The Great Gatsby trailer used No Church in the Wild...listen to hip-hop much?
Then it switched to Jack White's cover of a U2 song.
The Great Gatsby trailer used No Church in the Wild...listen to hip-hop much?
The Great Gatsby trailer used No Church in the Wild...listen to hip-hop much?
Like I said, some pop sh*t
Kanye and the great gastby?
C'mon man that is just fukking dumb
Period movies should not have modern music at all
Tell that to Martin Scorsese. Worked well for him.
Sorry, not Scorsese. I was thinking Devo's Whip it in Casino, but that wasn't true.
But Tarantino did use Bowie's Cat People in Inglorious Basterds, and it worked to perfection.
Like I said, some pop sh*t
Kanye and the great gastby?
C'mon man that is just fukking dumb
Period movies should not have modern music at all
im not feeling this film. looks like a parody of slavery or the PG they sold to kids in the burbs. also shyt aint revenge if you're getting paid to do it.
probably the dopest part of the whole trailer
but what's up with him looking like a blueberry with a giant white bow
I mean c'mon man.....remove the pop music, put a western theme to it, and I would feel it more
this is like.....(same example)
The Great Gatsby Trailer, its a period peice, yet it has a pop song in the trailer it sounds like, and it totally removes you from the enviroment
that is so on point likefinna be classic butat Leo's accent
he gotta stop trying to play characters with accents. he was downright embarrassing with that irish shyt in Gangs of New York, his Boston accent in Departed sucked, and we ain't even gonna talk about Blood Diamond. dude looking like a parody of tom hanks character from lady killers.
I beginning to feel like someone else should have been cast for the role. I actually wouldn't have minded if a lesser known cat like Vincent Cassel or Barry Pepper (25th Hour, True Grit) was in the film instead.
The Departed also had Thiefs Theme in it tooIn what movie? Pretty sure Martin Scorsese always uses popular music from the time his movie is based in.
Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Aviator, Shutter Island.
All use period relevant music.
Raging Bull
Raging Bull (1980) - Soundtracks
Goodfellas (1990) - Soundtracks
In some cases like Gangs of New York he'll use original compositions that are made to sound period relevant. Or he'll use classic music in modern movies. Like The Departed had a bunch of music from the 60's and 70's.