Ocean air
It’s a wrap. For him and the image of us black men who like white women.He's done. They gonna make an example out of him.
It’s a wrap. For him and the image of us black men who like white women.He's done. They gonna make an example out of him.
It’s a wrap. For him and the image of us black men who like white women.
You sound just like a female, no logic whatsoever.
Even if they didn’t these dudes are hella weird abstracting an action to a broader group, he’s not your race representative strange ass. Imagine being a grown ass man looking to a person infringing on your ability to pawg in peace/be Black.No he didn't. Not even gonna pretend any other race don't have domestic violence.
Pawgers Don’t don’t show empathy for black womenfukk daps. It's a query about a domestic violence situation that happened involving a NFL player.
Black woman almost gets killed by a NFL player, half the responses "That's what she gets for wenching".
Becky gets chokeslammed by a former NFL player, "Throw breh under the jail". Only one post showed the irony.
It’s not just pawgers a lot of these dudes hate Black women, crazy they come from em. Allegedly.Pawgers Don’t don’t show empathy for black women
What was his verdict…. I just remember them pushing his trial date back