Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
UFC Fighter Turned Pro Wrestler Matt Riddle Calls Dana White A ‘Cold Blooded a$$hole’
Former UFC fighter Matt Riddle has managed to build himself up a pretty successful second act as a pro wrestler, earning a lot of fan appreciation for his technical style and entertaining dudebro shtick. But you can tell he’s still a bit miffed about how his exit from the world of cage fighting came about — he has the distinction of being the only fighter to ever be fired from the UFC for failed marijuana drug tests.

The folks at FloSlam asked Riddle what he thought of UFC president Dana White, and Matt didn’t hold back.

I get this question a lot and Sometimes I’m like f**k that dude Dana White because he is an a$$hole, he was really cold blooded towards me. And if you think about it, the situation I’m in. One of your employees had their third child and is still doing good work but failed a drug test again, maybe he needs help? Maybe you go another route he did, called me a loser and did all that.”

Riddle had the misfortune of being amongst the last batch of UFC fighters being vigorously tested for marijuana metabolites by state commissions. Nowadays, you need to have smoked weed within a day or two of your fight to test above the allowable threshold, but back in 2013 the permissible amount was so low that smoking marijuana within six weeks of a fight risked a positive drug test. Riddle tested positive for the substance twice within one year, and was subsequently released by the UFC.

Riddle claimed the marijuana was for pain and stress relief and pointed out he had a medical marijuana card in Nevada where the failed drug tests occurred. He also claimed the UFC fired him for talking too much about fighters using Testosterone Replacement Therapy, a strange loophole that was open for a few years that allowed fighters to basically take steroids with a doctor’s note. Dana White had a different take.

“You’re so weak-minded and so addicted to marijuana, that you couldn’t stay off it enough to pass a drug test three times a year,” White said through the media when asked why he released Matt. “Well, guess what dummy, they drug test in the real world, too!”

Back to Riddle’s current comments.

“I’m not the biggest fan of Mr. White,” he continued. “I don’t think he has good business ethics. I don’t think he does things properly, I don’t think he treats people properly. I think that’s about it, I could sit here and badmouth him all day, but at the end of the day I just don’t think he’s a good person. Does that mean he’s not going to be successful? Probably the opposite. He’ll probably be extremely successful for the rest of his life because he’s a mean person and bad. But at the same time, that’s just how the world works sometimes.”

With White pocketing over $300 million dollars from the recent sale of the UFC, we’d say there’s a good chance he’ll be extremely successful for the rest of his life. But we’re happy to say it seems like Riddle will be too now that he’s out of the antagonistic relationship he found himself in with the UFC.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Matt throwin shots at Goldberg now
Bill Goldberg can't wrestle. That's it. He knows it. The fact that the guy is very bold and claims he does MMA training and I know that's bulls—. I saw him throw a knee on Rusev his first night back on Raw and he almost broke his hip when he fell on his back and they had him spear him and jackhammer him quick. His work in the ring — people always go it's Goldberg, he can have a one minute match or whatever. Yeah, it's one minute because he can't work more than one minute. If he works more than one minute, it could Botchamania, you know? Even with one minute, it's Botchamania almost. Let's be honest, if we get more than a one minute match from Bill Goldberg, it's gonna suck. So, I hope he only wrestles for one minute whether he wins or loses, whatever. He's never been my cup of tea. I don't like how he acts like he's a shoot-style guy. I hated it when he did commentary for Strikeforce in MMA because he's not a legit, credible character. He's an old man who hits a jackhammer and a spear. He can't even do a kimura. If Bill wants to go in the gym, there doesn't even have to be cameras, if he wants to roll and train and see what it's like to be in the ring with a real stallion, he can. Any day, any time. Bill Goldberg is a pro wrestler. I do sport wrestling. I'm a real fighter. I'm a real athlete. I'm a sport athlete. He did football then parlayed that into doing a spear and jackhammer and then WCW let him go 250-0 and he got over. Let me beat Hulk Hogan in one minute, clean, for the title and see how my stock rises. It doesn't matter who you put in that situation. It just so happens they take the guy that couldn't wrestle for over a minute or two. And he's responsible for ruining Bret Hart's career and others and I could go on. There's multiple reasons why I don't like Goldberg and, foremost, it's because he doesn't deserve it."


