Footage of Me Approaching Married Women---Choosing Signal Game Next


Feb 12, 2015
That’s why it’s a numbers game :heh:

If you approach 5 women everyday for a month. Odds are you’ll have multiple new women in your life as casual sexy partners.

Do it at a college or someplace where women are out there like that and you’ll have so many women you won’t be able to see em all. Probably end up smashing multiple women every day of the week.

We’re talking about individuals here - mass statistics don’t necessarily apply in this case.

There are more women in any major city that would be down for casual sex with a random stranger, than a man could ever have sex with in his entire lifetime.
I think what men don’t want to hear is that the reason sexlessness is up is because traditionally people have gotten sex in one of two ways
1.) A relationship/marriage
2.) Prostitution

That hasn’t changed. But marriage rates are down. People don’t want relationships. Soooo you gotta lotta dudes trying to finesse p*ssy off the strength of their randomness and getting incensed that they ain’t got the same pull as somebody like Idris Elba.

But the Sexual Revolution/hook up culture is cap for the most part. Not b/c women don’t wanna explore their sexuality, but b/c many don’t want to do it with multiple strange partners. Why? Because while there’s is a kink for a small group of women for fukking strangers, most people outside of outliers don’t want strangers in their privates. Moreover, most women are turned on by romance AND lust and fantasy from a man she is attracted to. Building that casually with a stranger is harder and riskier than establishing a connection with someone. Otherwise, in a lotta cases the sex isn’t even satisfying. This is also why a bunch of these chicks don’t cum either…but that’s another thread.

Suffice it to say, if you catch a woman at a certain time in her life (late 30s, week before her period :russ:) or if she emotionally unstable, insane/daddy abandonment issues—then sure. There’s always a chance. But even then they gotta be feeling you. And very few people have that raw attraction magnetism. Most need to stop trying to smash off game and just get to know people organically and authentically because their personalities will get them where their initial appearance/aura/first impression car salesman approach won’t.

But b:c this isn’t what most dudes have been told (I.e. porn-these bytches dtf, smash in first date, AYO I saw her at the gas station, got the digits and she sucked me off the next day), the penises ain’t gonna wanna hear it and just gon get mad at Booksnrain and think I’m being naive.


Feb 12, 2015
Are yall just encouraging this because yall just want to see the fukkery that inevitably ensues?
Not me. I actually think it’s healthier than just stewing in one’s bedroom, stuck in their head anticipating violent rejection from the opposite sex.

As @KingZimbabwe mentioned, it is a numbers game. Even tho MOST women aren’t even thinking about fukking while they trying to get some potatoes for the pot roast, there might be one or two who wouldn’t mind getting to know somebody.

And this is great footage for reachable moments.

For instance, at @Thurgood Thurston III astutely observed, OP needs to at least blend in so he doesn’t look like a weirdo in a grocery store just there to harass chicks.
Get a cart or something. Put some food in it. Or even better…ACTUALLY go grocery shopping like a normal person. Then if you happen to see someone, it’s more natural and feels less like you trolling.

Some women are interested in the types of food some men buy b/c men tend to eat healthier imo. So that can be used to spark conversation.

It also tells us that as a man, you got more going on in your life such as your own nutritional needs, than merely having time to spend hunting p*ssy which is a turn off.
But at least he’s putting himself out there which is more than can be said for a good number of men and 99.9% of women….which really needs to change imo but oh well.


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
name-calling? Yeah, you aint pulling shyt bro lmao

Goofy ass nikka, I can call your lame shyt out all week and still hang dikk in more bytches than the amount that actually listen to your bullshyt long enough to give you their number :mjlol:

suck my dikk


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
But the Sexual Revolution/hook up culture is cap for the most part. Not b/c women don’t wanna explore their sexuality, but b/c many don’t want to do it with multiple strange partners.
I disagree, while on paper the “hook up culture” isn’t as big as people may think it is.

It’s moreso a societal issue. It isn’t promoted in the media as a healthy means of exploring one’s sexuality. This is still a repressive conservative country in regards to sex, even though it’s used as a marketing tool.

But you’re conflating theory with real life practice.

