Why are people complaining about his look . The way johns /Morrison has aquaman as more of a bad ass , mamoa fits . People are stuck on the super friends look but like you said aquaman has been a bad ass since the Morrison run hasnt he ?? (Ignoring sword of Atlantis which I still liked ) and they mad at people who have read comics in the last 30 years . Avengers are blatantly ignoring comic history and people are like

he looks very cool and fits the DC cinematic universe which isn't the comics
@Art Barr !
We know comic book movies in general won't follow the source material in full.
so, hoping they do so, is just wishing on a star that won't fall.
in this case, we just have this hope.
they give us some plausible quality that makes sense.
plus, DC is really big on family orientated properties and will switch it up.
after going dark to restore the draw of damaged properties.
which after casting Affleck as batman.
speaks, about the possibility of them Joel Schumacher'N the batman/supes/jla situation.
Plus, the fact most of their commodifies are damaged.
or, the product base does not fully have the trust of the consumer.
which, all dc characters have from dc's past ineptitude.
Art Barr