Matt Riddle On Goldberg Being An 'Old Man' Who 'Can't Wrestle,' Taking On Brock Lesnar, WWE - WrestlingInc.com

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia


Nov 21, 2016
I still believe breh is the wrestling equivalent of Chance The Rapper (Matt The Wrestler? :jbhmm:) ...

... but on that same token, I doubt Goldberg would be willing to shoot the fair one with dude if those comments get to his ears. :hubie:


Apr 16, 2013


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Meltzer article.

Matt Riddle uses Dana White’s criticism as fuel to succeed as pro wrestler

In early 2014, Matt Riddle had just won his fifth straight MMA fight — even if two of those wins were overturned for positive tests for marijuana — but he was tiring of the politics, the injuries, and the drastic weight cuts.

He'd been a fan of pro wrestling since the age of seven. It was really the only sport, if you want to even categorize it as such, that was watched in his household. He already subscribed to the WWE Network, the streaming service that allowed him to watch the pay-per-views at a fraction of the price. And while watching WrestleMania 30 in April 2014, which was built around the quest of Daniel Bryan's attempt to win the WWE championship, he made a decision.

Years earlier, Riddle had thought about doing pro wrestling, but in looking around at the landscape and tipping the scales at 205 pounds, Riddle thought he was too small to make big money. But Bryan, who is much smaller than he is, ran though two monsters in the main event — 6-foot-4, 240-pound Randy Orton, and future movie star Dave Bautista, who is about 6-foot-3 and 275 pounds. There were other guys smaller than him on the show, and some guys were doing matches filled with MMA moves or offshoots of such move.

"I feel like it clicked that day," Riddle said recently on The MMA Hour.

"I thought I could do that and do it better," he said. "I'm in my prime. Nothing was working out in MMA."

Riddle also had some motivation in the form of UFC President Dana White, who cut him after his second positive marijuana test and then buried him on the way out.

"That didn't hurt," Riddle said. "I was just more disappointed. I spilled a lot of blood and broke some bones for that company, and to be talked down to, that was disappointing. But for me, it was more the fact he said that I'd never be able to earn money being a loser and this and that. And I can honestly say, I'm making more money than I ever did in UFC, and doing it on my terms and loving life. Granted, I'll never be Dana White rich, but I don't want to be. I'm not that kind of guy."

Riddle, now 31, is one of the biggest stars in independent pro wrestling, a subculture of promotions all over the world featuring talent that ranges from awkward beginners to people often as good — and in many cases far better — than those in the WWE. He is getting steady work, doing four matches most weeks, and as the "King of Bros," his nickname, he's doing well on the T-shirt selling front. He's a true independent businessman, making his own schedule, such as taking a week off for Easter, or taking dates anywhere in the U.S., Canada or Europe that he wants to travel to. If there's an opponent he wants to face, he can often just ask and his name is big enough that he can get his wish.

Riddle is coming off his first year as a name pro wrestler, where he not only won Rookie of the Year by a record number of votes, but also Most Improved Wrestler. He holds a championship belt in Progress Wrestling, one of the name U.K. promotions, and the WWN championship, a conglomerate of smaller promotions that are mostly running up and down the East Coast. In many ways, he's the not just the King of Bros but the King of Flo — the Flo Slam streaming site which broadcasts a wide variety of different promotion events.

His rapid success in picking up the sport has been compared with Kurt Angle and Owen Hart, who were great performers almost instantly, taking to pro wrestling like a duck takes to water. Part of it is being in his comfort zone and being unique, doing a style based on being an MMA fighter. His gimmick is essentially what he was in UFC, going shoeless and without knee pads, wearing MMA shorts, and doing a style based on submissions, open handed strikes, elbows, knees and kicks, closer to a worked version of the old Pancrase rules of the ‘90s.

