ayo! - BEZ
tarantino has never dissapointed me, this and the man with the iron fist? piff overload
finna be classic butat Leo's accent
he gotta stop trying to play characters with accents. he was downright embarrassing with that irish shyt in Gangs of New York, his Boston accent in Departed sucked, and we ain't even gonna talk about Blood Diamond. dude looking like a parody of tom hanks character from lady killers.
I beginning to feel like someone else should have been cast for the role. I actually wouldn't have minded if a lesser known cat like Vincent Cassel or Barry Pepper (25th Hour, True Grit) was in the film instead.
Watch: First Full Trailer For Quentin Tarantino's Slave Revenge Pic 'Django Unchained' | Shadow and Act
this worked for me hurry and watch it