Jericho's always given off a vibe of a piece of shyt. I can't point to anything, it's just how he seems.
This was a great interview.
I'm going to assume "why didn't he quit earlier if it was that bad?" is just trolling. The only thing I had a problem with was what he said about Rock and Mania. In the most literal sense he's right, WM is a bigger draw than The Rock, it would do bigger numbers without Rock than the difference with Rock added. With that said, the difference was 200-300k, and that's not something to overlook, that's $10-15 million right there (not all to WWE, but still). Mania 26 had a considerably better card than 27, but Rock just hosting did 150-200k better. So, they were right to have him main event.
A triple threat at 29 was always what I wanted, they could've got Cena his win over Rock back while keeping Punk strong and in the main event.
I want to ask why was he acting so goofy a month or two after he came back in 2011. He had this very believable not give a fukk attitude going into Money in the Bank, then a couple months later he was making corny jokes and faces like a slightly edgier, more sarcastic Cena.