Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal


Mike Brown’s Mom Is Taking Her Son’s Case to the UN in Geneva

Lesley McSpadden, the mother of the 18-year-old boy whose death at the hands of a Ferguson police officer in August sparked weeks of protests, is going to Geneva, Switzerland next month to speak about her son and other victims of police brutality in front of the United Nations.

The trip — which was recently made public by organizers and promoted under the taglineFerguson to Geneva — is meant to make a case, to as wide an audience as possible, that both Brown’s killing and the militarized police response to protesters demanding justice for him, are a matter of human rights.

(Read more here)


This is a VERY smart move on the part of Brown's family. America loves to police the rest of the world, let's pull that curtain back and show them how these motherfukkers treat us here.


Jul 10, 2014
Notice the emphasis on the fact these witnesses that side with Wilson are BLACK....especially given the racist/racial tone.of this whole situation. They either don't exist (hence the "being afraid to ce forward" part) or like you said...are paid informants.

How many times are they going to lie to us and think we're dumb enough to believe it?

What about the very WHITE contractors that both said "He had his hands in the air"?

Note at the end of the video...you can hear somebody yell, "he was no threat at all"!

Two can play that fukking tit for tat bullshyt. :comeon:
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Mar 24, 2014
what exactly can the UN do? i heard they might not give a shyt

Of course It wont do shyt, but it's enough to embaress the almighty holier than thou United States..hang its hypocritical laundry out in front of the whole world..the world it wants to direct and claim its fighting for minority rights etc etc throughout the globe. Anyone anywhere taking their fight to the UN is extremely fed up and doesnt give a fukk about the system. something most White Americans will have a real problem with. See how most white Americans are behind Wilson and turn a blind eye to abuses inflicted upon Black people by the police by saying its justified since Blacks themselves kill each other..they expect us to also rally behind the police after what they describe as a 'thug' has been killed. White Americans love the system cause it works for them and them alone, they believe it is perfect and wont like some Negro woman getting up in front of world leaders to tell them America has no right whatsoever telling anyone how to run their own affairs. The Ferguson folks are relentless and are using strategy unseen before.


All Star
May 16, 2012


Earliest police report from Ferguson is released and conflicts with Darren Wilson’s testimony leaks

Please notice five key discrepancies between the two accounts.

1. Detective Hokamp, in his record from the day of the shooting, says nothing of Darren Wilson hearing a radio call about a robbery with suspects matching Mike Brown’s description, as Wilson does in his own statement weeks later. Months later, Wilson allegedly recounts it this way:

After Brown passed by, Wilson realized that Johnson’s clothing matched a recent radio alert about a suspect in a robbery at a nearby market where cigarillos had been taken.

2. Detective Hokamp, in his record from the day of the shooting, says nothing of Darren Wilson pulling away from Mike Brown and Dorian Johnson and then reversing his car to confront them. Months later, Wilson allegedly included this in his account of the day:

Wilson backed up his SUV to Brown and Johnson. The source said Wilson told investigators he had placed the SUV in park.

3. Detective Hokamp, in his record from the day of the shooting, says nothing of Darren Wilson being beaten so badly that he nearly lost consciousness, as Wilson allegedly does in his own statement weeks later:
During the struggle, Brown handed the cigarillos to Johnson, then swung his left hand and hit Wilson on the right side of the face. Wilson said he almost lost consciousness.

4. Detective Hokamp, in his record from the day of the shooting, states that the gun “discharged” during the struggle. Darren Wilson, in his alleged account below, admits to firing two shots at Mike Brown from the SUV:
The second time Wilson pulled the trigger, the gun did fire. Wilson told investigators he thought the bullet had struck Brown in the hand, the source said. Broken window glass was everywhere, and blood was on the door, the gun and Wilson’s hands. At the time, Wilson said, he wasn’t sure whose blood it was.

The struggle continued, and Wilson attempted to pull the trigger twice more. The source said Wilson thought Brown’s hand may have interfered again. Wilson was able to fire a second shot, and Brown ran.

5. Detective Hokamp, in his record from the day of the shooting, reports that Darren Wilson fired “several” shots at Mike Brown, all while Mike Brown was charging at him.

Audio from that day appears to have Darren Wilson shooting at least 11 shots at Mike Brown with a three-second pause between shots 7 and 8.

