lol, it was 'hacked'. Yea ok. more like the owner hacked that money into some offshore bank account somewhere
A lot of this cryptocurrency is a modern pyramid scheme that was allowed to happen because it conditions people to accept digital currency due to its supposed story of being created by programming rebels who are attempting to buck the system. The reality is, the government wants people on a digital currency because it gives them ultimate control due to the ability to track your every transaction and the ability to instantly shut you out of the financial system.
That's why they allow an unregulated version to come into play that is supposedly nongovernment affiliated, they get you conditioned to using it and then they let it blow up. Right after, they step in with their government backed, regulated version. Our government started physical wars when other governments tried to get off of that petrodollar, so there is zero chance that the gov and the bankers would really allow some unregulated currency to come in and take over without their permission. Watch how the digital dollar will start taking more prominence in the news.
You'll see some rhetoric like "We think digital currency is great, but without the proper regulations, we are now witnessing how devastating it can be to the economy and the lives of everyday people. We are proposing our new digital dollar which is backed by the government and is also carefully regulated to ensure your deposits are safe" start floating around soon.