The reason why most young men aren’t having sex like that is because they did not grow up in a society that valued socializing them to interact with women in regard to their own sexuality. And women are taught to be sexually repressive.

Throw in distractions like pornography, video games, social media, etc. there isn’t a strong need for a man to cultivate the necessary social skills in over to overcome the fact that there isn’t an infrastructure for him to meet women with the purpose of having casual sex.

Sure you could argue that “dating apps” and “bars/clubs” exist - however they don’t exist for that exact purpose. Dating apps exist to monetize exposure of men to women, creating a toxic gender divide, and offer a degree of anonymity where creeps and weirdos (victims of a sexually repressive society) add onto this divide.

And bars/clubs are generally the worst environments to actually interact with other people and exist to sell alcohol and artificial status barriers.

That is sexual revolution/hookup culture in a nutshell. But notice how it’s a CULTURE. It only exists within a narrow set of beliefs and societal expectations. It is not necessarily reflective of real life or anything beyond a collection of societal beliefs specific to Western society.

NOW what I’m talking about is the individual. Like it or not, cold approach is a counter culture action because it isn’t encouraged and is demonized by the media. The men who do this go against the grain, otherwise you’d see a culture of men approaching women, which simply is not the case due to how society is set up. Hell most people don’t even socialize with strangers in general.

At the end of the day you cannot make broad generalizations about individuals. All it takes is the right man for the right woman at the right time. Literally anything can happen. I know dudes who have met women on the street corner and had sex with them in a Starbucks bathroom less than an hour later. And have done similar things multiple times.

Sure you can argue that these are “one in a million” examples - however they can’t even be quantified under the parameters of “most women don’t want to have sex with a random man”. Except that statement applies in the context of participating in “hookup culture”

To what degree of nuance is “most women don’t want to have sex with a random man, unless he presents himself in a particular way at a particular time” adding? Essentially you can’t actually make that statement reflecting society and apply it to individuals over a concept like biology. We exist to reproduce.

All I’m saying is that cold approach works. Biologically men and women are hardwired to have sex. Sexual attraction exists and if a person is bold enough to transcend society and culture in order to put themselves in a position to make those things apparent then they will have success.
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reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
Are yall just encouraging this because yall just want to see the fukkery that inevitably ensues?



Vegan For a Reason
May 19, 2013
Let me give you some REAL tips.

I bet you were walking around the market with nothing in your hands. You need to act like you belong. Push a cart around with things in it like you just happen to be shopping. Your approaches came off like you came outside for that specific purpose. That tells women you don't get p*ssy.

Thats what i was thinking when i was watching.
Breh pretending to look at cleaning supplies and shyt.

Thats what them dope heads used to do when i worked at Walgreens. Looking like they bout to steal


Feb 12, 2015
I disagree, while on paper the “hook up culture” isn’t as big as people may think it is.

It’s moreso a societal issue. It isn’t promoted in the media as a healthy means of exploring one’s sexuality. This is still a repressive conservative country in regards to sex, even though it’s used as a marketing tool.

But you’re conflating theory with real life practice.

The reason why most young men aren’t having sex like that is because they did not grow up in a society that valued socializing them to interact with women in regard to their own sexuality. And women are taught to be sexually repressive.

Throw in distractions like pornography, video games, social media, etc. there isn’t a strong need for a man to cultivate the necessary social skills in over to overcome the fact that there isn’t an infrastructure for him to meet women with the purpose of having casual sex.

Sure you could argue that “dating apps” and “bars/clubs” exist - however they don’t exist for that exact purpose. Dating apps exist to monetize exposure of men to women, creating a toxic gender divide, and offer a degree of anonymity where creeps and weirdos (victims of a sexually repressive society) add onto this divide.

And bars/clubs are generally the worst environments to actually interact with other people and exist to sell alcohol and artificial status barriers.

That is sexual revolution/hookup culture in a nutshell. But notice how it’s a CULTURE. It only exists within a narrow set of beliefs and societal expectations. It is not necessarily reflective of real life or anything beyond a collection of societal beliefs specific to Western society.

NOW what I’m talking about is the individual. Like it or not, cold approach is a counter culture action because it isn’t encouraged and is demonized by the media. The men who do this go against the grain, otherwise you’d see a culture of men approaching women, which simply is not the case due to how society is set up. Hell most people don’t even socialize with strangers in general.

