Game boxing video surfaces........he aint no pro but Meek is food


Jul 5, 2012
Meek punches like a teenage white girl, and Game has power, but he isn't fully utilizing it. He also leaves himself wide open. In a street fight, game would wash Meek without a doubt tho. In a fight against anyone with any kind of boxing skill, Game would get laid out.
May 20, 2015

nikkas doing a dikk measurin contest in the thread...

I boxed as a kid and was training a few years ago to stay in shape after leg surgeries.

Ive broken both heavybags and speed bags (go through those like nothing) and i am under 5'9:heh:

We talking about two untrained fighters their stats mean something.

And even with the guys comparing stats we all said we boxed so what the fukk is you dummies in here talking about?

So a 190 guy go against a 150 guy and they both got the same skill set weight don't matter right?

Shut the fukk up you nikkas in here retarded

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
I was gna say Game would probably beat Meek's ass because he's taller and that weird angle he threw at. But neither really rotate their hips.
Game isn't much taller than meek

But he's bigger so that give him a little advantage.


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
Game by a LANDSLIDE,you acting like Meek is trained or sum shyt my nikka:childplease:

Both nikkas is untrained so now we have to go by the FACTS

Game is bigger and stronger FACT
Game has more technique and power FACT
Game has had tons of fights,Meek has had 0 FACT

Game by a LANDSLIDE FACT:pachaha:

this nikka sound like beanie with all them FACTS :damn:


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
We talking about two untrained fighters their stats mean something.

And even with the guys comparing stats we all said we boxed so what the fukk is you dummies in here talking about?

So a 190 guy go against a 150 guy and they both got the same skill set weight don't matter right?

Shut the fukk up you nikkas in here retarded
Nah yall trying to gas each other up with the stat shyt:heh:

And how tf you know they both got the same skill set... Or are you just making up hypotheticals instead of reality:skip:

Both 50 and Game supposedly boxed and 50 would wash the nikka even if Game is bigger... Because 50 has obvious more Skill and technique despite them both boxing supposedly and 50's style would be something Game never faced

just because you took a class or some shyt, hit a heavy bag, and even got inside a ring doesnt equate skill. Ive sparred heavyweights only slightly bigger than me that have KO'd bigger heavyweights.. I know some short, fast cats that would wash everyone in this thread now:heh:

As far as Meek and Game go, ofcourse Game would win because not only is he bigger, Meek has no skills at all... In anything other than shyt talking and ge's getting washed in that

If Meek had hands that bigger shyt would go out the window in a because anything can happen. There are more variables than just size..
May 20, 2015
Nah yall trying to gas each other up with the stat shyt:heh:

And how tf you know they both got the same skill set... Or are you just making up hypotheticals instead of reality:skip:

Both 50 and Game supposedly boxed and 50 would wash the nikka even if Game is bigger... Because 50 has obvious more Skill and technique despite them both boxing supposedly and 50's style would be something Game never faced

just because you took a class or some shyt, hit a heavy bag, and even got inside a ring doesnt equate skill. Ive sparred heavyweights only slightly bigger than me that have KO'd bigger heavyweights.. I know some short, fast cats that would wash everyone in this thread now:heh:

As far as Meek and Game go, ofcourse Game would win because not only is he bigger, Meek has no skills at all... In anything other than shyt talking and ge's getting washed in that

If Meek had hands that bigger shyt would go out the window in a because anything can happen. There are more variables than just size..

Nah we not size means something in a fight it's a reason why weight classes were invented,it's just in the streets anything goes no weight classes no nothing.

I said IF two boxers had the same skill set and one was 40 pounds heavier the bigger guy would win did you not see that?

See y'all goin off track y'all keep trying to throw in trained nikkas with untrained nikkas,I been said in this thread actually 50 would wash all these nikkas and naw 50 is bigger and stronger than Game,he just come up short in height,50 would wash Game because he's trained,so I don't even know why you said that.

Listen when it comes to a street fight you can't say that a short small cat would wash everyone in this thread,that ain't true,a street fight anything goes them short fast cats you know prolly weigh in at 130 what the fukk they gon do when a nikka 100 pounds heavier than them grab em around they neck? Nothing ITS OVER. All that boxing shyt goes out the window.

Meek dont have skills so he gets washed by Game and even if he did in a STREET FIGHT game she size and strength would still give Game a chance to fukk Meek up even if he were trained. HE got Meek by damn near 100 pounds that's B way too much size to be giving up.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Nah we not size means something in a fight it's a reason why weight classes were invented,it's just in the streets anything goes no weight classes no nothing.

I said IF two boxers had the same skill set and one was 40 pounds heavier the bigger guy would win did you not see that?

See y'all goin off track y'all keep trying to throw in trained nikkas with untrained nikkas,I been said in this thread actually 50 would wash all these nikkas and naw 50 is bigger and stronger than Game,he just come up short in height,50 would wash Game because he's trained,so I don't even know why you said that.

