Don't these police fukks get target training? Why everytime they pull the trigger it's a kill shot? Why can't they just shoot them in the arm or leg to get them down and then arrest them? I know why. Cause dead men can't talk and less paper work. All you have is the police backing each others story and another dead black man that didn't deserve to die. These cops are killing blacks for the dumbest shyt and getting away with it.
Breh, I don't think police are trained to wound. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when they use the term, "neutralize", they mean it in all senses of the word and then some. There is no common sense or humanity taken into account, and it's why we get the occassional news story on some elderly person killed by police over carrying a knife. We're all scratching our heads like why'd they unload a clip in an eighty year old man holding a knife? The answer is because they were trained to do so. If you notice with the choking to death incident in NYC, and now this, there have been calls by former law enforcement to examine whether there is a need to retrain officers. That's not to downplay race and class, but there are far too many officers out there who are trained to go full throttle even when it's unneccessary.