Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ending/Spoiler Discussion Thread


G-Zeus Chrystler...the brehsident
May 1, 2012
Brehsident evil
Just finished the game earlier today. As a longtime fan i was 100% thrown off and didnt know what to think of it. After watching a bunch of theory videos, all i have is more questions

So if zack is alive in the alternate timeline we are in now, do cloud and aerith suddenly acknowledge that zack has always been alive since he made it to midgar with cloud or is there 2 clouds in this timeline we entered???? The one we saw make his way with zack and the one we used all game?

As long as we revisit all the towns, and get varaitions of all the other moments like midgar snake,dyne and coral prison, golden saucer, junon etc with the whisperers keeping most of the core story together, im cool with it

Here is how I interpret it.
Their is more than one alternate timeline.... basically..the one we played is now the main, the 97 one would be the one Sephiroth managed to alternate...and the other timeline that could change the one we're in now is the one u saw at the end

Say 97 is A, remake is B....ending is C

Before reaching the end
A = current
B = alternate
C = does not exist ..

After the end.. Sephiroth hit the reset button...

A= deleted
B= is the current timeline
C= Alternate

To me...this is ... AMAZING.....


May 1, 2012
A quick run-down of my theory is... This is an "unknown" journey, but only because where we stand right now, we "think" they're going to veer off course. I personally think it's a fake out unless confirmed otherwise by Square. Or at the very least... There's more to it than what we're aware of (obviously).

Something interesting to note is that the Whispers in the beginning were bothering Aerith, and it's only because Cloud touched her is when we and he can also see these things as well. Now, theses "whispers" are supposed to be the Watchmen of Fate, in order to make sure nothing deviates off the course of the original canon. They only interfere when someone is about to do something that defies the destiny revolving around the Planet. So then why bother Aerith? Because Aerith also planned to change fate from the very beginning -- she's also "unnatural", clearly she knows too much by what the last chapter shows.

Isn't it strange that when the Sector 7 Plate was about to fall, and she went to save Marlene, we saw a "glitch" like what happens with Cloud and his memories? Right after that, Marlene stops crying and backs away like she wants to say something, but then Aerith shushes her, implying whatever Marlene saw is a big secret. The next time Marlene mentions Aerith to Barret, she says "She's kinda..." and hesitates. She's not supposed to say what she saw. And then she says, "You should help her." This exact phenomenon occurs when Aerith puts her hand on Red XIII's head. After that, he had knowledge of what the Whispers were. It's been made abundantly clear, but she's equally as "foreign" as Sephiroth seems to be. But, Sephiroth's goals and Aerith's goals are different from each other. However, both of them know things they "canonically" shouldn't. This might be why Aerith gives Cloud the flower that symbolizes "Reunion", even though they're meeting for the first time. If you're an OG fan, we're made to think "She's seeing Zack in Cloud" and that's true too, but I think there's more to it.

The game has touched on it numerous times that the Whispers are invisible unless you've made contact with someone who can see them. Remember the morning after the mission with Jessie? You're fighting the Whispers and you don't see anybody else around but the main party + Avalanche, but you know what the people in the S7 Slums say? "What was all the commotion about?" "What were they shooting at? It looked like they were shooting at nothing." As well, remember when Cloud first meets Aerith, and only the two of them can see the Whispers? But the Shinra Public Security Infantrymen can't? Only we see these entities.

But think about it. Right after everything that happens, the goal remains the same -- to stop Sephiroth. The only ones truly privy to the information that happened previously would be Sephiroth, Aertith, Red XIII and possibly Marlene (but she's a kid lmao, so she's a non-factor). Red is claiming that the events that what happened in the OG is the failed timeline, but it's never stated exactly what's the defining moment that determines this. Sephiroth asked Cloud to join him and defy destiny, but Cloud refuses. A similar showdown happens, like in the original when Cloud used Omnislash, only this time Cloud loses because he's nowhere near strong enough. That's when he says, "Not quite." (Or something along those lines). Then he says, "Seven seconds until the end." (Going off the Chapter description, he's referring to the Planet.) My interpretation of this is that Cloud isn't yet capable of bringing about the change Sephiroth wants, so for now, he most likely won't be interfering.

What about all of this does it actually change? Nothing, at least for most of Part 2 I'd wager. The only time you're gonna most likely see any changes would be in Aerith's motivations and decisions, and just like in the OG, she's probably not going to tell anyone (especially Cloud) what lies ahead and what her plans are. Let's also not forget that at this point in time in the OG, this isn't actually Sephiroth we're dealing with, but Jenova through Sephiroth's will. And something to note, is that the Jenova form you fight in Ch.17 is called "Dreamweaver"... Which is known to cause hallucinations (stated in the Asses Menu and by Red XIII). It's possible that a lot of what "Sephiroth" (Jenova) is showing Cloud are "images" and "memories". Even so, that still doesn't detract the party's main goal and that has been affirmed at the end. Saving the Planet, stopping Sephiroth, all of that is still the same.

