shyt like this also doesn't help. And folks got the nerve to be mad at the Armenians who are protesting the LGBT agenda in schools.
Stop trying to force people to accept this stuff.
Democrat Kristin Mink of Montgomery County Council for District 5 apologized
The only left wing outlet I could find who reported on this. If I posted from the other news outlets YALL would be crying about that.
Mink Apologizes to Muslims - Montgomery Perspective
Council Member Kristin Mink has apologized for remarks she made at a school board meeting last week in which she said that “some Muslim families” are on “the same side of an issue as white supremacists.” Her statement is reprinted below.
ROCKVILLE, Md., June 11, 2023—Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink issued the following statement:
“On Tuesday, June 6, I spoke at a Montgomery County Board of Education meeting about inclusive education and whether families should be permitted to opt their children out of LGBTQIA-inclusive curriculum materials. I regret that although my remarks were focused on promoting inclusion, they created an opportunity for misunderstanding and mischaracterization. I apologize for the hurt that this caused in the Muslim community.
“Even when individuals disagree about difficult issues, I am committed to finding space to foster authentic dialogue and seeking points of understanding. I sat down to hear from Muslim community members before my remarks on Tuesday and with District 5 Muslim leaders on Thursday. I listened, and I understand their concerns.
“I look forward to continuing to work with members of our Muslim and LGBTQIA+ communities as we take on issues of importance for all residents.”