Frustrations of the Toy Department


All Star
May 11, 2012
Thats the business you work, you need to figure that shyt out. That is your job. You should know what products you carry, what the hot items are, and you should be able to figure out based off a description what people are talking about based on your product knowledge. Still sometiems even tho, you wont be able to help them, or they will swear to you that its not the item they wanted, even if you know 100% it is. As i said, i worked in video games at toys r us when i was young. I know first hand what its like. I remember when people would come in on tuesday talmin about "i need that new hot release that came out today" . Id look at them like :youngsabo: I got you son we got boxes of this new hotness. Id grab it for them, bring it up to register and people would swear to me this isnt the same game they saw on tv or its not what their kids told em. Thats when you tell em, thats all we got mayne. Then they would say again, no thats not it. Id just say sorry man,we dont have what you want then.

Then theyd come back later like :to: you got any more of that game left, my kid said that was it.


Good times
no matter how good your product knowledge is, it is extremely difficult to help someone find what someone wants when they don't know what it is themselves.

suggesting as a resource helps them and allows me to help more people.


I'm selling these fine leather jackets
Jul 5, 2012
Topic name sounds like a Steve Carell movie.


Apr 30, 2012
I think you are reading into what I am saying that which isn't there. I don't have problems with people asking questions. that's how you get what you want. it's WHAT I am sometimes asked which sometimes has me :ohlawd:
It doesn't matter what you are is part of your job description to help the customer. It doesn't matter about your opinion or what you feel they should know.

That is not your job.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
No time of the year is as frustrating as the christmas season. Everyday it seems like I am bombarded by customers asking things that cause me to question the educational system.

Just the other day I had a customer who walked through the aisles and then came up to me asking "Where are your Legos?" My initial reaction was :mindblown: now before anyone tells me that I am overreacting consider the fact that there is literally 40+ straight feet of Legos in the middle of the department. I had to pause a moment and say "pardon me?" before I said something stupid.

The next day I had another customer who asked me if we "had those blocks that kids can put together to make things... I think they are called legos" I took her to the Lego aisle and the lady told me no that's not it. I almost cried but I caught myself.

Now here is some advice to make your local toy worker's life (and yours) a lot easier. One, if you are buying a gift at least figure out what the item is BEFORE you get to the store. It is incredibly frustrating to be asked if you have that toy that does that thing. At least know the name of the toy, and hopefully who makes it.

In order to make life easier, I recommend customers look up items they are interested in on Quite often the product description will give the UPC and/or the walmart#. With either of those a walmart employee can tell you more definitively whether that store has that item. Also they can check the inventory of stores within up to a 150 mile radius to see if any stores has that particular item.

I suppose I shouldn't complain. I guess I have to recognize that not everyone thinks like me.

Maybe you should get a new job? Cuz thats what retail is all about.
As for asking stupid questions, when people get older? It happens often
My mom is in her early 60's, and stuff that seems so simple is hard for her to understand
Yet she has a high prominent position in a government job.

People might also be high... or maybe there mind isn't all there cuz they dealing with something?
Maybe they girl/man cheated on them.. they just aimlessly going down isles lookin for lego's for there niece or some shyt
shyt happens bruh, you can't just assume you know whats going on in that persons life
Anything could be going on. That same person who asks you for lego's might be wearing a trenchcoat. Once you direct them to the lego's, they'll say "Thanks, I need
to sit on my gun while I kill everybody"



All Star
May 11, 2012
It doesn't matter what you are is part of your job description to help the customer. It doesn't matter about your opinion or what you feel they should know.

That is not your job.

don't have a problem helping customers. In fact most customers who I interact with will tell you that I go above and beyond what they expect.

while you are correct that it doesnt matter what I am asked it's my job to help the customer what it seems you arent considering is that what/how a customer asks greatly affects the ability to fulfill their needs.


May 26, 2012
Not clowning him for where he works. Its about his attitude. He feels like he is "smarter" or "above" the people he is helping because he thinks their questions are dumb. Muthafuccka he works in toys, he is helping adults find toys for kids. So these old ass adults are supposed to know the name and how the shyt works? They are supposed to do research and compile info from the net so they can shop for some fukking toys becuz this fucc boy dont wanna be hassled by such trivial questions.

:rudy: @ this dude for thinking he shouldnt be botherd while he stocks the shelves.

Bet hes one of these young dudes who cant swing a hammer. Bet if i sent his ass into the hardware store with a list he would walk in with the :merchant:

Bet he would be quick to ask someone for help

If youre so smart, and so much better than those people you are serving. Then quit and move up the ladder to something better. If not, shut your mouth and KIM
Rofl take it easy homie. However I do agree, homie needs to put things into proper prospective.


Apr 30, 2012
don't have a problem helping customers. In fact most customers who I interact with will tell you that I go above and beyond what they expect.

while you are correct that it doesnt matter what I am asked it's my job to help the customer what it seems you arent considering is that what/how a customer asks greatly affects the ability to fulfill their needs.
I worked at Meijer for a couple of months and dealt with ignorant people all the time. I never once got annoyed or mad at them because I don't expect everyone to know specific details about things they are trying to buy for someone else.

What you need to do is realize what your job is homie. If Walmart or any of these big companies felt that EVERYONE knew exactly what they were looking for do you think you would have a job during the day? Chances are you will be an overnight stock boy working 4 hours a night getting 20 hours a week with NO benefits.