As for Zack, it's possible that what we ended up seeing isn't actually a tangible timeline that we're now in, but moreso showing a "possibility of what could've been". I'm still shaky on this part, so I'll have to dwell on it more, but I don't think Zack is alive. If he is, my offhand guess is for any AU purposes Square decides to do later on.


Scene from Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.0 movie when it diverged from the shot for shot (plot) remake and introduced all new stuff.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Finished and man this was superpiff, some of yall are being way too scared with these theories.

:mjlol: if you think they're not planning on killing Aerith.

This allows them to introduce new characters and new roads but BET that those roads WILL lead to the classic iconic conclusions of the OG. It's key to note that NONE of the characterizations have changed like @Hyperion stated.

Aerith doesn't just randomly get killed, she kind of plans on it and it's her final checkmate against Sephiroth/Jenova. It allowed her to unleash HOLY (which is the materia Jenova had chained up in the final fight) and is why we see her at the end when meteor gets destroyed. The Aerith and Sephiroth we see now are both the same characters. Likewise she knows she can never tell the party the truth because they would never let her make that sacrifice.

They will change shyt up but they will absolutely come back to shyt like this.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Finished and man this was superpiff, some of yall are being way too scared with these theories.

:mjlol: if you think they're not planning on killing Aerith.

This allows them to introduce new characters and new roads but BET that those roads WILL lead to the classic iconic conclusions of the OG. It's key to note that NONE of the characterizations have changed like @Hyperion stated.

Aerith doesn't just randomly get killed, she kind of plans on it and it's her final checkmate against Sephiroth/Jenova. It allowed her to unleash HOLY (which is the materia Jenova had chained up in the final fight) and is why we see her at the end when meteor gets destroyed. The Aerith and Sephiroth we see now are both the same characters. Likewise she knows she can never tell the party the truth because they would never let her make that sacrifice.

They will change shyt up but they will absolutely come back to shyt like this.
Yeah but like.... now the whole party saw the truth about potential futures so its probably gonna not going down like that

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Yeah but like.... now the whole party saw the truth about potential futures so its probably gonna not going down like that

We will see. I think some things will still happen, maybe wishful thinking. Based on their previous writings for the FF games they fully believe that some shyt is inevitable, I think that will play a part in the next installments.


Oct 14, 2012
Finished and man this was superpiff, some of yall are being way too scared with these theories.

:mjlol: if you think they're not planning on killing Aerith.

This allows them to introduce new characters and new roads but BET that those roads WILL lead to the classic iconic conclusions of the OG. It's key to note that NONE of the characterizations have changed like @Hyperion stated.

Aerith doesn't just randomly get killed, she kind of plans on it and it's her final checkmate against Sephiroth/Jenova. It allowed her to unleash HOLY (which is the materia Jenova had chained up in the final fight) and is why we see her at the end when meteor gets destroyed. The Aerith and Sephiroth we see now are both the same characters. Likewise she knows she can never tell the party the truth because they would never let her make that sacrifice.

They will change shyt up but they will absolutely come back to shyt like this.

yeah, but this Sephiroth knows this, so he’s not gonna wanna do the same deed

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
yeah, but this Sephiroth knows this, so he’s not gonna wanna do the same deed

I'm not completely sold on that. The downfall of these villains is always their arrogance. He might not literally cast meteor again but he'll do something world ending.

I still see Sephiroth and Aerith as the two opposites with Cloud/the party in the middle. The remake also sets this up. I don't see her fate being any different. She'll be the first to figure out what he's up to and the first to take action.

I love this game :wow:

Honestly I'm happy they went this way and just hope they stick the landing. I own the OG physical +digital on both PS4 and SWITCH so the fact that we get two different versions of it is absolutely fine with me. I still love playing the OG just the way it is.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
So Crisis Core is kinda sorta non canon now?:patrice:

No, pretty sure that still happened for this Cloud. I think it's different dimensions. Note that there was added emphasis on the Shinra mascot, which was a completely different dog from the one we've been seeing the entire game.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
I finished it a few days ago...:patrice: I wonder why they are going to change future wise in disc 2 cause we all know how events turn out...:francis:


May 1, 2012
yeah, but this Sephiroth knows this, so he’s not gonna wanna do the same deed
Right Seph knows killing Aerith is pointless. He also knows Holy can’t stop meteor, his only threat is the life stream. I imagine he’s gonna move completely different now. He can’t send Aerith back to the life stream because that’s what ended up giving him an L in the first place.