My thoughts on the Ferguson situation:
I don't feel comfortable making a strong statement on the shooting of Michael Brown because I don't have enough information. I wasn't there. I didn't see it. Was it self defense or not?
I don't know.
There are two sides to every story and every news source has its own bias. Right now, it's a lot of "he said, she said."
Was he an innocent teenager going to his grandmother's house? Was it race motivated? Was he involved in a robbery right before the incident? Did one of the two teenagers assault the police officer? Push the officer into his car? Struggle with the officer over the officer's weapon?
I don't know.
I DO believe police officers have the right to protect and defend themselves if someone is physically assaulting them and trying to take their gun. I feel the same about private security guards. But we don't really know, for sure, if that was the case or not. Some of the witnesses' stories conflict with the official statements from the police department.
That's why I think it's a good idea for police to wear video cameras on their bodies to document what really happened. It's good for both sides. If the police officer really acted in self defense, there will be solid proof and people won't riot. If the shooting was really unjust and unnecessary, there will be solid proof and the people will demand justice.
Studies have shown that body-worn video cameras on police officers have resulted in dramatic reductions in use-of-force and complaints against officers.
I think that's a good solution to end the "he said, she said" mess.
That said, the video of the robbery turns the testimony of friends and family into complete lies, and blurs things even further.