(Read more here)


The underlined in red is nearly impossible. To strike someone on the right side of the face while they are on the inside of a vehicle while you are on the outside with what would have to be a left hook (how else would you hit the side of their face) without obstruction or hitting anything is highly unlikely. The more forward you face the more implausible this description is. Darren Wilson would have to be doing one of two things. Sitting backwards in the seat, or have his head sticking out of the window. Which neither is described. He in facts stated that Brown was in the SUV window. And if that's the case, its almost impossible to generate enough leverage, velocity and force to levy a left handed strike while leaning into a window to throw with enough force to almost knock out a grown man. This is the lynchpin in his defense. If I was a prosecutor, I'd eat him alive with this.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The underlined in red is nearly impossible. To strike someone on the right side of the face while they are on the inside of a vehicle while you are on the outside with what would have to be a left hook (how else would you hit the side of their face) without obstruction or hitting anything is highly unlikely. The more forward you face the more implausible this description is. Darren Wilson would have to be doing one of two things. Sitting backwards in the seat, or have his head sticking out of the window. Which neither is described. He in facts stated that Brown was in the SUV window. And if that's the case, its almost impossible to generate enough leverage, velocity and force to levy a left handed strike while leaning into a window to throw with enough force to almost knock out a grown man. This is the lynchpin in his defense. If I was a prosecutor, I'd eat him alive with this.

The prosecutor is on the board of the agency raising money for Darren Wilson's defense. This was never going to trial.


Jul 10, 2014
The underlined in red is nearly impossible. To strike someone on the right side of the face while they are on the inside of a vehicle while you are on the outside with what would have to be a left hook (how else would you hit the side of their face) without obstruction or hitting anything is highly unlikely. The more forward you face the more implausible this description is. Darren Wilson would have to be doing one of two things. Sitting backwards in the seat, or have his head sticking out of the window. Which neither is described. He in facts stated that Brown was in the SUV window. And if that's the case, its almost impossible to generate enough leverage, velocity and force to levy a left handed strike while leaning into a window to throw with enough force to almost knock out a grown man. This is the lynchpin in his defense. If I was a prosecutor, I'd eat him alive with this.

I'd say its impossible too given we've yet to hear about ANY blood from Wilson being found anywhere. How does he get that injured without some blood being involved?

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)

Ferguson police asked for no-fly restrictions to keep news helicopters away
Audio recordings released under Foia raise serious questions about whether police violated constitutional rights of journalists covering civil unrest in the wake of Michael Brown shooting


Police fired teargas at demonstrators in Ferguson, Missouri, in the wake of the shooting of Michael Brown. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Police in Ferguson, Missouri, asked the US government to restrict 37 sq m of airspace above the city primarily to stop media helicopters from recording TV news footage during a week of rioting in August, audio recordings have revealed.

On 12 August, the morning after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) imposed the first flight restriction, air traffic managers struggled to redefine the temporary flight restriction (TFR) in order to allow police aircraft and commercial flights to operate at the nearby Lambert-St. Louis airport.

“They finally admitted it really was to keep the media out,” said one FAA manager about the St Louis County police request, in a series of recorded telephone conversations obtained by the Associated Press after a freedom of information request. “But they were a little concerned of, obviously, anything else that could be going on.”

At one point an FAA employee in Kansas City said police “did not care if you ran commercial traffic through this TFR all day long. They didn’t want media in there.”

“There is really … no option for a TFR that says, you know, ‘OK, everybody but the media is OK,’” he said. The managers then worked out wording they felt would keep news helicopters out of the controlled zone but not impede other air traffic.


Demonstrators are surrounded by police in riot gear on the night of 19 August. Photograph: Joshua Lott/Reuters
The conversations contradict claims by the St Louis County police department, which was criticised for its forceful response to demonstrations in the wake of the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown at the hands of one of its officers. Police said the restriction was solely for safety and had nothing to do with preventing media from witnessing the violence or the police response.

Police said at the time – and on Friday to the AP – that they requested the flight restriction in response to shots fired at a police helicopter. However, police officials confirmed there was no damage to their helicopter and were unable to provide an incident report on the shooting.

On the tapes, an FAA manager described the helicopter shooting as unconfirmed “rumors”.

The AP obtained the recordings under the US Freedom of Information Act. They raise serious questions about whether police were trying to suppress aerial images of the demonstrations and the police response by violating the constitutional rights of journalists with tacit assistance by federal officials.

Such images would have offered an unvarnished view of one of the most serious episodes of civil violence in recent memory.

“Any evidence that a no-fly zone was put in place as a pretext to exclude the media from covering events in Ferguson is extraordinarily troubling and a blatant violation of the press’s first amendment rights,” said Lee Rowland, an American Civil Liberties Union staff attorney specializing in first amendment issues.

One FAA manager modified the flight restriction so that planes landing at Lambert still could enter the airspace around Ferguson.


Michael Brown was shot and killed by police in Ferguson. Photograph: Anonymous/AP
The less-restrictive change practically served the authorities’ intended goal, an FAA official said: “A lot of the time the [lesser restriction] just keeps the press out, anyways. They don’t understand the difference.”

