Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014









Bracing myself for the inevitable Mike Brown/Darren Wilson Halloween costumes. Would lmao if someone was a Jailhouse Darren Wilson though. Would be the closest Wilson will probably ever get to prison, sadly.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch released a statement today saying that the recent leaks about the Darren Wilson case did not come from the Grand Jury. He also claimed that the Twitter account which claimed to have illegal, inside information on the Grand Jury proceedings had been hacked. He offered no proof of any kind to back up his statements. We’re just supposed to take his word for it.

You can read more about it here.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

80 days and no justice

Thinking about the murder of brother Mike Brown and how the Ferguson Police and city dept’s have done their best to justify his murder by tarnishing his character. Do black folks need to riot and tear that city hall down? It has been 80 days since this young one was killed and no justice served. Thousands have protested, marched, organized, reported, and documented. Also, thinking about the legacy of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense and how at the height of racist practices in the south Black folks had their own schools, hospitals, ambulances, clinics ,etc. With the panthers, they had their own armed defense too.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Brown's family pathologist wants to testify before grand jury

The forensic pathologist hired by Michael Brown's family said tonight that he is questioning the St. Louis County medical examiner's conclusion that the teen had gunshot residue on him the night he was fatally shot by police.

Michael Baden conducted an autopsy on Brown's body in August at the request of the teen's family and concluded then that the teen could have been shot from as far away as 30 feet. A leaked copy of the St. Louis County medical examiner's autopsy report says microscopic particles of gunshot residue were found in a deep layer of skin showing that the teen was shot once in his thumb at close range.

Baden said he wants a gunshot residue report as well as several pieces of evidence to draw his own conclusions. He said is willing to testify to his findings before a grand jury deciding whether to charge the officer who shot Brown.

"Gunshot residue can look very similar to ordinary dirt on the ground and his hand, for four hours, was on the ground," Baden said. "So dirt on the ground, the body being moved when they were putting him in the body bag could create the microscopic appearance of gunshot residue."

Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist based in California, says she was quoted out of context in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch story that said she thought the St. Louis County medical examiner's autopsy of Michael Brown supported Officer Darren Wilson's claim that Brown was reaching for his gun.

Both Baden and Melinek, a clinical professor of pathology at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Center who was not involved in the case, say forensic science alone can't determine whether Wilson justifiably shot the teen.


Read more:http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/10/29/browns-family-pathologist-questions-leaked-autopsy/18154107/

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The complete guide to every public eyewitness interview in the shooting death of Mike Brown
http://www.dailykos.com/blog/Shaun King

Mike Brown was shot and killed by Officer Darren Wilson in broad daylight on a hot Saturday afternoon in Ferguson, Missouri. Consequently, eyewitnesses were standing at virtually every angle to observe exactly what happened that day. Seven have come forward publicly. Many gave interviews in the immediate aftermath of the shooting on Canfield Drive. Below is an annotated list of every public interview and video given by each eyewitness. Dorian Johnson
Dorian Johnson is an essential eyewitness. He was walking with Mike Brown when they were first confronted by Officer Wilson and has given the only public account of what was said and done throughout the early stages of that confrontation.
• Here is the video interview with Johnson still on the scene soon after Brown was killed in which he describes everything he saw.
• Here is the same video from Johnson, but from a different camera angle.
A very detailed 12-minute interview with Johnson by Al Sharpton in which he recounts every detail he could remember.
• Here Johnson does a video interview with the local press in which he recounts the story, the same as he said when he was on the scene. But he adds that it felt as if Brown was gunned down "like an animal."
• Here is an interview Johnson did with Chris Hayes just days after Brown was killed.
• Here Johnson does an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
• Here Johnson does an interview with CNN's Don Lemonafter Brown's funeral.
Here Johnson gives an interview more two months later, on Oct. 30, again with CNN's Lemon, and stands by every aspect of his previous account.
Additional links to interviews can be found below the fold.


