From a breh that just finished "The Wire" for the first time: My thoughts

Apr 3, 2014
since this show is such a huge part of culture, it seems, I felt inspired to write up my thoughts. Feel free to critique my viewpoint, answer my criticisms or whatever. This is just what I had on my heart after watching

First... it was epic seeing so many scenes that I recognize from gifs after being on the coli for 6 years now. And of course, so many smilies even come from the Wire. So because of that, I feel like I didn't go in totally blind? I mean, I knew that :ohhh: is Weebey (although funny story, when I first joined the coli, I thought that was Mekhi Phifer :mjlol:)

I knew the names of Avon and Stringer from brehs like @Stringer Cochran and @avon barksdale

so again, I feel like the show is such an epic part of culture that there was no way for me to go in TOTALLY blind.

And before y'all come with the criticisms about how come I didn't watch it when it aired... you gotta understand, I was a huge fan of The Shield at the time. Still am. Both shows were on at the same time, and my bro and I would watch The Shield together and he would always try to get me to watch The Wire but I never got into it.

The only reason I watched it now is cause a friend told me she would watch The Shield if I watched The Wire. She finished The Shield over the weekend and I finished The Wire today.

anyway, let me get to it...

First of all,

I HAAATE McNulty. I hate that fool with a passion. Every time that fool came on the screen with that goofy grin in season 1-3, I wanted to punch him. I was hoping he got shot. how you have CONSTANT fukkery? goofy cac :hhh: only time I started to like him was in season 4, the season he was hardly in... which I'm curious about. Why was he hardly on the show in season 4? seems like the actor had some other commitments so his screentime was limited. :jbhmm: but anway, in season 4, I started to like him, cause he had character growth. Stopped drinking, stopped cheating, and stopped being destructive.

only for him to go FULL McNulty in season 5. I was SO MAD. :beli::pacspit: you McNulty

okay, now with that out of the way...

My favorite characters are Lester Freeman and Clay Davis :mjgrin:

in season 1, I was having a hard time getting into the show, and my friend kept asking me who my favorite character was (hers is Omar :dame:) and I really had no favorite character at first. Everybody was just there until I realized that Lester was the smartest man in the room. I loved the fact that the black cop was smarter than everybody else, even when McNulty thought he was so smart, Lester was miles ahead of him.

And Clay Davis stole EVERY scene he was in. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddd.... :bryan: dude had me cracking up constantly. He was a slick talker, could sell ice to an eskimo :banderas: They thought they had him in season 5 but you can't keep a real nikka down.

I was :laff: when he was bragging to Lester about how he finessed Stringer Bell

Stringer wanted to KILL him! Avon had to talk him down from trying to kill a state senator :mjlol:

which brings me to the Barksdale crew. In season 1, I honestly had the :beli: cause you don't get to see the Barksdale crew put in work. Most of the action happened off screen. I was looking fwd to seeing Weebey tooling up and handling somebody, but they always go to the scene after it happened. :why:

And Avon just wasn't believable as a kingpin to me. Honestly felt like he was miscast. Every time him and Stringer were on screen together, Stringer's body language makes you think he's the real boss in the room, not Avon. Except for that TERRIBLE Bmore accent Idris was trying to pull off.

The hell kinda accent was that? :mindblown: Every time he started talking, it would take me out the show. It would have been more believable if Stringer was some English bloke that moved to Bmore when he was young like 21 Savage and became friends with Avon. But being Bmore born and bred with that accent? I feel like he almost slipped up and called Avon "bloke" once or twice :mjlol:

But Idris would have had the charisma to pull off the Avon character better than ole breh did.

I couldn't see why everybody was so scared of Avon. He didn't make you feel like he was dangerous at any point. And he didn't seem smart enough to build the empire he had.

I hated Stringer only cause of Idris bad accent in season 1. And in season 2, I started to hate him cause of his grimy moves. Sleeping with D's baby mama was foul :hhh: that man was standing tall for y'all and you out here piping his baby mama down. :francis:

I was cheering when Omar and Mounzone blasted him away. I literally jumped up and shouted :russ:

which brings me to Omar... I knew the name Omar, had seen it on the coli here and there, but one fun fact y'all left out.. that this dude was a booty bandit :francis::hhh: Had this negro laying in bed naked with other dudes kissing on them. I had to turn my head away from the screen like my parents made me do when I was little. Sick fakkitry, man. And there was no reason to put that in the story. Like what did it bring to the storyline?

I couldn't figure out why everybody was so shook of him either. Truth be told, and I kept telling my friend this while watching, the fact he made it out of season 1 alive was unrealistic. Did this ghetto fakkit have superpowers or something? Ain't no way he would have survived being touched as long as he did

And then to get shot by a lil boy :mjlol: I was kinda halfway expecting it but then I wasn't. I messed up reading something on twitter yesterday and they made a comment about the lil boy taking out a big dog. I thought it was gonna be Marlo, not that he was gon catch Omar slipping in the corner store :mjlol:

definitely wasn't expecting it to happen when it did. I hit the :ohhh: forreal cause the way he was calling Marlo out, I thought he was gonna get his revenge.


But I honestly hated him too until season 4 when he punked Prop Joe and Omar. that's when I hit the :ehh: "Maybe Omar ain't so bad after all"

Speaking of Prop Joe, I got excited when I saw Method Man cause I had no idea he was in this. My friend warned me that he was a b!#@$ nikka tho and I came to see what she meant. Worst character Meth has ever played. :hhh: I was happy when Slim Charles blasted him

Speaking of Slim Charles, that's my guy... he stole every scene he was in too lowkey. I was mad that him and the Barksdale muscle kept getting punked by Marlo though. I hated Marlo when he first appeared but I started to respect him in season 5.