The Kansas City FAA manager then asked a St Louis County police official if the restrictions could be lessened so nearby commercial flights wouldn’t be affected. The new order allows “aircraft on final [approach] there at St Louis. It will still keep news people out … The only way people will get in there is if they give them permission in there anyway so they, with the [lesser restriction], it still keeps all of them out.”

“Yeah,” replied the police official. “I have no problem with that whatsoever.”

KMOV-TV news director Brian Thouvenot told the AP that his station was prepared at first to legally challenge the flight restrictions, but was later advised that its pilot could fly over the area as long as the helicopter stayed above 3,000ft. That kept the helicopter and its mounted camera outside the restricted zone, although filming from such a distance, he said, was “less than ideal.”

None of the St Louis stations was advised that media helicopters could enter the airspace even under the lesser restrictions, which under federal rules should not have applied to aircraft “carrying properly accredited news representatives.” The FAA’s no-fly notice indicated the area was closed to all aircraft except police and planes coming to and from the airport.

“Only relief aircraft operations under direction of St Louis County police department are authorized in the airspace,” it said. “Aircraft landing and departing St Louis Lambert airport are exempt.”

Ferguson police were widely criticized for their response following the death of Brown, who was shot by a city police officer, Darren Wilson, on 9 August. Later, under county police command, several reporters were arrested, a TV news crew was tear-gassed and some demonstrators were told they weren’t allowed to film officers.

In early October, a federal judge said the police violated demonstrators’ and news crews’ constitutional rights.

“Here in the United States of America, police should not be bullying and arresting reporters who are just doing their jobs,” President Barack Obama said on 14 August, two days after police confided to federal officials the flight ban was secretly intended to keep media helicopters out of the area. “The local authorities, including police, have a responsibility to be transparent and open.”

The restricted flight zone initially encompassed airspace in a 3.4-mile radius around Ferguson and up to 5,000ft in altitude, but police agreed to reduce it to 3,000ft after the FAA’s command center in Warrenton, Virginia, complained to managers in Kansas City that it was impeding traffic into St Louis. A police official assured the FAA he had no objections to commercial air traffic entering the zone, according to one recording.

The flight restrictions remained in place until 22 Aug, FAA records show. A police captain wanted it extended when officials were set to identify Wilson by name as the officer who shot Brown and because Brown’s funeral would “bring out the emotions,” the recordings show.

“We just don’t know what to expect,” he told the FAA. “We’re monitoring that. So, last night we shot a lot of tear gas, we had a lot of shots fired into the air again. It did quiet down after midnight, but with that … we don’t know when that’s going to erupt.”

The recordings do not capture early conversations about the initial flight restriction imposed a day earlier, but they nonetheless show the FAA still approved and modified the flight restriction after the FAA was aware that its main intent was to keep the media away.

One FAA official at the agency’s command center asked the Kansas City manager in charge whether the restrictions were really about safety. “So are [the police] protecting aircraft from small-arms fire or something?” he asked. “Or do they think they’re just going to keep the press out of there, which they can’t do.”


Apr 30, 2012
breh that no fly shyt is a borderline declaration of war

It is...in the military it's the first thing we do when we establish a battle ground we set up a Roz and a no fly area above the locations we are going to target and identify known enemy areas and potential hostile areas...it's the same shyt that happens here...because remember the police were still flying.


Mar 24, 2014
Any Black person refusing to get up from their lifelong slumber deserves whatever treatment cacs throw at them..some people are really a liability and must be identified and separated from..let the c00ns be, Im tired of them. People still questioning all thats happened and basically in denial about whats plain to see..


Apr 30, 2012
Any Black person refusing to get up from their lifelong slumber deserves whatever treatment cacs throw at them..some people are really a liability and must be identified and separated from..let the c00ns be, Im tired of them. People still questioning all thats happened and basically in denial about whats plain to see..

Exactly this shyt was a massive human rights issue...they need to take this to the UN....why should the U.S. be fukking with ISL when they are violating human rights as well.


All Star
Jan 15, 2014
I respect him for being objective and all that... but the fact of the matter is.. the video has NOTHING to do with Mike Brown getting shot.

It's just annoying that folks keep bringing it up... the kkkops released the video for that EXACT reason. It's propaganda for the white/majority community... and no matter how you want to paint thee white liberals like Bill Maher LEGITIMIIZE the video by speaking on the actions of the person in it without an actual context of what really took place in that store.. The guy in the store didn't call the cops so it couldn't have been that big of a deal...

Why do people always pretend that the behavior in that video is completely divorced from what may have happened when Darren spotted him?

Mike was a hot head who had little respect for himself and probably zero respect for anyone else. Anyone who steals from an innocent business & assaults people clearly isn't someone I feel needs to be caped for.

He didn't deserve to die, though. At all.