Wow this joint is so

what kind of doctors do they have on staff
him walking around for months with a staph infection

the concussion test he pass while texting colt and having headphones on

hunter stealing credited for the shield

the damm pettiness of vince and company firing dude on his wedding day

its shameful how they run guys into the ground. they really treat guys like cattle
vince blowing up his phone as soon as he out of surgery.

to joey mercury for sntching on punk and letting vince and them no punk was feeling better
punk was the only one to question the network/ppv situation and how it would effect everyone money. no one has any power really beside cena and orton really to question anything and even they didnt no what was going on with how they would get paid.
the company as a whole just sound like a toxic wasted dump
honestly punk is lucky he got out now while he is still young and can enjoy his quality of life
Ryback you no he was following order from hunter and shyt to hurt him on purpose
or to at least throw some heavy shots at him but ryback need to hit them bushes he sounds like a nightmare in the ring to work with and hes going to really hurt some one horribly bad.
man punk should of not trusted vince after the first iou
they really fukkin with punk money he had fukk sponsors/movie money line up and vince told him no

So no outside of cena can get big time sponsors money
we all no that alot of guys do make-a-wish stuff but they only big up cena like he is the only one who does it.
punk was out selling cena in merchandise and they turn him heel

even as hot bryan was he couldnt reach punk level to out selling cena.
the bullshyt calling him but not saying shyt is really sad that on some teenage shyt
i think we will see punk working in some way with wwe someday if they could squash beef with bruno and ultimate warrior then i think some how some way they will work together again.