they have dark hair.
So whose stepped up to challenge his rule
You talking about a whole lot of nothing when it comes to running a realmyou crying over spilled milk from family issues
Last i checked up until now, as much as they argue, his family is healthy and wealthy. Grand kids and kids thriving, flying dragons.
You worried about lil shyt over decades of ruling.
This show really does seperate what individuals think a good ruler should be. Which funny enough, reflects real life in a way. You over here worried about his daughter and his wife arguing. While millions seem to be doing better off than what weve seen from other rulers of this series.
I want you to reflect on that, in reality.
And look how egregious it is. I guess it's the one time race/color is emphasized cause they was acting like there's 0% chance. But like I said I think the hair is being dramatized for the screen to emphasize Rhae's kids being b*stards.
You telling me Alicent couldn't pop out 1 chestnut headed kid? Lol it's for the story
I wanted Jon in the throne also (though my ending is different lol) but I understand why he isn't.GRRM and D&D are fools. GOT should have ended with a weary Jon sitting on the throne, depressed and unhappy with the crown crookedly sitting on his head as he looks out as his new subjects. He should have been the reluctant king who "don't want it" but who is forced to do it because he's simply the only one who can, AND it's his birthright.
You know what. Youre right. I always thought in game of thrones the kid always has 100% the fathers hair. That was Ned Starks entire plot line. That Roberts kids had blonde hair and he had black hair. But his own b*stard son, Jon Snow, has the hair color of the mother.And look how egregious it is. I guess it's the one time race/color is emphasized cause they was acting like there's 0% chance. But like I said I think the hair is being dramatized for the screen to emphasize Rhae's kids being b*stards.
You telling me Alicent couldn't pop out 1 chestnut headed kid? Lol it's for the story