For the most part black super heroes suck

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
true but i dont see milestone doing anything with him either. We are in the age of comic book superheroes now, you've got marvel setting the pace at every turn and dc tripping and stumbling trying to keep up. I always say this when i'm talking superheroes with my friends: think about how fukked up it is that marvel can make millions of dollars dropping movies with talking racc00ns and a man who makes himself small to fight crime but DC/Milestone wont even give us a new animated show for the iconic black teenage superhero. Is that not completely insane?
Milestone is coming back
Helmed by Reggie hudlin


Aug 25, 2015
So selling drugs makes you black?
So BP talks like an Alien?
So no black person can relate to being gay? :dame:

John Sterwart can stfu :camby:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
You like Night hawk but he was originally white


But nah, I kinda feel what your saying, I don't feel like the characters are white washed though, they just aren't your "stereotypical" black portrayals that get pushed into the media.

Moon girl is just a kid that's black, before marvel deiceded to let people know she was the smartest in the MU no one cared, just like amadeus cho, saying he was in the top 8.....when he was running around with Hercules no one carried about some asian kid saying he was one of the smartest people in the MU... Now that he's the hulk tho... Same with riri looking to be tony starks protege

I applaud marvel for what they are doing to be honest. I also only expect so much, I can't really expect white males to understand black people and especially black men or young's men experiences growing up.

However with that said alot of them have done a really good job.

Seems like you want your black characters to be more stereotypical:mjpls:
Nov 22, 2015

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Blue Marvel is the shyt. Ain't too many fukkin with him.
Black Panther is the richest man in Marvel.
Falcon and Nighthawk are taking on real life issues and doing it well.

Black Women are really making a stand for themselves.

Monica Rambeau, Moon Girl, Storm, RiRi are all notables in current runs right now.

I can really only speak from Marvel's side, but I think OP is misguided

Blue Marvel is biring
You like Night hawk but he was originally white


But nah, I kinda feel what your saying, I don't feel like the characters are white washed though, they just aren't your "stereotypical" black portrayals that get pushed into the media.

Moon girl is just a kid that's black, before marvel deiceded to let people know she was the smartest in the MU no one cared, just like amadeus cho, saying he was in the top 8.....when he was running around with Hercules no one carried about some asian kid saying he was one of the smartest people in the MU... Now that he's the hulk tho... Same with riri looking to be tony starks protege

I applaud marvel for what they are doing to be honest. I also only expect so much, I can't really expect white males to understand black people and especially black men or young's men experiences growing up.

However with that said alot of them have done a really good job.

Seems like you want your black characters to be more stereotypical:mjpls:
There's a line between being stereotypical and just showcasing part of a wide variety of experiences
A lot of blacks in comics are too vanilla

Other than origin, tell me the personality difference between bill foster, falcon, John Stewart, mister terrific, and war machine?

Also remy Danton is an example of a good black character...dude doesn't talk urban but he has clear motivations and is competent and had his own energy


From a boy to a king
Jun 9, 2015
First of all Black Panther is the GOAT all time superhero. He doesn't talk like an alien I don't know where the hell you got that notion.

When written well (Hudlin, Priest) Black Panther is truly unfukkwittable.

Static Shock is also an underrated superhero.

John Stewart is definitely God Tier but his potential for rich storytelling and overall swag and excellence doesn't match T'Challa
Neg spawn is better


All Star
Nov 17, 2013
Problem is a lot of black/minority characters were created to fulfill minority quotas rather than as legitimate characters, and since the writers largely aren't black and they see themselves as writing for a mainly white audience they don't care to put the work in, and sometimes when they do you end up with Rudyard Kipling-esque stereotypes infecting the characters/plot.
And since the most iconic characters in comics were created in an era where white was the only acceptable default, it's harder for black characters (especially when tons of them were created as sidekicks or as people to mirror other already successful comic characters) to break through that barrier.
This is why I generally don't have a problem with changing the race of comic characters like Peter Parker or Johnny Storm, when it's really irrelevant to the characters most of the time and they're always rebooted, it could do a lot to help children.
Anyways if you actually read comics you'll probably find a ton of great black characters.
First of all Black Panther is the GOAT all time superhero. He doesn't talk like an alien I don't know where the hell you got that notion.

When written well (Hudlin, Priest) Black Panther is truly unfukkwittable.

Static Shock is also an underrated superhero.

John Stewart is definitely God Tier but his potential for rich storytelling and overall swag and excellence doesn't match T'Challa
Eh, there's enough people on par with Black Panther imo, he's just the largest male black non John hero (though the movie may have put him above John I dunno).
Anyways, where are you getting this idea that John Stewart is God Tier?
If we're talking animated Stewart you have a point, but DC has some race issues and has tried their hardest to push him away/not give him significant roles or develop on the interesting parts of his character/backstory, hell they canceled Mosaic even though it was selling really well and could have done a lot for his character.
There's not much you can say about Stewart aside from that he's a strong, stern black man who's the first human to become a Green Lantern, that's an architect (which they could use a lot more for his character aside from his weapon designs).
Occasionally they'll do something nice like the willpower page, but it's not enough, hell a lot of the strongest advocates for black characters in comics/Black Panther don't even give him that high of praise, and generally his biggest fans still argue that DC needs to do a lot more for him.
Which is sad because DC had an entire generation of people including myself who thought that the definitive Green Lantern WAS black (with most people only finding out through the movie), and instead of capitalizing on it, they decided to double down on their golden boy Hal Jordan despite many people from every race wanting to see Stewart more, luckily with the shift in DC comics recently we should be seeing John get a lot more material
And maybe improvements in Cyborg beyond being randomly given significant focus, he seems to only be good in Teen Titans.
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