People keep saying these guys are stupid.
They aren't. They know what the effect will be and they do not care because they know that the American public is stupid. They are behaving as though the public is stupid and they've been right. If they weren't, Trump would've been laughed off the campaign trail in 2016. There would not be millions of people who believed Obama wasn't a citizen in 2008. The 2000 election would've been a massive loss for Republicans since they were running against the vice president of an administration that created a budget surplus--a first in several decades.
If this country weren't filled with morons, the KKK would never have been able to rise up to be a threat to black people and derail reconstruction in the south. If this country wasn't filled with idiots, the humanity of black people wouldn't still be up for debate despite our various achievements in literally every single field in this country.
If this country wasn't run by morons, Elon musk--an obvious fraud-- would have been investigated and prosecuted for wage theft, and the rich wouldn't be allowed to keep using stock in their overvalued companies as collateral to secure loans and never pay taxes. The discovery that the rich had been hiding money in tax havens would have led to sweeping changes. Instead the Panama palers and paradise papers leaks changed nothing.
But as I said, they move with the assumption that the public--ESPECIALLY white people are morons. They've been right. Nothing will change on a national level to reign things in, but you can change your state from the inside. You need to decide what kind of state you want to live in. California used to have free university until Reagan took over. There are states with paid maternity leave.
Note how none of them are in the south. Massachusetts has the second best gun control laws in the union. How many mass shooting have happened in Mass. This year?
Which states have the best health care systems?
NONE of them are read states
America's states are highly autonomous. Even if a Democrat was in the Whitehouse and somehow convinced congress to fund trillions for things like Healthcare and education, if you live in a red state your state representatives will refuse to access the maximum amount of federal funding because they dont want to be seen as working with "the enemy" even if it's for the benefit if the people living in the state.
Focus on your local elections and support the politicians who will want to put millions into state funds that will have to be used to replace the federal funding that they'll lose. If you're in a red state your life is about to get much worse unless you can flip that shyt blue and support any local politician who wants to strengthen your state by investing in the kind of legislation and policies that increase life expectancy, decrease crime, improve the general wealth equality of people within the state, etc.
Trump will eventually die or leave office, an election will need to happen. Whomever ran their state the best during this time period will be able to use those achievements to make a case to the public that they should be in charge of the federal government. You can be involved in that by working right now to support any progressive voices in your state.
First they came for the alphabet gang, and I did not speak out— Because I was from Harlem. Then they came for the passport brehs, and I did not speak out— Because I had better luck with women. Then they came for the JBO gang, and I did not speak out— Because I go outside. Then...