Li pitit gason
If it wasn't for the gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean FL would be Mississippi status 
No disrespect to the Mississippi brehs

No disrespect to the Mississippi brehs

10/11/12 year olds can knuckle down..schools are full of em . Those 10/11/12 years that do so is because that was instilled in them when they were 6.7,and 8 and when they’re 4 and 5 they’re being read and talked to..
If you’re trying to flip that switch at 12 it’s CURTAINS for most of them because you’re trying to figure out basic addition while everyone else Is solving inequalities .
They become discouraged then you have what we see now.
facts.You miss my point.
It takes YEARS to learn how to read, how to sight read, how to spell, how to build up a vocabulary, how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, fractions...
If they're below grade level at grades 4 and 5, They failed to learn in grades 3,2,1 and pre K.
This didn't just happen yesterday.
This wasn't a one off event, like the kids all had food poisoning or something.
This is years of neglect. This is years of poor parenting and uncaring educators.
So yelling at those that can't spit out the answer to 7*9 won't turn them into math prodigies.
And if anybody should understand this, IT'S THE DAMN TEACHERS
It's both but it's especially a black student problem.
Also, how do you teach a black child differently than any other child? What's inherently different about a black child that require different methods than a child of any other race?
Y'all be saying some wild shyt that y'all think sounds good without realizing WTF you're really saying.
Adults failing black youth againYou miss my point.
It takes YEARS to learn how to read, how to sight read, how to spell, how to build up a vocabulary, how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, fractions...
If they're below grade level at grades 4 and 5, They failed to learn in grades 3,2,1 and pre K.
This didn't just happen yesterday.
This wasn't a one off event, like the kids all had food poisoning or something.
This is years of neglect. This is years of poor parenting and uncaring educators.
So yelling at those that can't spit out the answer to 7*9 won't turn them into math prodigies.
And if anybody should understand this, IT'S THE DAMN TEACHERS
Yeah bro 10 year olds are supposed to have some passion for learning . That’s not some impossible ask. If those other groups can do it we can too. You’re 1000% right in saying discipline and consequences need to be stressed at home but the problem is that in majority black schools you have classrooms with 20 out of 28 kids lacking that foundation in comparison to other classrooms that have 5 out of 28 kids in a classroom lacking that foundation. It’s an impossible ask to expect schools to pick up that slack which leads to the situation we have now .
I work with and mentor kids and I hear shyt like a 13 year old saying “I didn’t go to the second grade “ and another one saying the same now they can’t subtract
Or “I got kicked out of school in October and I didn’t go to school for the rest of the year “
The shyt is insane and there is zero way for a school to deal with that kinda shyt .
Also, how do you teach a black child differently than any other child? What's inherently different about a black child that require different methods than a child of any other race?
We know from research that the mostly white female staff, but also the black teachers, treat Black students differently. (It's a debatable point as to why Black Teachers "keep" tabs on Black students more than others...)
Teachers' implicit bias against black students starts in preschool, study finds
Findings reveal subconscious racial bias of teachers, who directed attention more closely to black boys when ‘challenging behavior’ is
There are lots of studies on implicit bias in teaching.
It's a hop skip and a jump to see that if they treat Black kids, Black Boys especially, differently, they're gonna teach them differently.
A lot of Black Boys get tracked into special ed.
A lot of Black Boys are singled out for being disruptive, when white boys doing the same thing are not. (You've been to these restaurants, lil Connor is running up and down Olive Garden like he's at home. But I'm sure he's a perfect angel in the classroom)
There are plenty of stories of the school psych/counselor not recommending Black kids with off the charts scores for the gifted/talented programs.
Schools are not neutral places.
Why you believe black teachers were systematically removed from inner city schools?
If that’s the case, I wish they could have done this instead with the parents. It’s been told since the beginning of humanity, parents are children first teachers.
Did you miss the part of them pulling kids just because they black?I don't have a problem with accountability...they needed to rope the parents and teachers in as well.
@Matt504 @breakfuss