First teaser for “Prey” (predator vs native american lady)

Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
John McTiernan talking bout the 35 year anniversary of "Predator."

About how he ditched some accuracy for entertainment:

We went to the armorer and they showed us all these guns and I started, like a 14-year-old, mixing and matching. We made up several guns, like Old Painless – that's supposed to be mounted on a helicopter, it was never supposed to be carried by a man.

His response to a studio exec wanting more "gun porn:"

There was a studio executive who kept giving me s**t that I wasn't doing enough shots of the barrels of guns – he wanted gun pornography, it was terrible. Finally I got mad and I said, 'Alright, I will give you a gun scene that ends all gun scenes. I will give you so much gun pornography that you just don't need anymore.

What a scene that was too. :whew:

Talking bout the practical effects by Stan Winston:

As soon as the audience knows that it's a computer-generated effect, you're in storybook land. It's not a movie anymore. It's no longer real to them. The audience drops out. So while I've always used some computer effects, I tried to hide them.
