Floyd Mayweather’s daughter catches NBA Youngboy cheating, stabs girl. She’s in critical condition


Poster of the Year
Jul 20, 2012
has your dumbass even looked and googled Frederick douglass's descendants?.

His descendants are basically lightskin black folks you moron.

At best he may have 1 or 2 but not as you describing

And beside that, turn blind eye? Your dumb ass really thanks that all these celebs blacks care about you.
Honest to God's you mfs on here are delusional :russ:

I'm a Floyd fan and I think the word "c00n" is overused

But saying a nikka just cause he got all black bms and kids can't be a "c00n"(for right reasons of being called one) is some straight dumb nikka shyt.
I said a different adjective should be used here instead of “c00n”. There is nothing in this situation that has him behaving like a c00n.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Straight right goes out like a jab :whew:

Funny watching people brutalise the bag, not realising precision and form is far more impressive.
Watching dude hit the bag and trying to imitate is tough... dude is so sharp and precise but still throws everything with power and almost little effort...

you could tell he’s different

A nikka thats made close to a billy is a disgrace because his adult daughter, thats had everything in life, rather be an instagram thot and run after drug dealing rappers...

The Coli.com... and nobody mentioned how he raised his sons right... seem like the daughter wants to be more like the mother to me

Buzzed Lightyear

Sep 20, 2012
Rev Run's daughter got a baby by a drug dealer who got killed. She came from the perfect black family.

When someone is an adult, you cant blame the parents for their choices in life

You cant blame Floyd
In a way, you can. WNBA Dumbass is a 2020 version of a young Floyd. Young, rich, successful playboy that laid hands on a woman & had 4 kids. That bird is just going off the example of what she saw coming up.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Kids have told lies about molestation son.

I didn't read the rest or your nonsense about doing shyt for the community because there is not a recognition that it is a two way street.

The expectation is on the people who have to show an understanding. But put the children of people who have something in their environment, and give me your honest opinion on whether or not they'd be accepted.

I don't even know what the fukk you're trying to say with most of your post, but . . .

Eh, if I have to pick between a 10 year old who ran for his & his mother's life to a security guard for help while his pops was snuffing his moms OR a guy who's been incarcerated for DV like 5 times, I'm a pick the kid who has no reason to lie.

I did not hear people blame Martin Sheen, when his son Charlie Sheen was out here having unprotected sex with people, while being HIV positive.

Charlie Sheen is 50 years old, not 19.:gucci:

He wasn't in high-school last year.

And even still, his father raised him in weird ass Hollywood, which definitely makes Martin Sheen at least partially to blame for the weirdo that his son turned into.

Me and a rich black person wouldn’t be in the same community tho. Y’all really gotta chill thinking black people are all the same.

Those nikkaz always say that until they want Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton and the Black community to come to their rescue and support them when CACs give them their wakeup call like they did OJ, Michael Jackson, and Bill Cosby.

They want us to show up to trial and support them then. :gucci:

I said a different adjective should be used here instead of “c00n”. There is nothing in this situation that has him behaving like a c00n.

c00n's appropriate for somebody who's cool with Donald Trump, Donald Sterling, supporting Gucci after their racist shyt, and is down with the "All Lives Matter" clique, with this bullshyt

“I’m here to say all lives matter. A lot of times, we get stuck, and we are followers. When you hear one person say, ‘black lives matter,’ or ‘blue lives matter’ ― all lives matter. What I learned from boxing and what everyone can take in real life is follow directions, follow orders. Don’t give nobody a hard time.

“It’s not right what’s going on within this world on both sides. Communicate better and follow directions, since there’s “rules and regulations to everything.”


Rev Run's daughter got a baby by a drug dealer who got killed. She came from the perfect black family.

When someone is an adult, you cant blame the parents for their choices in life

You cant blame Floyd

:mjlol:Rev. Run himself would tell you that he was drinking and on drugs and doing all kinds of foul shyt until he found Jesus in his early 30s.

Just read his book.

His older kids prolly were around for that shyt.

And we all know what Uncle Russell was up to all those years:francis:

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Rev Run's daughter got a baby by a drug dealer who got killed. She came from the perfect black family.

When someone is an adult, you cant blame the parents for their choices in life

You cant blame Floyd

I really hope you dudes don't have kids:wow: