Film Room Madness: #5 Batman vs #28 Nightmare on Elm St

Better Franchise?

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  • Poll closed .


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
You know I'm right. Off the top of my head you got the Nolan films(I didn't like the last one). Which are considered piff.

Then you got Adam west Batman, Arnold as Mr.Freeze, Jim Carrey as the Riddler, Danny devito as penguin, and bat nipples.
They weren't good movies.
But i liked the adam west batman and i thought danny devito was a good fit as the penguin


May 1, 2012
Here's where we are so far on the first round:

Star Wars made child's play out of Chucky
Indiana Jones whipped Mad Max into submission
The Xenomorph blasted Ethan and crew out of an airlock
007 proved HE is the one and not Neo or the Matrix
And Optimus Prime proved no match for a flying Delorean

Which brings us to the next matchup in the first round: The Dark Knight vs Freddy.

Tale of the Tape:

Batman - Eight films (or nine if you count the Adam West flick), all with different interpretations of Batman. And that's not including the serials where he got bodied by goons on the regular. As a whole, Batman is one of the most successful film franchises in history and will go on by the time all of us are worm food.

Nightmare on Elm St - Nine films since 1984, with all but one featuring Robert Englund as probably the best boogeyman in horror history. Freddy made New Line into what it became and what it is so in a way, no Freddy means no Lord of the Rings.

So who gets the W? The Caped Crusader or Mr. Welcome to primetime, bytch himself

@hex can you sticky this for me? Thanks homie. Also unstick the back to the future v transformers thread.

Poll closes in 7 days so get your voting in and explain why.

I was looking for this. As much as I enjoy Nightmare on Elm Street I had to with Batman just because Batman was part of my childhood and I watched all the movies multiple times. And I really enjoy the Adam west one.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I hadn’t really participated in these threads till now, so I didn’t know it was comparing franchises and debating them. Judging off the title I had assumed it was singular films against each other. Were that the case I would’ve gone with Nightmare over the OG Batman. Even if both are great films in their own rights, just based off concept and execution I would’ve given it to Freddy because it was an original, wholly new character that existed in a world with endless possibilities, being in a dream state. Not that having Batman finally depicted on screen without the camp of the Adam West series wasn’t equally as big, especially with what would come in the decades that followed and Batman becoming one of the biggest heroes of all time, but Freddy to me would’ve been the better option were it strictly standalones.
Even if the sequels fell off (and most of them absolutely did) it’s a character and setting with limitless possibilities restricted only by content ratings and writer’s block. You can say the say for Batman but, I think he’s got more masters to serve. People have a certain expectation of the Dark Knight, especially at this point, and he almost needs to fit into those expectations, plus most onscreen depictions are either adaptions or interpretations of what’s happened in the comics (I don’t really watch the animated stuff so I could be off with that take) but Freddy had no established lore to follow so it was all uncharted territory. And, despite being overtly campy at times, I think made it work in spite of the sometimes shytty films surrounding the character. He’s like a WWE monster wrestler in a sense, like Kane back in the day. You could slot him into comedy roles, but it wouldn’t take much to get his heat (pun) back and make him go murderous to re-establish him as a threat. When they went that route with the Schumacher Batman films it nearly killed off the film property, even though that same approach really damaged the Nightmare franchise too. But the advantage that Nightmare has is that Robert Englund has always brought life and energy to that character, whereas Batman has had more hit or miss depictions. Even Jackie Earl Haley nailed the character even though the rebooted franchise never took off.

BUT I guess finally, since this is franchise v. franchise it’s nearly impossible to vote against Batman. The Nolan Trilogy is enough, not to mention the Keaton films. I also am willing to say I enjoy the cheese of the Schumacher era even though the films themselves are bleh. I like Affleck’s current take on the character as well even though, again, the films surrounding the character are weak. With the lamer Nightmare entries they just feel like a waste, of the character, lore, and possibilities. Nightmare 1, some of the later sequels I think with Patricia Arquette, and New Nightmare can stand on their own two feet, while the rest trend towards average or bad. Based off watchabity Batman wins


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
I won't be able to comee to a decision until Saturday. I'm gonna watch 3 Bats (Keaton, West, TDK) and 3 Freddy's (OG, Dream Warriors & New Nightmare). I I do one more it'll be FvJ & Begins.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
I gotta go Freddy, for a couple of reasons. Freddy has a linear story, and in each movie he grows and gains more control. The mythology also expands.

Batman, each movie is a different interpretation of the character, but they each omit a core character trait. West isn't as crazy, Burton lacks the playboy, Nolan downplays the intelligence and OCD.