Former WWE Employee CM Punk to speak on leaving WWE tomorrow (Edit: It's Up)


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
Horrible reign? Boy, what are you talking about? He was injured 90% of that shyt. LOL. Dad died, Warrior died, and a lifelong fan died in that same week or month. And then he was saddled with Kane being repushed and still had the crowd going bonkers for that Attitude Era comedy match on PPV? LOL. No one has turned nothing into something more than Brian Danielson over the last two years.

You're acting like BEFORE WM XXX, he wasn't carrying Smackdown, Raw, Rumble, Elimination Chamber, TLC, Survivor Series, Summerslam, Money in the Bank. WTF:laugh:
He was injured 90% of it...sounds like punks wwe career...

So u believe daniel Bryan's wwe title reign was good
yes or no


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
his whole experience, explaines why we lost people like eddie and why benoit went insane

Yup recipes for disaster everywhere. Put off getting surgery so the injury gets worse, then when they eventually do get surgery they rush back and don't properly heal. Add in WWE struggle doctors and various pain pills, muscle relaxers, roids :huhldup:.

Hopefully some good comes of this.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
He was injured 90% of it...sounds like punks wwe career...

So u believe daniel Bryan's wwe title reign was good
yes or no

I think his reign was crippled with injuries. Yes or no? What are you in 2nd grade? LOL. Like you didn't watch this shyt or something. Everything has to be implicitly explained to you like you can't grasp or comprehend. Your're getting as bad as Alter Boy and those old time hicks. Monday Night Raw has been a joke since Daniel Bryan left the show. Yes. That's true.


May 7, 2012
Doesn't Triple H still look down on Jericho? Jericho is far from clique connected. I think that Triple H can just tolerate him now.
Connected is far from being the clique . He kisses hhh ass all the time now t


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Jericho has been disappointing over the last few years by his ways and shyt but on the flip side, he can't let this guy who left because he wasn't winning all his top matches just spit on his rep like that.


Your TSC World Champion
Apr 30, 2012
I think his reign was crippled with injuries. Yes or no? What are you in 2nd grade? LOL. Like you didn't watch this shyt or something. Everything has to be implicitly explained to you like you can't grasp or comprehend. Your're getting as bad as Alter Boy and those old time hicks. Monday Night Raw has been a joke since Daniel Bryan left the show. Yes. That's true.
So...was daniel bryan reign good?

Cause u shytted on edge for being injured when when a champion calling him frail Copeland

You shytted on orton for injuries

You called punk a whining baby for making front page news for discussing that misdiagnosed injuries were the reason why he left ultimately
Yes he had problems with booking but like bryan he did what u praised bryan for doing, trying to turn what booking gave him in to something entertaining

U gave bryan props for working with ryback and not getting hurt but how do we know he hasn't been hurt this whole time? We didn't know how hurt punk was until just now. Working rumbles with concussions and wrestling's roided up oafs with broken ribs

You shytted on him calling him him a quitter for not being able to tough jt out but his reign as wwe champion last 7x as long as Bryan's who u refuse to admit had a shyt wwe reign. Injury or not. But u called edge frail for years. But u have been making quad jokes about triple h for over 10 years.
Yall called him a quitter and said punk took his ball and went home yet he was fired the day he married an diva u hyped up since her debut

Bryan never sold more merchandise then cena or punk
Bryan failed as wwe champion
Bryan is frail
Bryan choked when given the shot u had begged for since he was in roh wrestling with detached retina
Ratings don't mean shyt in this era and bragging about anything other than a 5.0 does nothing for this company clearly

But u shyt on punk for exposing the wwe shyt ty health habits and call him a whiner for disagreeing with booking plans. Austin has done thst...taker has done that...Bret has done that...every wrestler has done that shyt anybody that's had a job likely didn't agree with everything their employer wanted from them

U are an eddie guerrero mark yet misdiagnosed injuries seem like something that would have been a negative for him and hundreds of former wwe employees who died before the age of 50.

U really have mental issues...Like seriously...the only reason why u hate punk is because of a few shots he took of a man with a boob job who has dressed as a fairy, played a gay man, and has only played a black character openly in a movie 3 times ...

And like I said in that thread where u called a mans dikk ugly...u are incapable of answering simple questions

U have autism u know this and subsequently forget this fact and I dont want to pick on you but it's so hard because u lack humility and have a delusion of grandeur on your place in reality. Like someone said if u stopped jacking off and studying porn for maybe a week u might be able to cause those same explosions your magneto imagination conjured up and not the ones u do with a bottle of aloe Vera and the alphabetized terabytes of ricki white and kelsi monroe scenes u Jack off too...
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
So...was daniel bryan reign good?

