Game of Thrones ended in 2019. And GRRM still hasn't finished Winds of Winter


Jan 28, 2013
Nah. The overwhelming plot points are probably the same but no way do we get their the same way.

You think Jaime Lannister after his giant redemption arc just goes back to Cersei? You think there is a giant boss battle at Winterfell that lasts all of one night? You think Stannis goes out like a bytch in the woods? You think Jon is a mopey hoe the rest of the series?

I think the main plot happens but no way we arrive at it the same way. There are major characters in the books that don’t even show up in the show. Aegon Targaryen, Lady Stoneheart, Wyman Manderly, Jon Connington, Ayanna Martell etc.

He’s struggling because the story is too big. The way the show ended was sloppy because they couldn’t figure out how to tie it together in a bunch of hour long episodes with all the actors visibly aging each season. They had to rush it. Bran was looking grown as fukk. He is a little boy in the books.

Three books

Winds of Winter
- Jon reunites with Sansa like in the show after resurrecting
- Arya closes up her arc in Bravos like in the show
- Cersei blows up the Sept like in the show
- Jamie starts to care for Brienne like in the show, blows her back out
- Dany kills the slave masters in Meeren, starting to wrap up her arc there, like in the show
- Faegon comes to Westeros, reaching Dorne
- Stannis dies like in the show with Melisandre realizing he's not the one
- Battle of the b*stards happens, Ramsey dies and Won Won too :mjcry:

Extra 7th Book
- Faegon begins gaining supports around Westeros, in Dorne, the Reach, etc
- Dorne hates the Lannisters and the Reach hate Cersei for blowing up the Sept which is why they side with Faegon
- Dany hears about Faegon, decides to leave for Westeros like in the show
- Dany & Jon meet in Dragonstone like in the show
- Essentially its the War of the Five Kings all over again but, with four, with Dany/Jon/Faegon/Cersei being "King" to some people
- Jon has the council meeting like in the show, tries to tell them its all pointless because of the white walkers
- Dany sees Jon interact with the Dragons like in the show but, at some point in the book, sees that the Dragons hate Faegon, knows hes a fraud
- Hardhome episode happens, Dany saves them like in the show
- Dany's dragon Viserion is killed and the Wall comes down like in the show
- Arya comes back to Wintefell like in the show. Both Arya and Sansa dont trust Dany.
- Everyone of the Starks find out that Jon is a Targ.

A Dream of Spring
- Brienne gets knighted by Jamie, everyone prepares to fight like in the show
- The Walkers come through Westeros but, get much farther inland
- The Night King is smarter in the books and they don't know he split his army up
- They beat the first army but, the Night King goes down to KL which gives Jamie a valid reason to go back to Cersei
- Cersei and Jamie die in KL like in the show but, from the White Walkers instead of Dany
- Jon fights the Night King, wins, ending everything
- Post-Battle, the Westerosi lords still choose to pick Faegon as Jon never tells anyone else that he's Targ
- Dany loses her shyt over it knowing Faegon is a fraud, plus she lost one dragon fighting in the North for these nikkas
- Dany burns down one area of the city only, and kills Faegon
- The people in KL kill Rhaegal who was there in response via the catapult
- Dany burns down all of KL afterwards in anger like what happened in the show
- Dany takes over on some NWO shyt like in the show but, is killed by Arya instead of Jon, with Arya sneaking up on her
- Arya is imprisoned, then allowed to go Beyond in Wall but, in reality, she gets on a boat and heads west like in the show
- Jon becomes King :blessed: with Tyrion as Hand, Sam as Master of Laws and Bran being his Master of Whispers
- Sansa gets Winterfell but they stay in Westeros, FOH
- Tormund doesn't get the Big Woman but, there's still hope :blessed:

The End
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