Tiffany Mitchell Tiffany Mitchell does not live on Canfield Drive, but was driving there to pick up Piaget Crenshaw, a co-worker. She witnessed the shooting from the perspective of Canfield Drive.
• The very first interview Mitchell gave regarding what she saw. She was there for the initial confrontation and witnessed every gunshot.
• Here Mitchell does an interview with Don Lemon just days after the shooting.
• Here is a very thorough interview Mitchell gives to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.
• Here Mitchell and Piaget Crenshaw do a video interview together on CNN just days after the shooting.


Piaget Crenshaw • Piaget Crenshaw observed the shooting from her balcony on Canfield Drive and filmed the immediate aftermath just seconds after Brown was shot and killed.
• Here is the video Crenwshaw filmed just seconds after Brown was shot and killed.
• Here is another video Crenshaw filmed an hour after Mike Brown was killed.
• Here Crenshaw gives an interview on the scene just hours after the shooting.
• Here is an interview Crenshaw gave CNN about a week after the shooting.
• Here Crenshaw gives an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper a week after the shooting.
• A raw cellphone video of an unreleased interview Crenshaw did after the shooting.


Michael Brady Michael Brady lives in the apartments on Canfield Drive. After witnessing what he describes as a tussle between Brown and Wilson, he ran outside to take a closer look.
• Here is a very thorough interview Brady gave to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.
• Here Brady

• Here Brady gives an interview to CNN's Cooper.


Emanuel Freeman (@TheePharaoh on Twitter) Emanuel Freeman lives in a basement level apartment on Canfield Drive that had a direct view of the crime scene. Freeman, known as @TheePharaoh on Twitter, live-tweeted the entire shooting and even took a picture of Darren Wilson standing over Brown's body. His tweets gave very helpful timestamps and verification to other accounts.
• Here is Freeman's live-tweets collected in one stream. It's unreal to see.
• Here's a video interview that Freeman did with Vice News.


Two Construction Workers Two (white) construction workers were on Canfield Drive working on a project when Wilson shot and killed Brown. Their immediate reactions to the shooting were recorded on video, and they have since spoken anonymously to the media. They are afraid of losing their jobs or being targeted if their identities are released.
• Here is the raw video of the construction workers.
• Here is the video of the construction workers on the scene and an analysis from CNN after a private interview with them.
• One of the construction workers gave an interview to theSt. Louis Post-Dispatch on the proviso that he not be named.

Originally posted to shaunking on Fri Oct 31, 2014 at 01:01 PM PDT.



loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
SADLY, IT APPEARS THAT MURDERER DARREN WILSON'S GETTING OFF SCOT-FREE: Federal civil rights charges unlikely against police officer in Ferguson shooting →washingtonpost.com

Justice Department investigators have all but concluded they do not have a strong enough case to bring civil rights charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., according to law enforcement officials.

When racial tension boiled over in Ferguson after the Aug. 9 shooting, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. traveled to the St. Louis suburb to meet with city leaders and protest organizers in an effort to bring calm. He assured them that the federal government would open a civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, but that investigation now seems unlikely to result in any charges.

“The evidence at this point does not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson,” said one person briefed on the investigation, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

Justice Department officials are loath to acknowledge publicly that their case cannot now meet the high legal threshold for a successful civil rights prosecution. The timing is sensitive: Tensions are high in greater St. Louis as people await the results of a grand jury’s review of the case.

Many supporters of Brown say they are already convinced there will be no state-level indictment of the officer. Federal officials have wanted to show that they are conducting a full and fair review of the case.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ronald Johnson held news conferences Friday to discuss the release of robbery surveillance video, reveal the identity of the officer who shot Michael Brown and more. (Nicki DeMarco/The Washington Post)

Justice spokesman Brian Fallon said the case remains open and any discussion of its results is premature. “This is an irresponsible report by The Washington Post that is based on idle speculation,” Fallon said in a statement.

