whats important is we still havent significantly changed our economic policies or their destructive and unequal outcomes. we are making small strides but we have HUGE structural flaws that need to be addressed directly or everyones (except the super-rich) standard of living is going to take a nose dive.
if we could start with a significant reduction in military spending i think that would be a good start. "defense" spending (more like offense spending) is one of the biggest things ruining our economy.
we gotta get these politicians in line, and with the quickness. why are they punking us like this
@ this whole thread.
Every economic problem we face stems from government involvement in the market...
without government involvement in the market all the big players will rig the game to their benefit. you need the government in the game to some degree to REGULATE the greedy, manipulative corporate elements. that's the governments job.
the problem we currently have is the government is regulating IN FAVOR of big banks and big corporations, making economic justice a virtual impossibility.
when the civic populous become educated and organized around these issues and start holding politicians accountable, our social, economic and political problems as a country will significantly decrease.