fight over food in the office, fatbrehs.


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
i feel you but breh shouldnt have swung at her like that :mjlol:

if this happened outside of the office he would have given her the beats..

Come to think on it, you right, breh. Dude should have just let her know that he ain't with the shyts, but I've seen a few heavy folk straight up send people through walls for messing with their food. Breh had plans for EVERY morsel on that plate and prolly been daydreaming about that shyt from 10:30 and she comes along and fukks it up.:mjlol:


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Why do nikkas constantly post that little fat unhealthy black kid losing his breath whilst making a spectacle of himself for the whole world to laugh at? I assume ya'll don't see the CAC in the righthand corner recording him with his phone?

If that, that little Terrio kid, fall back on whatever concerns you got for breh's health and well being, his MOMS got him out here doing this shyt, pulling him out of school while giving him half ass tutors and wafer thin promises to help keep his health in check.:francis: Whomever you see holding the camera or whatever, part of his 'management'.

I know we shouldn't be giving this shyt attention, but it ain't like as if people clamoring for the shyts more than them just making content of him, being the way he is, for views which in turn give him publicity, which in turn gives him opportunity to make money for the folk that got him, Moms included.:yeshrug:


Black and not crackin’
Jun 6, 2014
Seems like every office has at least one 400lb slob ass white man. Got one in my office that chokes down them 50 cent no name 2 liter sodas from china that you get from dollar tree. Got them lined up under his desk like he's scared he gonna run out. Was eating a big can of Dinty Moore soup and a whole tray of cinnamon rolls every morning for breakfast. Went through a 2 liter before noon. Got major blockage from the shyt he was eating and had to get surgery to remove half of his intestines. He was doing good for a while when he got back...eating salads and shyt, but 3 months later started seeing empty Dinty Moore cans in the break room....


Dec 2, 2015
at first i agreed with you but then i got to thinking...she never laid a hand on him but he slapped her hand, he actually touched fuked up as it is, she never touched ol boy..its like if i came to your desk and took a pin off your desk and you stole on me, that wouldnt fly with HR.
Don't have to touch someone to be justified in striking them.
You are stealing, they have a legal right to use force to stop theft of property.
Like I said if the company is going to fire you for striking a person who was stealing or attempting to steal your food in your presence, they are opening themselves up to a lawsuit. Unsafe workplace would be the big one off the top of my mind.

No he doesn't.
I disagree with you

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
Seems like every office has at least one 400lb slob ass white man. Got one in my office that chokes down them 50 cent no name 2 liter sodas from china that you get from dollar tree. Got them lined up under his desk like he's scared he gonna run out. Was eating a big can of Dinty Moore soup and a whole tray of cinnamon rolls every morning for breakfast. Went through a 2 liter before noon. Got major blockage from the shyt he was eating and had to get surgery to remove half of his intestines. He was doing good for a while when he got back...eating salads and shyt, but 3 months later started seeing empty Dinty Moore cans in the break room....

We had a niigga on my team, black dude, stayed with a bottom drawer full of snacks. Funny thing (or not, depending on your viewpoint) is that son is diabetic. Niigga would have boxes of Little Debbie cakes, mini-pies, them Nutri-Grain bars, you name it... Every now and then (usually when he had gone to see his doctor) he would have a spring cleaning of sorts, giving away his snacks and replacing them with sugar-free crap. So I'd get a message to come to his cube and help myself to whatever I wanted. This would last for a couple weeks to a month before son would fall off the wagon and start loading up on junk again. We even called him "Snacks". One time I slipped up during a conference call with our project manager who was in the Boston office and actually called him "Snacks". So when she came to our office to visit, she was like "why do you call him Snacks? Does he really have a drawer full of snacks?" So I walked her over to his cube, and fortunately I think the niigga had just done some shopping, cause the drawer about burst when I opened it LOL

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Seems like every office has at least one 400lb slob ass white man. Got one in my office that chokes down them 50 cent no name 2 liter sodas from china that you get from dollar tree. Got them lined up under his desk like he's scared he gonna run out. Was eating a big can of Dinty Moore soup and a whole tray of cinnamon rolls every morning for breakfast. Went through a 2 liter before noon. Got major blockage from the shyt he was eating and had to get surgery to remove half of his intestines. He was doing good for a while when he got back...eating salads and shyt, but 3 months later started seeing empty Dinty Moore cans in the break room....

:scust: Way too much food. Cinnamon rolls and soup for breakfast.