Though he didn’t perform at the WWE events that drew sellout arena and stadium crowds, Riddle was all over Orlando three weeks ago for WrestleMania, doing seven matches over those few days, facing elite talent from all over the world.

What's funny is that Riddle started in MMA and was in the UFC, the top organization, instantly, after an impressive performance after being chosen for The Ultimate Fighter. He had no pro fights at the time, but he had a good look and was a Division I college wrestler. In pro wrestling, he's been in for about two years and hasn't been signed by WWE, but seems in no rush to get there.

"It's funny, but when I did MMA, I got to the UFC so quick, so when I started (pro wrestling), I assumed I'd get to the WWE, but it's taken me longer to do it,” Riddle said. “But I'm not too surprised. It took a couple of years getting the people's respect and their trust and becoming that character for them. I'm definitely not disappointed. I think it's better this way, for pro wrestling, to come up slowly and to build your way up. In MMA, if you go right to UFC and win fights, you're the man. In pro wrestling, you can't just get that push."

When Riddle decided to make the move, he sold his house in Las Vegas and he and his family moved to the Northeast to start training at the Monster Factory Gym in Pennsylvania. He bought a less expensive home and used the difference in money to fund his early training. Sean Waltman, who was X-Pac in WWE during the peak of pro wrestling's popularity in the late-’90s, saw him as soon as he started training and immediately recommended him to WWE. He got a tryout where he was heavily praised, but not signed, since he'd only had a handful of matches and they were leery about the marijuana test failures in UFC.

Instead, WWE officials pushed Evolve, an independent group that they are affiliated with, to use him on their shows to get experience and to test his attitude.

When he came to Evolve, a group that featured some of the best performers in wrestling, he had to be carefully protected due to his inexperience at first. But within a few months he was hanging with the best, and a few months after that, was one of the best himself.

His style isn't typical pro wrestling and he doesn't even consider what he does as pro wrestling.

"When I first started, they wanted me to do a pro wrestling style, clotheslines and dropkicks, that I can do. But I'm not a pro wrestler, I'm an MMA fighter,” Riddle said. “Once I started working for Evolve (in late 2015), they didn't want me to do clotheslines, or dropkicks or cross bodies, nothing. They wanted me to go out there and do MMA, do a fight. That's when I started doing open palm strikes, kicks, hard forearms, European uppercuts hard. Everything's hard. I hit somebody, it's hard. It's not soft and it's not a work. I don't consider what I do as pro wrestling. I consider it sport wrestling. When I hit you, I hit you, but I don't kill you.

"When I kick someone in the head, I don't kick you in the head, but to the body. The body slams, that's real,” he continued.

"If you like pro wrestling and MMA, you'll see I'm making sweat fly off fools and slamming them on their heads."

At first, Riddle had to deal with skeptics. In pro wrestling, there is a mixed reaction of fans to MMA fighters.

"The best part about coming from an MMA background is that I didn't come over to pro wrestling to be an over-the-top character," he said. "I came to be myself."

After gaining a reputation in Evolve, he debuted last year in PWG, a group that runs out of Reseda, Calif., which is the Broadway for aspiring wrestlers. It's a specialized world of about 400 fans who fly in from around the world and the hardest ticket in pro wrestling to get. The feeling is if you make it there, you can make it anywhere. He made it instantly, and that put him in the elite group of traveling true independent businessmen in wrestling who can make a solid living and would be able to wrestle regularly against the small group of some of the most talented wrestlers in the world.

Recently, he attended a WWE NXT event, and even though he's never been on any television platform in the U.S. and his only time on a WWE canvas was a private tryout two years ago, when he walked in, the place was chanting "Bro!" at him. He was already more popular than many of the performers on that company's show.

"I'm in no rush [to get to WWE],” Riddle said. “I'm doing very well. I get to see my family every week. If I was working for WWE, it would be rough. My schedule is very relaxed and I do well.