Other law enforcement officials interviewed by The Post said it was not too soon to say how the investigation would end. “The evidence we have makes federal civil rights charges unlikely,” one said.

A lawyer for the family of Michael Brown, Benjamin L. Crump, said he would not comment “on something that is not official.”

James P. Towey Jr., Wilson’s attorney, did not return calls or e-mails seeking comment.

The Justice Department is continuing its broad investigation of the policing practices of the Ferguson Police Department, which could result in wholesale reforms and reorganization. The department on Friday announced an agreement with the city of Albuquerque intended to overhaul the way its police department uses force, the result of one such civil rights investigation.

At a forum this week organized by the Aspen Institute and the Atlantic, Holder indicated that similar reform could be called for in Ferguson.“It’s pretty clear that the need for wholesale change in that department is appropriate,” Holder said.

Federal law sets a high bar in bringing civil rights charges against a police officer because prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer intended to violate someone’s constitutional rights.

Authorities faced a similar challenge in the investigation of George Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. Under federal law for hate crimes, prosecutors have to show that someone has been victimized intentionally because of a racial or other bias.

Law enforcement officials have said privately that there is insufficient evidence to bring federal charges in that case, although the two-year probe technically remains open.

The investigation of the Brown shooting is being conducted by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division under a federal statute that makes it a crime for a person with government authority — the legal term is “acting under color of any law” — to “willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”

Sometimes the department is successful. In 2010 prosecutors won convictions of two New Orleans police officers for civil rights violations in connection with the killing of a man and the burning of his body during the disruption that followed Hurricane Katrina. The officers have appealed their convictions.

Holder and other officials have decried recent news reports about investigative findings in the Ferguson case that have revealed new but conflicting details about the three-minute encounter between Wilson and Brown. Some of those details potentially corroborate the officer’s accountthat the killing was an act of self-defense and could complicate a civil rights case against Wilson.

The St. Louis County autopsy report, published Oct. 21 by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, was interpreted by some forensic pathologists as indicating that Brown may have struggled for control of Wilson’s gun during their initial altercation, but they also said the evidence was inconclusive.

After two shots were fired inside Wilson’s patrol vehicle, the officer got out and Brown fled but later turned around as Wilson continued firing. Some pathologists said the report indicates — but not conclusively — that Brown’s hands were not over his head. Several witnesses said his arms were raised in surrender when the officer shot him again.

Rachel A. Harmon, a law professor at the University of Virginia and a former prosecutor in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, said it is especially challenging to prove a civil rights case beyond a reasonable doubt.

“There is an extra burden in federal civil rights cases because the statute requires that the defendant acted ‘willfully,’ ” Harmon said. “It is not enough to prove that he used too much force. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did so willfully.”

Harmon also said that if Wilson “genuinely believed he was acting in self-defense,” then his actions are not considered “willful,” meaning he did not intend to deprive Brown of his constitutional rights.

Brown was shot a total of nine times, including three times in the head, according to the county autopsy.

Dorian Johnson, the 22-year-old who was with Brown when the two encountered Wilson, has said the officer was the aggressor and did not act in self defense.

David Klinger, a former Los Angeles police officer and professor of criminology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, said enduring disputes over what happened likely raise reasonable doubt that would make a successful civil rights prosecution almost impossible.

“The autopsy report is devastating because it raises doubts about him standing still with his hands in the air in surrender,” said Klinger, who shot and killed a suspect in the line of duty when he was an officer. “If you have a halfway competent lawyer, the defense could raise reasonable doubt with this.”

Samuel Bagenstos, a former Justice Department principal deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights and now a law professor at the University of Michigan, said that the obstacles prosecutors face in the Ferguson case are typical, as are the frustrations of Brown’s supporters.

It is common to have a situation “that looks like a constitutional violation and may well be an injustice,” Bagenstos said. “But sometimes the Justice Department does not have the ability to bring a civil rights case under the statutes it enforces.”