Listen when it comes to a street fight you can't say that a short small cat would wash everyone in this thread,that ain't true,a street fight anything goes them short fast cats you know prolly weigh in at 130 what the fukk they gon do when a nikka 100 pounds heavier than them grab em around they neck? Nothing ITS OVER. All that boxing shyt goes out the window.

Meek dont have skills so he gets washed by Game and even if he did in a STREET FIGHT game she size and strength would still give Game a chance to fukk Meek up even if he were trained. HE got Meek by damn near 100 pounds that's B way too much size to be giving up.
I know why weightclasses were invented, but this isnt professional shyt.

Its why Andre Ward is able to move so freely between weightclasses because of his skill set plus other variables..Same with Canelo, Pac, Mayweather, Paul Williams (who was taller than Tyson but refused to fight at heavier weights) etc

Size means something, like i said, but not as much as other variables... Thats why Muhammah Qawi was able to box at heavyweight while only being like 5'6 and 200lbs and was successful... He had other variables Aside from skill. His style for one, chin for 2, heart for 3, speed for 4, and then there was his skill.

So If 2 fighter with similar skill set fought and one was 40lbs heavier, doesnt mean shyt if he has a chin made of glass, or weak core, or shytty stamina, muscle imbalances, etc.

And that happens a lot in boxing and MMA btw.. Just usually at heavyweight. And not really in boxing at this point. But those are pros

And I said Game AND 50 are trained... Supposedly. I 100% know that 50 is..And 50 is shorter and stocky.. Im sure Game weighs more because he's taller and solid as well. Stronger probably not, but maybe heavier.

But 50 washes Game everytime and you can see it in just a couple clips.

You say you what bruh... 210? What you gonna do when a 300lb nikka grabs hold of you? See how that works? You think you have no shot? Or are you gonna beat that nikka to the punch and test his chin?

Those smaller cats i was talking about will do that.. They have done that.

SonUnless there is a major size advantage then i could see it happening and then that would depend on the skill gap and other variables as well.


Nov 3, 2015
Mustard Island
wait is meek really 170 :dwillhuh:

i remember when Meek had a beer gut, i can't tell if he still got it or not. i feel like dude is at least 200lbs just off his height alone. he just said the lowest possible number that seemed believable so people wouldn't except him to fight Game
May 20, 2015
I know why weightclasses were invented, but this isnt professional shyt.

Its why Andre Ward is able to move so freely between weightclasses because of his skill set plus other variables..Same with Canelo, Pac, Mayweather, Paul Williams (who was taller than Tyson but refused to fight at heavier weights) etc

Size means something, like i said, but not as much as other variables... Thats why Muhammah Qawi was able to box at heavyweight while only being like 5'6 and 200lbs and was successful... He had other variables Aside from skill. His style for one, chin for 2, heart for 3, speed for 4, and then there was his skill.

So If 2 fighter with similar skill set fought and one was 40lbs heavier, doesnt mean shyt if he has a chin made of glass, or weak core, or shytty stamina, muscle imbalances, etc.

And that happens a lot in boxing and MMA btw.. Just usually at heavyweight. And not really in boxing at this point. But those are pros

And I said Game AND 50 are trained... Supposedly. I 100% know that 50 is..And 50 is shorter and stocky.. Im sure Game weighs more because he's taller and solid as well. Stronger probably not, but maybe heavier.

But 50 washes Game everytime and you can see it in just a couple clips.

You say you what bruh... 210? What you gonna do when a 300lb nikka grabs hold of you? See how that works? You think you have no shot? Or are you gonna beat that nikka to the punch and test his chin?

Those smaller cats i was talking about will do that.. They have done that.

SonUnless there is a major size advantage then i could see it happening and then that would depend on the skill gap and other variables as well.

I never said size was the end all be all my guy,but you and anyone else is sadly mistaken if you don't think it plays a part.

Nah the size means something because if dawg bust that smaller nikka the right way it's a wrap! That's why there are weight classes!I'm not saying it's the end all be all but it means something Floyd is labeled the best fighter of all time don't mean shyt if he step in that ring with prime Tyson,he gettin that ass whooped.

Bruh where are you gettin me saying the game could beat 50???? Read my man I said for the 3rd time in this thread that 50 would beat Game,50 CENT WOULD BEAT GAME you clear?

That's another thing you overlooking boxers don't lift like that,if a 130 pound boxer go against a 220 weightlifting streetcat if he get his hands around the boxer it's a wrap. That same 220 pound dude is prolly lifting and squatting and deadlifting weight heavier than 300 pounds so he can tussle with a big ass nikka because he's training to do so a boxer not doing that you can't compare that it's not the same.

We can agree to disagree tho