I'm not debating that, as far as I'm concerned, you can like who you want for whatever reason for all I care. However, in this case, I know people from Raleigh/Durham who bleed Carolina Blue and have in the past, taken shots at programs like Kentucky for obviously cheating, or taken shots at Miami's football program for obviously cheating, or questioned how could Victor Page possibly stay eligible at Georgetown yet are now taking the stance of, "This isn't a big deal, it happens everywhere." Nah dogg, same intensity.
Also, as far as my Georgetown fandom, that's just me personally. I get it if others don't understand why I feel the way they do.
It really blows my mind that in 2014 the discourse about NCAA academic scandal still amounts to "every team does it except mine" or "how could this happen" or "it's an isolated incident."
I worked in college admissions for a division III school, which has irrelevant sports teams, and cannot offer athletic scholarships, and they still had a special admissions process for athletes. I watched with my own eyes as a white kid from an educated household with plenty of money was admitted to a school that boasted a median SAT over 1400 for incoming frosh despite several F's on his transcript.
F's. This is a school where straight A students with top 10 percentile standardized test scores are regularly rejected. If D III schools are doing that, what in the fukk do people think major D-I schools are doing?
If you have a top level football, basketball, hockey, baseball, or lacrosse team at your school, there are
at least a handful of borderline illiterate kids on your campus disguised as students. This has been way past the point of mere speculation for years and years. It's a lie that Ivy League schools don't offer athletic scholarships (I mean, you know, I guess on some Bill Clinton "depends on what your definition of 'is' is" bullshyt they don't). It's a lie that coaches, AD's, and administrators (sometimes the university presidents) don't know precisely what academic and legal loopholes are being manipulated every step of the way. It's fact that they perpetuate academic fraud and cover up crimes that range from drug use to theft to assault to rape.
I remember talking about the corrupt nature of college sports with a couple sensible dudes from Iowa who were cosigning every single point I made, until I said Iowa was, as a football school that spent 70 mil on a new football stadium, 100% certainly doing the same shyt as the other schools I named... Suddenly they got mad defensive, then antagonistic, called me off base and cynical, and said "Kirk Ferentz is a values guy."
I was like oh, is he?
A year later, a report comes out that Iowa Football spent six months covering up a rape charge, purposely tainted a crime scene, and had the most players arrested in a 5 year period in all of the NCAA.
I've seen, with my own two fukking eyes, tutors hand test answers and papers to athletes for classes they only attended 3-4 times all semester. I have in my possession two handwritten papers (which were supposed to be typed) from a d lineman who did not know the difference between "manager" and "manger," "baby" and "bady," "definitely" and "defitly." Who misspelled "the" several times. Who described a woman thusly: "She is girl." Those papers were graded 5/5 by a college professor. Thank the lord the player ended up making a nice bit of money playing for the Cowboys, because he was a step away from illiterate and had no critical thinking skills. One of his papers started "Is abortion rite or wrong nobody no. Sum say it up to God but it aslo a women who have to carry th bady."
If people believe these coaches are leaders and educators, they are fukking militantly obtuse. And if they think that, but are also willing to believe the coaches have no idea what classes their players are taking and what their GPAs are, then they're doing all kinds of bizarre mental gymnastics.
The institutions are committing academic fraud. There is no way around that basic, fundamental truth. The shame of the McCants situation is he's such a fukking nincompoop that he can be easily dismissed, so Carolina fans can continue to pretend their program holds itself to a higher standard than others. Roy is about as annoying, cloying, and saccharine a fraud as there has ever been. Then again, that hardly makes him unique in this racket.