At the end of the day you cannot make broad generalizations about individuals. All it takes is the right man for the right woman at the right time. Literally anything can happen. I know dudes who have met women on the street corner and had sex with them in a Starbucks bathroom less than an hour later. And have done similar things multiple times.

Sure you can argue that these are “one in a million” examples - however they can’t even be quantified under the parameters of “most women don’t want to have sex with a random man”. Except that statement applies in the context of participating in “hookup culture”

To what degree of nuance is “most women don’t want to have sex with a random man, unless he presents himself in a particular way at a particular time” adding? Essentially you can’t actually make that statement reflecting society and apply it to individuals over a concept like biology. We exist to reproduce.

All I’m saying is that cold approach works. Biologically men and women are hardwired to have sex. Sexual attraction exists and if a person is bold enough to transcend society and culture in order to put themselves in a position to make those things apparent then they will have success.
While our society is heavily and hypocritically conservative, the sexual Revolution has indeed been attempted to be marketed as a “healthy means of sexual expression for women” culturally. And it’s been popularized as such.
Yet, in spite of the markers of hypersexuality in our culture, current generations are having less of it.

Some of the reasons you give for decrease in sexual activity, aren’t wrong persay, but they miss the mark. Which is a.) sex has always primarily been an enterprise of marriage or prostitution in Western culture and b.) current generations are having less of it because of a number of factors including those you mentioned but also the economic factors, and degradation of relationships, marriage and social human interaction altogether.

Economic downturn results in men and women delaying rites of passage like homeownership and marriage. Welp, having your own crib and being in a relationship is where people predominately get sex. That hasn’t changed much even tho we are inundated with sexual images and hyper sexuality.

Moreover, the advent of the age of technology has made sexual imagery more easily accessible and rendered in-person social interactions a skill of yesteryear.

So we have a generation of individuals who haven’t cultivated critical interpersonal social skills due to an overabundance of technology that increasingly minimizing the need for human interaction.

A generation born in an unstable economy that undermines trades, homeownership, stable careers, which in turn makes individuals reticent to start serious relationships/marriages b/c they don’t want to entertain starting a family while they can barely do for themselves.

Sooo what do we do in the meantime sexually if sex was traditionally primarily had in long-term relationships?
We lie and cap. Chicks will claim “Hoe is life” but fukk exes to avoid adding strangers to their body count. Sex toys, porn, lesbianism, celibacy, romance novels…all types of stuff to avoid the hassle of sexual interaction with strangers you have no established connection with.

As for where I’m getting this information, biological evolutionists will tell you women are exceedingly picky about sexual partners. Several scholars have tracked these trends. I posted a few studies above. And these findings resonate with my own experiences as a woman and understanding of female culture from interactions with other women.

All of this leads to the idea that hookup culture is largely a lie.

That doesn’t mean that cold approaching doesn’t work or can’t work. But number games doesn’t negate the fact that beyond the outliers, most women aren’t inclined to have sexual relations with stranger. Never really have been. Common sense tells us if they were, this whole cat and mouse game wouldn’t even be a thing.

Women want hot sex, romance, protection and provision from attractive rich men. Those are very few and far between ti the woman’s eye. But that’s okay because whereas there might not be huge strong attraction immediately, oftentimes, getting to know someone improves holistic attraction. Which is why many will have better luck getting sex in relationships, than in casual encounters. It’s also why many men have to feed chicks fairy tales to keep them sexually permissive b/c so many women DONT want casual sexual encounters.
However, if you see otherwise then you have your experience and I have mine.:yeshrug:


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
This series is very entertaining:russ:

Breh should use context clues for a more organic opener. Opening with a compliment on looks fizzles out quickly. Observe the type of foods in her cart and make a pun out of that. Ask her what she's cooking. Passion is very attractive especially if it's authentic.

Pickup lines. Pickup lines are funny because they're random af.

Voice. A deep voice is like crack to a woman's ear.

Commonalities? You're both human. Just speak your mind without going gruff. Honesty gets respect.

Cold approach is easy af. It's these "scripts" we create in our heads that overcomplicate the shyt.