white man murders black kid and doesnt get arrested or tried... but he does get half a mill in donated money (and probably some other undisclosed gifts)..his own private security..a tireless defense in the media..and a paid vacation...just because he white and the person he murdered was black...this is how people are brainwashed and conditioned to except and appreciate white supremacy/racism/colorism/fascism...amerikkka tells the world if you abuse..harm or kill african/black people you will be rewarded...
this is why everyone (yes even black people) are at odds with black people...amerikkka is the school..white supremacy is the class and mike..john..vonderit..etc. are the lessons...
This is a harsh lesson for the Black kids of today walking around without a care in the world thinking shyt is sweet.
They will learn, and they will learn the hard way..usually through what will be an unexpected but brutal experience since they walk around clueless. We try to warn them about these deceptive white folks and they laugh it off..and notice its the very young they blasting..teenagers of all people. Trayvon and Mike were the same age as these clueless kids.
also, to touch basis on why people are upset about the news letter.. is apparently antonio is having/seeking people outside of st louis write it..
I know there are black women on this forum, and I don't direct this to you. So, I apologize if you take offense. But, I believe one of the most toxic elements in our community are single black mothers. The ghettos are teeming with single black women popping out babies that they don't nurture properly. They neglect their sons and teach them to be bytchmade, and they instill self-hate into their daughters. Our community is crippled by single black women who are psychologically twisted to the point that they don't even realize what they're doing. I see this everyday, and it just makes me goclueless/ignorant kids (and adults) is why ugly ass history keep repeating...it is a vicious pattern...people being clueless and not caring about these murders is a result of the system of white supremacy and fascism...these killings will damage the conscience of many young people of all colors..but it will affect black folks the worst...the race war people talk about has started already and they dont even know it...it is psychological warfare...rhetoric and propaganda are being used effectively to make the world hostile towards people with black skin...people are willing to destroy themselves in an attempt to get rid of black/african people...just like that picture of the peckerwood pouring acid in his own pool...he will poison the well he gets his water from if he thought that would harm someone black...unreal...
this is some petty shyt
if he wants to write a newsletter he can write a newsletter. what makes them so special that they can have the only one?