Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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FF XIII was multi-plat, and this was originally FF Vs. XIII, which was supposed to be multi-plat. Nothing surprising here at all.
Now if KH3 ends up being multiplat....![]()
I'm sorry but I don't see this as a win for Microsoft. Even if it is multiplatform why get it on the Xbox. I can't play it if I have no Internet connection for more than 24 hours. I can't trade it in when I'm done with it. Can't get it from a friend or rent it. The only way Microsoft comes out on top is to have so many exclusive tithes you are forced to get it to play them
can't get in from a friend? you can actually borrow it from a friend 4000+ miles away with out sending it through the mail so yea.. but the 24 hours do suck i agree.
Microsoft got timed dlc for Battlefield 4 and COD Ghosts, and got Dead Rising back to being exclusive - what did Sony do on the payolla front? (no fanboy, I just want to know). I woulda thought making Final Fantasy exclusive was a no brainer and worth some $$
Microsoft got timed dlc for Battlefield 4 and COD Ghosts, and got Dead Rising back to being exclusive - what did Sony do on the payolla front? (no fanboy, I just want to know). I woulda thought making Final Fantasy exclusive was a no brainer and worth some $$
Once EA sees those PS4 vs XB1 sales...
titanfall dropping on PS4 Holiday 2014.