Cause u shytted on edge for being injured when when a champion calling him frail Copeland

Bryan gets injured once in 4 years and he's Edge level? HAHAHAHA

Y shytted on orton for injuries

Damn right...Blandy was choking left and right. Not drawing and getting injured. Overpaid. Should of been fired in 2005 when he was shytting in bags and coming up short all the time. He has no business making the money he's making and being in his spot. He's almost as bad as Sheamus in that regard.

You called punk a whining baby for making front page news for discussing that misdiagnosed injuries were the reason why he left ultimately
Yes he had problems with booking but ljke bryan he did what u praised bryan for doing, trying to turn what booking gave him in to something g entertaining

He tried to turn booking into entertainment? having him GO OVER the roster two years straight? They didn't even do that for Austin. LOL. No. His reign wasn't supposed to be as long as it was. Once it got stretched out because of a "PART TIMER", he tried to snake his way into more wins and looking more impressive. That has nothing to do with Bryan. Bryan was jobbed out at WM 28 in 18 seconds to push Sheamus while Punk got a nice paycheck and victory over the guy who beat Stone Cold and the Rock in the same night. He was easy street. He didn't have a worry in the world while he was winning. He wasn't bytching nonstop in 2012 when he was under Once in a Lifetime and living off that gravy train. Bryan was sinking and the fans made sure he didn't drown. Two totally different entities.

U gave bryan props for working with rgba ck snd not getting hurt but how do we know he hasn't been hurt this whole timr? We didn't k ow how hurt punk was until just now. Working rumbles with concussions and wrestling's g ride up oafs with broken ribs

If Bryan was hurt the whole time, kudos to him. He's finally getting time off for the first time in 4 years and the show is suffering for it. Bryan lets you know about his health. He don't go fukking quiet for 10 months and hides from his damn fans at little Chicago hockey games because they didn't say "please Punk". He on that Republican shyt strong.

You shytted on him calling him him a quitter for not being able to tough jt out but his reign as wwe champion last 7x as long as Bryan's who u refuse to admit had a shirt wwe reigns. I jury or not. But u called edge frail for years. But u have been making quad jokes about triple h for over 10 years.

Punk's reign lasted because Vince wanted a Rock opponent. Keep forgetting that or are you gonna play stupid all day and night again? Like you've been acting for 8 months now. Silly. Making quad jokes? Cripple H is a roid abusing bytch and hasn't been quality on anything he's touched since what? 2001? LOL. Get real.

Bryan neve r sold more merchandise then cena or punk
Bryan failed as wwe cha.pion
Bryan is frail
Bryan choked when given the shot u had begged for since he was in roh wrestling with detached retina

Bryan got better ratings than Cena and Punk in 2014 and 2013 though. Bryan actually got mainstream attention and not some one month little charade from sitting on a ramp and complaining about pay and not winning all the time, no, he got the mainstream attention because nyggas from other sports knew that shyt was addictive.

But u shyt on punk for exposing the wwe shyt ty health habits and call him a whiner for disagreeing with booking plans. Austin has done thst...taker has done that...Bret has done that...every wrestler has done that shyt anybody that's had a job likely didn't agree with everything their employer wanted from them

I got no problem with Punk exposing the E for shady practices. But you should of known better. Del Rio told you this. Others have too. You only listen when it's convenient which means your word and your point of view have no value and means jack shyt.

U are an eddie guerrero mark yet misdiagnosed injuries seem like something that would have been a negative for him and hundreds of former wwe employees who died before the age of 50.

Eddie died from years of abuse. Just how it went down. Punk was so stupid that he knew he was fukked up for 3 months and did nothing until the very end.

U really have mental issues...Like seriously...the only reason why u hate punk is because of a few shots he took of of a man with a boob job...

My mental issues must piss you off because you still bytching to me at 1am in the morning over some bytch made racist who couldn't carry the load on his back, let himself get sick, and let his own value go down because he got rooked by Vince saying "I'll owe you" time and time again. Austin must be laughing his ass off after hearing that bullshyt:laugh:

And like I said in that thread where u called a mans dikk ugly...u are incapable of answering simple questions

I don't talk about dikks at all. I talk about greatness and in that thread, you said nothing and no one even knew what or who you were. You're a bug in TSC and if not for me, no one would even know who you are in general. Dummy. Low life. Mark:laugh:

U have autism u know this and subsequently forget this fact and I do t want to pick on you but it's so hard because u lack humility and have a delusion of grandeur on your place in reality. Like someone said if u stopped jacking off and studying porn for maybe a week u might be able to cause those same explosions your magneto imagination conjured up and not the ones u do with a bottle of aloe Vera and the alphabetized terabytes of ricki white and kelsi monroe scenes u Jack off too...