"There's things I want to do first, and there's things you can't do if you are there. I'd like to wrestle in Japan and work for New Japan (the No. 2 pro wrestling company in the world). I'd like to wrestle guys like (Katsuyori) Shibata and (Minoru) Suzuki and the high level New Japan guys. And I can wrestle in Europe or I can go to Japan. That's the real good part of wrestling indies. You can wrestle anyone anytime unless you sign with WWE."

He also noted that his favorite U.S. opponents are people like Kyle O'Reilly, who does a pro wrestling style with a heavy emphasis on kicks and jiu-jitsu submissions, and Jeff Cobb, who wrestled in the 2004 Olympic games.

Suzuki — who is the same Minoru Suzuki who was one of the real innovators of MMA 24 years ago in Japan with the likes of Bas Rutten, Ken Shamrock and Masakatsu Funaki — and Shibata, both have extensive MMA experience and incorporate that into their pro wrestling in Japan. It's more realistic, and some would argue more exciting than WWE, but also more dangerous.

In one of his seven matches in Orlando, Riddle even did a pro wrestling match against another former MMA champion: Dan Severn, the 58-year-old UFC Hall of Famer.

"I told him we'll do Pancrase rules, open palm strikes, kicks. We went at it," said Riddle. "I don't know if you've seen the match, but I enjoyed myself thoroughly."

He doesn't expect to ever fight again, saying he doesn't have the desire, but still loves MMA.

"It's the greatest sport ever," Riddle said. "There's only one sport where you can test yourself against another man or another woman, go out, give 100 percent. You can't even tape your ankles and you can't even wear knee pads."

But it was the other stuff that surrounds fighting that wasn't as much fun.

"The politics of MMA I'm not a fan of," he said. "I love the politics of indie wrestling. As long as you're a good guy and a nice person, it's great."

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Meltzer article.

Matt Riddle uses Dana White’s criticism as fuel to succeed as pro wrestler

In early 2014, Matt Riddle had just won his fifth straight MMA fight — even if two of those wins were overturned for positive tests for marijuana — but he was tiring of the politics, the injuries, and the drastic weight cuts.

He'd been a fan of pro wrestling since the age of seven. It was really the only sport, if you want to even categorize it as such, that was watched in his household. He already subscribed to the WWE Network, the streaming service that allowed him to watch the pay-per-views at a fraction of the price. And while watching WrestleMania 30 in April 2014, which was built around the quest of Daniel Bryan's attempt to win the WWE championship, he made a decision.

Years earlier, Riddle had thought about doing pro wrestling, but in looking around at the landscape and tipping the scales at 205 pounds, Riddle thought he was too small to make big money. But Bryan, who is much smaller than he is, ran though two monsters in the main event — 6-foot-4, 240-pound Randy Orton, and future movie star Dave Bautista, who is about 6-foot-3 and 275 pounds. There were other guys smaller than him on the show, and some guys were doing matches filled with MMA moves or offshoots of such move.

"I feel like it clicked that day," Riddle said recently on The MMA Hour.

"I thought I could do that and do it better," he said. "I'm in my prime. Nothing was working out in MMA."

Riddle also had some motivation in the form of UFC President Dana White, who cut him after his second positive marijuana test and then buried him on the way out.

"That didn't hurt," Riddle said. "I was just more disappointed. I spilled a lot of blood and broke some bones for that company, and to be talked down to, that was disappointing. But for me, it was more the fact he said that I'd never be able to earn money being a loser and this and that. And I can honestly say, I'm making more money than I ever did in UFC, and doing it on my terms and loving life. Granted, I'll never be Dana White rich, but I don't want to be. I'm not that kind of guy."

Riddle, now 31, is one of the biggest stars in independent pro wrestling, a subculture of promotions all over the world featuring talent that ranges from awkward beginners to people often as good — and in many cases far better — than those in the WWE. He is getting steady work, doing four matches most weeks, and as the "King of Bros," his nickname, he's doing well on the T-shirt selling front. He's a true independent businessman, making his own schedule, such as taking a week off for Easter, or taking dates anywhere in the U.S., Canada or Europe that he wants to travel to. If there's an opponent he wants to face, he can often just ask and his name is big enough that he can get his wish.

