loyola llothta

Ferguson. MikeBrown
What Mike Brown did and did NOT do inside of the Ferguson convenience store
1. The police report stated (also in the image above) that Mike Brown stole a box of cigars worth $48.99,but he and Dorian Johnson both put the boxes of cigars back on the counter as seen in 1:03 and 1:05 in the video from the store. Furthermore, at 1:35 in the video, and in the still, Mike Brown is seen with just a few loose cigars.
2. The attorney for the Ferguson Market stated that the store never called the police to report a crime and only gave the video to the police when a search warrant forced them to do so.
3. The Department of Justice explicitly asked the Ferguson police NOT to release the video to the public, but the department did so despite this request.
4. Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson stated that Officer Darren Wilson was unaware of this incident during his confrontation with Mike Brown. He later came out to say that he was unsure if Darren Wilson knew or didn’t know.
(Watch video here)
(Read more here)