FX's Donald Glover Sitcom "Atlanta" Season 1 thread

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
May 3, 2012
Episode 4 was an amazing episode. I wasn't sold on the show like everybody else the first three episodes tbh-I thought they were pretty good but forgettable because I felt like the writing in terms of plot was lacking, but it feels like things are starting to come together in the last episode(and a half) to make something incredible.

The art direction, film direction, and cinematography has been consistently amazing; from the settings used, the way shots are framed, even the ambient sounds, it's almost like I can feel the mugginess in the air. The Director really captured how the south "feels" if that makes any sense.

The writers are subtly providing each character a lot of depth and throwing small little twists along the way; When Paperboy stepped to ol' boy I thought he was gonna stall off on him, but when he saw the boy and he gave that little pause, thinking about whether he should get in the car or not( great bit of acting btw) it threw me for a loop. Paperboy has shown a few times this show that he's probably the most empathetic of the group, and I'm wondering where his story line will take him considering how that trait is at odds with the image he's trying to portray as a rapper. But that's just one example of how well every character is being developed; each character is showing to be full of depth and interesting in his or her own way so far.

The acting has been really good and is probably the highlight of the show so far, with each character conveying the nuance and quirkiness necessary to make each character believable. I can't really say there's a weak link on the cast in terms of performance.

The pacing ( the lack of plot development mainly ),and some of the humor is what I took issue with the first few episodes- things almost felt a little bit aimless to me and I caught myself wondering what the show is going for a few times-but I'm starting to realize that a lot of scenes weren't necessarily devoted to advancing plot, but were instead being used to further define and develop the show's characters( Like that scene with Earn at the restaurant). Atlanta is a character driven show and I went in kind of expecting something different I suppose. The last episode was hilarious to me, the first three were kind of ehhh to me in terms of humor, (I didn't expect everything to be so quirky) but the writing on that front has gotten progressively better each episode.

But regardless of whether I find the humor funny or not, I feel like I'm properly invested in each character enough to not really care about whether I find the show funny now- I care about seeing what happens to everybody mainly-I'll just consider anything funny as icing on the cake. I'm really anticipating the next episode, I definitely a fan now.
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