Riddle is coming off his first year as a name pro wrestler, where he not only won Rookie of the Year by a record number of votes, but also Most Improved Wrestler. He holds a championship belt in Progress Wrestling, one of the name U.K. promotions, and the WWN championship, a conglomerate of smaller promotions that are mostly running up and down the East Coast. In many ways, he's the not just the King of Bros but the King of Flo — the Flo Slam streaming site which broadcasts a wide variety of different promotion events.

His rapid success in picking up the sport has been compared with Kurt Angle and Owen Hart, who were great performers almost instantly, taking to pro wrestling like a duck takes to water. Part of it is being in his comfort zone and being unique, doing a style based on being an MMA fighter. His gimmick is essentially what he was in UFC, going shoeless and without knee pads, wearing MMA shorts, and doing a style based on submissions, open handed strikes, elbows, knees and kicks, closer to a worked version of the old Pancrase rules of the ‘90s.

Though he didn’t perform at the WWE events that drew sellout arena and stadium crowds, Riddle was all over Orlando three weeks ago for WrestleMania, doing seven matches over those few days, facing elite talent from all over the world.

What's funny is that Riddle started in MMA and was in the UFC, the top organization, instantly, after an impressive performance after being chosen for The Ultimate Fighter. He had no pro fights at the time, but he had a good look and was a Division I college wrestler. In pro wrestling, he's been in for about two years and hasn't been signed by WWE, but seems in no rush to get there.

"It's funny, but when I did MMA, I got to the UFC so quick, so when I started (pro wrestling), I assumed I'd get to the WWE, but it's taken me longer to do it,” Riddle said. “But I'm not too surprised. It took a couple of years getting the people's respect and their trust and becoming that character for them. I'm definitely not disappointed. I think it's better this way, for pro wrestling, to come up slowly and to build your way up. In MMA, if you go right to UFC and win fights, you're the man. In pro wrestling, you can't just get that push."

When Riddle decided to make the move, he sold his house in Las Vegas and he and his family moved to the Northeast to start training at the Monster Factory Gym in Pennsylvania. He bought a less expensive home and used the difference in money to fund his early training. Sean Waltman, who was X-Pac in WWE during the peak of pro wrestling's popularity in the late-’90s, saw him as soon as he started training and immediately recommended him to WWE. He got a tryout where he was heavily praised, but not signed, since he'd only had a handful of matches and they were leery about the marijuana test failures in UFC.

Instead, WWE officials pushed Evolve, an independent group that they are affiliated with, to use him on their shows to get experience and to test his attitude.

When he came to Evolve, a group that featured some of the best performers in wrestling, he had to be carefully protected due to his inexperience at first. But within a few months he was hanging with the best, and a few months after that, was one of the best himself.

His style isn't typical pro wrestling and he doesn't even consider what he does as pro wrestling.

"When I first started, they wanted me to do a pro wrestling style, clotheslines and dropkicks, that I can do. But I'm not a pro wrestler, I'm an MMA fighter,” Riddle said. “Once I started working for Evolve (in late 2015), they didn't want me to do clotheslines, or dropkicks or cross bodies, nothing. They wanted me to go out there and do MMA, do a fight. That's when I started doing open palm strikes, kicks, hard forearms, European uppercuts hard. Everything's hard. I hit somebody, it's hard. It's not soft and it's not a work. I don't consider what I do as pro wrestling. I consider it sport wrestling. When I hit you, I hit you, but I don't kill you.

"When I kick someone in the head, I don't kick you in the head, but to the body. The body slams, that's real,” he continued.

"If you like pro wrestling and MMA, you'll see I'm making sweat fly off fools and slamming them on their heads."

At first, Riddle had to deal with skeptics. In pro wrestling, there is a mixed reaction of fans to MMA fighters.

"The best part about coming from an MMA background is that I didn't come over to pro wrestling to be an over-the-top character," he said. "I came to be myself."

