Food For Thought: Have you ever heard a black woman call another black woman a sellout?

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All Star
Jun 4, 2015
BW were willingly getting in unions with White men after abolishment of slavery, breh.

While this may be true is some cases, you have to know by now how white supremacy works. You get in where you are most likely to have a stable life and security. Same for Black men. I have several women in my family (well ancestors...) that have died due shyt like this. A lot of these so called "relationships" were full of nothing but manipulation, beatings, rape etc while the promise of a better life for themselves and their children was never fully realized.

My great grandmother (96 years old) is relatively light. She and most of her cousins could pass. Well, in her town the "light" passing poor Black folks lived in pretty much close proximity to whites. It was common place that a lot of the men and women would "pass" and marry white. My grandmother's cousin did so because poverty was poverty...Long story short, the cousin ended up beheaded. EVERYBODY knows the husband's father did it they kept her children. A few years back, this white dude shows up at our family reunion talmbout we were "family". My g-gma was so disturbed and upset, he had to leave.

My mom is slowly finding out from older family members that this cousin wasn't the only one to get killed, some men were lynched as well. Idk, I just have really hard time equating IR of the past to what it is now...wanting lightskin babies with curly hair and light eyes. :yeshrug:. Also one of the reasons why I'm against IR....all that history behind these types of relationships and most of it ain't good. The Black person always gets the short end of the stick. :francis:. To sleep with the same people that constantly subjugate yours? :what:Yeah, nah.


Feb 12, 2015
It wasn't a cherry picked study. It was one study that happened to support what I've been saying all along. Black women ain't checking for white people even a fraction as much as blk dudes are. There are social dynamics that have influenced this. You just don't like the study because it doesn't support ur narrative that deep down blk women secretly want white men, so now u have a perfect justification for ur worship of Becky.

Sometimes I wish blk male IR daters would just get their cave tricks and leave blk women out of it. Some of ya'll stay lying on us to cover up what you really want despite all evidence to the contrary.
1st it was I want a white woman cuz they got better attitudes. Soon as white women started showin their ass online that doesn't work.

2nd i want a white woman cuz her hair real and she got natural beauty. Then came the Internet showing white chicks with extensions, boob implants, ass implants, lip implants, nose jobs, hair coloring, before/after make up pictures. Welp that excuse went out the window.

Now this is just the latest psychologically damaged installment in a blk man's "I want a white woman because..."
When all other justifications fail, accuse ur women as being just as thirsty for white men as ya'll are for white p*ssy.

I gotta say, this is low. Sistahs everywhere who could care less about a cracka are shaking their heads.

Blk man I release u. Please stop lying on us. If u want a white woman and you think they are better then go get one.

You don't have to slander us. It's not because we want white men, because we're negative, we're any fatter than any other race of women in America, we're masculine, bald-headed or any other excuse or lie ya'll can think of.

Like seriously some of ya'll have created an entire false reality to justify ur own self hate. Just leave us out of it.

These are cherry picked studies. Are you trying to tell us our eyes are deceiving us? From the Black female IR blogs to the swirling seminars, even craiglist there are numerous evidence that proves the OP is right and that loyalty is a myth.

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
Even when I was fukking dating white dudes, I didn't put down black men. I didn't tell my best girlfriend, my gay friend or any other black woman or gay man, "hey, go get you a white dude, they're grrrrrreat!" Some of these broads are frowsy no matter what color the men they fukk date are, much like some of the men are and deep down, I feel like with women, it's the same as the men- that a white man is easy and a pushover and will put up with their frowsyness. Do white men treat their women any better? No. But the myth is there, just like how it is with BM/WW and it's being bought into.

People bring Scandal into the debate, be real, the way Fitz treats Olivia and has treated her throughout the show, and has treated his wife and his country, is that the type of man you dream of? :jbhmm:

Black Lightning

Jun 11, 2015
Nevermind I found it

They was :cape: hard :dead:

Some sistas held it down in the comments tho : Ehh:

  • barbie__go__easyI REFUSE to sleep with the oppressor I REFUSE to allow myself to look at the oppressor in intimate or lustful way. I am constantly reminded when I look at my suffering people what the oppressor is capable of. For those people who love to say love isn't race THE EUROPEANS CREATED RACE and instilled those systematic differentiating ways into everyone so tell them love is color blind they are the ones whom obviously disagree im just a product of their attempt to make me civilized and it worked so tell the oppressor love is color blind and let me know how that works out


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Maybe a few years ago that would've persuaded me, but now I'm so far beyond caring that it wouldn't really make a difference. Ive even been up here telling dudes to stop policing black women's vagina. People are gonna live their lives the way they choose, and all the c00n/wench calls in the world aint going to change that :yeshrug:
Its not about policing a black womans vagina lol. Im not against IR as long as the person doesnt become a c00n.

My issue is the double standards, devaluing of black love, c00ning, hating everybody of the opposite gender which those who date out usually are known to do that annoys me.
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Dec 5, 2012
That's where most of the c00ning supposedly happens. Hell in real life blk chicks are even more "racist" (because not wanting a dude that goes bald at the age of 15 or turns into a lobster means ur racist...) in real life.

Blk chicks will laugh u out the room for even trying to step to them when ur white. There's a lot of angry white males online in gaming forums who talk mad shyt about blk chicks because they were rejected or even bullied in school by these chicks. But I digress my point is the overwhelming majority of blk women aren't checking for white dudes like that online OR in real life.

Just because u read a forum about a few lonely blk chicks talking about swirling doesn't make it a movement.
I know black women date out less but I just don't think that type of study is as valid because it's based off shyt like tinder and apps like that
Thats what our ancestors were before the Europeans came to Africa :mjpls:
thats a fact lol. Me personally I'd be fine with one wife

And a mistress :takedat:


Nov 12, 2013
Came in this thread to drop off this 1 star based on the thread title...but after reading the OP :ohhh:

But loyalty is earned and not something to be automatically handed over on a silver platter...and something no one should expect from ANY's just not in their natural biological makeup.

How a woman sees and deals with men and the type of men she chooses to deal with is based upon how she's conditioned by the men in her life...whether it's on a relationship or parental level...a sista that's out of pocket in any way, shape, form or fashion is due to the lack of strong male presence in her life...and most sistas ain't fukkin' with no whiteboys ...that's coli mythos...maybe the ones that are raised & live in predominately cac communities...but that goes back to the lack of strong male do you expect a sista to not be chasing Brad & Connor around when those are the creatures you chose to be your neighbors and bring your chidren up around because you were too good to live around black folk? And the only brothers they encounter are white washed melanted cac copies.

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Like another person said, black men don't call each other out for anything either, even if they hitting up Foot Locker, making it rain in the titty bars, or in the club VIP with bottle service, courtesy of their ain't shyt homeboy who they know hasn't seen or paid for his kid. That's just what nikkas do. :yeshrug: Besides until black women have the pay equal to men, it's a come up. It's a man's world unfortunately and brehettes have to find a way the best that they can since their grandfathers, fathers, uncles, brothers, and potential spouses are not building any kind of infrastructure to protect them and their progeny.
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