He was the big bad dude that Avon could never be. Marlo made you feel like you would get killed forreal. And then them hiding the bodies in the abandoned houses was spooky :merchant:

I can see why Marlo took over. He was ruthless. I never saw any ruthless behavior from Avon. The only thing I really respected about Avon was the fact he made niccas toe the line and kept everybody disciplined. Cause when he went away from home, Stringer had them boys in bad shape :mjtf:

That's when I finally saw the difference between Avon and Stringer. Stringer wasn't cut out for the street life. He was a businessman, and Avon wasn't cut out for the business life. I was really hoping to see Avon succeed in season 3 but he just couldn't leave them streets alone. Had me :snoop: watching his downfall

I really hated Stringer when he betrayed him tho. Like that's supposed to be your mans breh. And you give him up to the cops like that? :upsetfavre:

Avon only gave him up cause he literally had to. And before he realized the extent of wht Stringer did, he was still tryna fight for him. Until he realized he couldn't. He had more allegiance to Stringer than String ever had for him.

Seeing Michael B Jordan in this as a youngin was :pachaha: I didn't realize he would be so young on here. Must have been his first acting role. was shocked he got killed so early tho. The way nikkas on here be talking about Wallace, I at least thought he would be around for a few more seasons

When I talked about my favorite characters earlier, I forgot to mention D'Angelo. I liked him even though he was dumb as hell. Nikka was really sitting up writing apology notes cause the cops ran a guilt trip on him :why::pachaha:

He was never meant for that life and he was someone else tht wasn't believable as a killer. I had a feeling he was lying when he claimed he shot Avon's old gf. Like nah nikka you ain't built like tht. :comeon: In fact, I don't believe he committed the murder from the 1st episode. Nothing about D'Angelo screams killer like that. I don't think he would have done it :russ:

His "suicide" was the dumbest thing I ever seen in my life. How in the hell did they think this dude hung himself from a door knob? :francis: a door knob? nothing about that looked suspicious? :francis:

Back to Marlo's crew. What the hell was up with Snoop's voice? That wasn't no bmore accent either. :mjlol: does she sound like that in real life? I liked her even though I was trying not to. She stole all her scenes too and she went out like a G.

I like the way they told the story of Bmore from different perspectives. The cops, the schools, the politicians, the newspaper

But what in the hell was up with season 2? :gucci: That mess was so terrible, I almost quit the show. It was a LITERAL CHORE to watch season 2. I kept texting my friend like, "You sure I can't skip season 2 and just read the synopsis online?"

It was THAT bad. She kept telling me it was an important season cause it laid the groundwork for future seasons but nah.

I'm telling you right now... season 2 is cruel and unusual punishment. It wasn't worth them spending all that time on the docks just for the greek to meet with Marlo 3 times in season 5. That much backstory on the docks wasn't needed :comeon:

so with that being said... I loved seeing the iconic moments after yrs of seeing gifs and smilies:

Weebey hitting the :ohhh:, Kima's lesbian love scene, Bunk and Kima throwing their hands up in disgust, McNulty kicking the file cabinet, Dukie putting his hood on and walking away, and of course the infamous "you want it to be one way but it's the other way" which is a great line, but in the context of that scene, kinda came out of nowhere


so with that being said... the show suffered from a lot of the "fake ebonics" of the time, "where you be at?" "that stuff be the jam", feels like a cac wrote lines like those or maybe a whitewashed negro with a cac wife :francis:

but I won't hold that against the show, cause all the shows from that era were like that. The Shield has the same foolishness :francis:

but the show is okay. It's just not all that. For all the iconic scenes brehs talk about and post about, I was expecting it to be a groundbreaking show... I was expecting MORE after years of hearing about it and it just didn't do it for me.

The series finale was terrible and felt rushed like season 8 GOT. Did the show get cancelled or something? Like why would they end it like that?

I was honestly expecting it to have another season where they focused on the lawyers. I was looking forward to that. (I didn't know how many seasons it was when I started the show)

and the endings with everybody becoming different ppl was dumb. Chris becoming Weebey, Michael becoming Omar :mindblown: (that literally made no sense), Dukey is the new Bubbles, Marlo is now Avon, and even Lester becoming the new McNulty kinda threw me for a loop.

I wish they would have shown Lester being unsure about the homeless murders instead of immediately jumping on it.

Speaking of... I knew these fools were gonna mess around and create a copycat. I hate that they solved it in one episode tho. I feel like there was more story to tell but they just abruptly ended it.

And oh yeah, I HATE Herc too. That goofy cac ruined the lives of good black children with his shenanigans. I hate that fool. I wanted him to catch a hot one too :pacspit:


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
I didn't watch that fukk shyt




May 2, 2012
how old r u breh?.. seems like younger people dont fukk with season 2..


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Damn that made me wana rewatch :russ:

I aint never seen the shield :patrice: Is it comparable?

One has spawned multiple classroom studies and research papers, one has not :sas2:

The Shield is pretty consistent but Vic gets away with almost TOO much shyt.

But it makes sense in the show because that was the point.

They are different shows to me because you follow Vic through out the seasons.

The Wire has multiple protagonists, including the city itself.

After watching both, The Shield is the better show. But some brehs will disagree :yeshrug:

Vic Mackey is the goat scumbag cop. :banderas:

Any other show, Vic would have gotten got at the end of season 1 :mjlol:

But I digress, I like the Shield a lot.

I still wanna give Kima the D :ohlawd:

And your statement about how Avon didnt sell the part is ironic, because String did that shyt because he saw Avon in a similar light :mjpls: