Dude was wrong as shyt about New Day
plus, a lot of those characters/gimmicks he listed didn't even have a lot of backing and build before hand anyway. #HEELZiggler was a hashtag and nothing else. Stone Cold Alicia was just something they randomly came across cause they needed somebody to push for Nikki (and I think Paige) to beat. Those lame budget cuts killed off BNB, along with his constant injuries. "Main Event Playa" Brodus Clay was literally ONE promo on a Main Event show that no on other than hardcore fans watch
Clay had what, 3 more matches after that and was released?? I'll give him Mizdow and Bo Dallas though, cause the WWE accidentally fell into Mizdow and completely killed him off with no payoff, and they randomly had Bo Dallas lose his streak to R-Truth for no reason. Ryder Revolution? Well, even after lots of jobbing for like 3 years straight, he STILL gets cheered lol.