I love this part..he couldn't defend himself. He couldn't answer simple inquiries and got shook so much that he rambled into make beliefs and went off the rails. Once again..proving I'm right and everyone else has to play catch up.
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Feb 11, 2014
So...was daniel bryan reign good?

Cause u shytted on edge for being injured when when a champion calling him frail Copeland

You shytted on orton for injuries

You called punk a whining baby for making front page news for discussing that misdiagnosed injuries were the reason why he left ultimately
Yes he had problems with booking but like bryan he did what u praised bryan for doing, trying to turn what booking gave him in to something entertaining

U gave bryan props for working with ryback and not getting hurt but how do we know he hasn't been hurt this whole time? We didn't know how hurt punk was until just now. Working rumbles with concussions and wrestling's roided up oafs with broken ribs

You shytted on him calling him him a quitter for not being able to tough jt out but his reign as wwe champion last 7x as long as Bryan's who u refuse to admit had a shyt wwe reign. Injury or not. But u called edge frail for years. But u have been making quad jokes about triple h for over 10 years.
Yall called him a quitter and said punk took his ball and went home yet he was fired the day he married an diva u hyped up since her debut

Bryan never sold more merchandise then cena or punk
Bryan failed as wwe champion
Bryan is frail
Bryan choked when given the shot u had begged for since he was in roh wrestling with detached retina
Ratings don't mean shyt in this era and bragging about anything other than a 5.0 does nothing for this company clearly

But u shyt on punk for exposing the wwe shyt ty health habits and call him a whiner for disagreeing with booking plans. Austin has done thst...taker has done that...Bret has done that...every wrestler has done that shyt anybody that's had a job likely didn't agree with everything their employer wanted from them

U are an eddie guerrero mark yet misdiagnosed injuries seem like something that would have been a negative for him and hundreds of former wwe employees who died before the age of 50.

U really have mental issues...Like seriously...the only reason why u hate punk is because of a few shots he took of a man with a boob job who has dressed as a fairy, played a gay man, and has only played a black character openly in a movie 3 times ...

And like I said in that thread where u called a mans dikk ugly...u are incapable of answering simple questions

U have autism u know this and subsequently forget this fact and I dont want to pick on you but it's so hard because u lack humility and have a delusion of grandeur on your place in reality. Like someone said if u stopped jacking off and studying porn for maybe a week u might be able to cause those same explosions your magneto imagination conjured up and not the ones u do with a bottle of aloe Vera and the alphabetized terabytes of ricki white and kelsi monroe scenes u Jack off too...


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
So...was daniel bryan reign good?

Cause u shytted on edge for being injured when when a champion calling him frail Copeland

You shytted on orton for injuries

You called punk a whining baby for making front page news for discussing that misdiagnosed injuries were the reason why he left ultimately
Yes he had problems with booking but like bryan he did what u praised bryan for doing, trying to turn what booking gave him in to something entertaining

U gave bryan props for working with ryback and not getting hurt but how do we know he hasn't been hurt this whole time? We didn't know how hurt punk was until just now. Working rumbles with concussions and wrestling's roided up oafs with broken ribs

You shytted on him calling him him a quitter for not being able to tough jt out but his reign as wwe champion last 7x as long as Bryan's who u refuse to admit had a shyt wwe reign. Injury or not. But u called edge frail for years. But u have been making quad jokes about triple h for over 10 years.
Yall called him a quitter and said punk took his ball and went home yet he was fired the day he married an diva u hyped up since her debut

Bryan never sold more merchandise then cena or punk
Bryan failed as wwe champion
Bryan is frail
Bryan choked when given the shot u had begged for since he was in roh wrestling with detached retina
Ratings don't mean shyt in this era and bragging about anything other than a 5.0 does nothing for this company clearly

But u shyt on punk for exposing the wwe shyt ty health habits and call him a whiner for disagreeing with booking plans. Austin has done thst...taker has done that...Bret has done that...every wrestler has done that shyt anybody that's had a job likely didn't agree with everything their employer wanted from them

U are an eddie guerrero mark yet misdiagnosed injuries seem like something that would have been a negative for him and hundreds of former wwe employees who died before the age of 50.

U really have mental issues...Like seriously...the only reason why u hate punk is because of a few shots he took of a man with a boob job who has dressed as a fairy, played a gay man, and has only played a black character openly in a movie 3 times ...

And like I said in that thread where u called a mans dikk ugly...u are incapable of answering simple questions

U have autism u know this and subsequently forget this fact and I dont want to pick on you but it's so hard because u lack humility and have a delusion of grandeur on your place in reality. Like someone said if u stopped jacking off and studying porn for maybe a week u might be able to cause those same explosions your magneto imagination conjured up and not the ones u do with a bottle of aloe Vera and the alphabetized terabytes of ricki white and kelsi monroe scenes u Jack off too...