After gaining a reputation in Evolve, he debuted last year in PWG, a group that runs out of Reseda, Calif., which is the Broadway for aspiring wrestlers. It's a specialized world of about 400 fans who fly in from around the world and the hardest ticket in pro wrestling to get. The feeling is if you make it there, you can make it anywhere. He made it instantly, and that put him in the elite group of traveling true independent businessmen in wrestling who can make a solid living and would be able to wrestle regularly against the small group of some of the most talented wrestlers in the world.

Recently, he attended a WWE NXT event, and even though he's never been on any television platform in the U.S. and his only time on a WWE canvas was a private tryout two years ago, when he walked in, the place was chanting "Bro!" at him. He was already more popular than many of the performers on that company's show.

"I'm in no rush [to get to WWE],” Riddle said. “I'm doing very well. I get to see my family every week. If I was working for WWE, it would be rough. My schedule is very relaxed and I do well.

"There's things I want to do first, and there's things you can't do if you are there. I'd like to wrestle in Japan and work for New Japan (the No. 2 pro wrestling company in the world). I'd like to wrestle guys like (Katsuyori) Shibata and (Minoru) Suzuki and the high level New Japan guys. And I can wrestle in Europe or I can go to Japan. That's the real good part of wrestling indies. You can wrestle anyone anytime unless you sign with WWE."

He also noted that his favorite U.S. opponents are people like Kyle O'Reilly, who does a pro wrestling style with a heavy emphasis on kicks and jiu-jitsu submissions, and Jeff Cobb, who wrestled in the 2004 Olympic games.

Suzuki — who is the same Minoru Suzuki who was one of the real innovators of MMA 24 years ago in Japan with the likes of Bas Rutten, Ken Shamrock and Masakatsu Funaki — and Shibata, both have extensive MMA experience and incorporate that into their pro wrestling in Japan. It's more realistic, and some would argue more exciting than WWE, but also more dangerous.

In one of his seven matches in Orlando, Riddle even did a pro wrestling match against another former MMA champion: Dan Severn, the 58-year-old UFC Hall of Famer.

"I told him we'll do Pancrase rules, open palm strikes, kicks. We went at it," said Riddle. "I don't know if you've seen the match, but I enjoyed myself thoroughly."

He doesn't expect to ever fight again, saying he doesn't have the desire, but still loves MMA.

"It's the greatest sport ever," Riddle said. "There's only one sport where you can test yourself against another man or another woman, go out, give 100 percent. You can't even tape your ankles and you can't even wear knee pads."

But it was the other stuff that surrounds fighting that wasn't as much fun.

"The politics of MMA I'm not a fan of," he said. "I love the politics of indie wrestling. As long as you're a good guy and a nice person, it's great."
And the countdown to his shoot on WWE begins :pachaha:


May 6, 2012
His bro stoner character would get over huge if he ever makes it to the e, on top of that he's super talented for almost 2 years in ring experience. He has that it factor already and reminds me a lot of when Kurt and Brock started.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013

You often hear about how tough it is to go from professional wrestling to MMA with CM Punkbeing a prime example, but for you, what are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in transitioning from MMA to pro wrestling?
"With MMA and Jiu-jitsu, you aren't working with people, you are working against them. Trying to set them up to catch them in a trap. You hide your strikes, submissions and takedowns. You hid your setups so no one knows what you are doing. In pro wrestling, you telegraph every strike, takedown and every throw I am about to do. Very rarely is it out of nowhere. Most of the times it's a comeback and they know. When you are entertaining a crowd of 700 people live, there is no instant replay, so you have to make things larger than life so people can see if first hand. The other hard thing for me was selling. When you fight and you get punched in the face, you don't show it. In pro wrestling, you barely get touched and you have to show a lot."

I read an article you conducted recently discussing your interactions with fans; taking pictures, selling shirts and hanging out with fans after matches. Over the years you hear a lot of stories about wrestlers not embracing fans in this manner or perhaps feeling bothered by fans. Is this just something that's part of your personality or did somebody advise you on how to deal with fans?

