Man, I wouldn't be surprised if groupies are real life paying money to take pics with cut out celebrities just stunt on the gram.
This EP displayed how far women would go to degrade themselves for an opportunity to meet entertainers and how eager they are to share their encounters with complete strangers for likes, views and validation. Lowkey, Instagram is more competitive than the NBA. Just look at how many bytches are dueling each other for brehs attention

Just imagine if these thots was putting the same effort and energy into more constructive shyt. I know im getting off topic.....but back to it. As the series is progressing, I'm starting to like Van less & less. I know she had popped an edible but she hella sneaky to me. If that dude she was peeping didn't blow his shot...she probably would had went home with him (Or worst case scenario got raped).
If Drake really did appear and saw her dancing in his jacket and started flirting with her, she would've went all out and fukked him.
The EP when she was at the bar talking to that french guy right infront of Earn
And she a fukking pot head
She's beautiful no doubt and Earn is half at fault for the relationship going sour but other than being his baby mama & being attractive what else do she got to offer?
They don't have shyt in common....She's not highly invested in his new career path. The bytch is into some role play cac shyt that is

and corny.
Earn living that HOH lifestyle now getting his hair played with by these hoes