"You know, even when I fought in the UFC, I wasn't able to sell merch or anything like that. When I was in the UFC, I would get tickets for a fight, and then what I would do is go in the crowds and watch the rest of the fights. A lot of times I would end up taking pictures and signing people's books. I didn't care if I got any money or anything, I was just there enjoying my time and watching the fights. Not that I feel like I owe it to anyone, but I was just enjoying myself. If someone comes up to me and asks for an autograph or picture, who am I to say no? It's the same thing with wrestling. When I go out to my merch table during a show, I have heard old timers don't like that because they think it's disrespectful. When I am sitting in the back when all my friends are wrestling and I can't see s--t because I am in the back. So, I would rather go out to my merch table, hang with the fans and watch the matches from my table. I am not in a front row seat, so I am standing in the back and have a great view of the action. I don't think I go out of my way to hang out with the fans, but I am there with them. If someone was like, "Hey let's go get a drink" and I am already hanging out with them, why not? I have seen other wrestlers who would say I am not hanging out with that mark. I would tell them we are all marks man, we are wrestlers. I may hate them someday, but right now I love the fans and they seem to love me. I enjoy their company and I enjoy watching wrestling. I feel like that's why I get along with so many people on the Indies. I feel like we are all the same person. We are 16-35 years old, we love wrestling and like hard hitting wrestling. We just have a lot in common with that demographic and I feel like that's why I get along with them. I don't feel out of place, it feels like home."

You've spoken recently about WWE's interest in you. Would you be open to working with the company in the future and what are some of your goals you'd like to accomplish before making that leap?

"I just don't want to go to WWE this second. They have so much talent on their roster and so much going on. I am not saying things won't change, but right now I am working in the Indies and building my reputation. I get to work the style I want to work 100 percent and no one is telling me what to do. If I went to the WWE right now, it would be a big deal, but not as big of a deal as it could be. I like wrestling right now, working tournaments, winning titles and going all around the world. At the same time, I feel like there are a few things on my bucket list to do before I go to the WWE. I would like to wrestle for New Japan or at least wrestle in Japan. If I could be in Zak Sabre's situation, that would be ideal for me right now. He wrestles for New Japan, Evolve and PWG. He wrestles for all the promotions I do, but he also does New Japan. I am very interested but have not talked to them directly. I have run into their people at the indie shows and that's how I have been working my way into New Japan. That's how I got my match with Shibata. I have another big match with someone from New Japan and they will have people from their office at that match. Hopefully they like what they see and say something. If not, no biggie. I am doing great things, but ideally for the resume checking off New Japan is my goal. Maybe in the next few years, maybe five, then I can debut in WWE and make it a big deal. I would go straight into the big show, no NXT. Nothing against NXT, but I have done UFC and a fair amount of the indies. I feel like the route I am going, and the credentials I will have when I have that meeting with the WWE, I think the better. The more name value I have the better. The more undeniable I am the better. Then I can get what I want. Not necessarily get what I want, but yea that's it exactly, to get what I want."

It's no secret that WWE has been combing the independent scene, looking for top talent, and that you have to be firmly on their radar right now. With that said, is there anything that would give you pause or apprehension before going to WWE? Anything that concerns you about potentially wrestling there?

"That's exactly why I wouldn't want to go there right this second unless they had a great storyline and everything was ready to go with a big push when I got there, which wouldn't be the case. That's why I would rather work other places and get the experience I need. I feel like there are too many people there right now. When you start training, fighting or wrestling, your stopwatch starts. Eventually, you are going to turn it off and you can't turn it back on, your time is over. I feel like on the indies, the amount I work and the people I work with and the experiences I have, I feel like I learn ten times as much as I would in the WWE. I feel like I get more attention and time and put into more positions where I am holding the whole show. In the WWE, I would just be a pawn right now, a little part of the whole show. In the WWE, it is such a big production. I am a little too immature to go there right now, but in a couple more years and keep doing what I am doing, will make me more valuable and the time even better."