Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

Oct 14, 2014
These laws do not respect us, so we need to start operating outside of the law. I'm sorry for the loss of this young brother (just 18!), but these kind words and prayers mean nothing. Cacs laugh at them and go :win: I don't have the resources or connections to start a revolution, but I damn well will join it when someone who does sounds that alarm

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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014



loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014








Ferguson2Orlando IACP2014

Today in Orlando the The International Association of Chiefs of Police met. Instead of listening to protesters they decided to make the grass off limits and have arrested 3 protesters so far.



My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Anonymous OpFerguson Leak Grand Jury Announcement and Personal Details of Darren Wilson
ON 10/27/2014AMERICAS, U

Anonymous Operation Ferguson: Grand Jury Leak

In a tweet published on Monday morning, 27 October, the @OpFerguson Twitter account is confirming based on reliable sources that the Grand Jury will not indict Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown on August the 9th, sparking over 2 months of daily protests and community outrage.

OpFerguson also released some details on Darren Wilson’s current location, appearance and his current alias. Darren Wilson’s whereabouts have been unknown for over 2 months now while he is on paid leave from the Ferguson Police Department.

The OpFerguson account has said it plans on releasing an action statement in the next few hours, we will update this article when it becomes available.

Text from Anonymous OpFerguson pastebin post below.
Monday – October 27, 2014 3:00 PM ET USA

Last night we announced that we have received over the past several days a series of leaks from two separate and unrelated sources regarding the long awaited Grand Jury decision regarding the murder of Mike Brown by Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson. In our opinion after careful analysis the sources are reliable, and the information we are about to reveal is true. Both sources are government employees with access to both internal government as well as confidential police communications. For reasons of safety we will not be revealing anything further on either our sources or the material leaked to us. The following is a synopses of the leaked information:

On or about November 10, 2014 the Grand Jury decision will be announced. Darren Wilson will NOT be indicted on ANY charges related to the murder of Mike Brown. All local police Chiefs and jail commanders have been notified to begin preparing for major civil unrest. Governor Nixon has been notified of the impending announcement and has ordered the Missouri National Guard to begin preparations for a possible re-enstatement of the martial law that was declared at the beginning of the Ferguson protests.

As additional evidence that neither the State nor Federal authorities intend any legal action against Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown, one of our sources has provided a very intriguing close up glimpse of Darren Wilson – his current where abouts and lifestyle.

Darren Wilson is still in the St. Louis area and recently attended a Blues game. He has been made aware of the impending Grand Jury and US DOJ decisions in his favor and is now comfortable enough that he has just closed purchase on a new home in the south county area. He is still co-habitating with his girl friend “Barbie”, who is now pregnant with their first child. I guess his paid vacation for murder has been productive in more ways then one.

In an attempt to “protect” himself, Darren Wilson has altered his appearance. His hairline & hair color have been altered and he has grown a substantial beard. He is operating under the alias “Darren Obrien” or another false identity.

Finally on an un-related note. “Josie” who called into a radio station during the early days of the Ferguson protests and purported to give Darren Wilson’s “side” of the story, from which many conservative media outlets (such as FOX News) have since spun the most outlandish falsehoods – has been identified as an account assistant at Javelin, Inc. and is associated with the Ferguson PD. We are still gathering info on this person and what exactly her relationship is with the FPD and her interest in Mike Brown’s murder.

As more information is leaked to us we will update this document. Please follow us on Twitter @OpFerguson and visit our website at www.OperationFerguson.cf where this leak and other valuable information related to the Ferguson Movement is posted and regularly updated.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Ferguson Police caught lying again, Michael Brown’s autopsy condemns officer Wilson.

Posted on October 27, 2014

Addicting information: “Nathaniel Downes – If you listened to the media reports this past week, it would appear that evidence had come forward to exonerate Officer Darren Wilson in the death of teen Michael Brown in August. It began when the St. Louis Dispatch ran an article titled “Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system” and quickly propagated throughout the net. If you read it, or the articles based on it, the impression was that the coroner who handled the autopsy had found that Michael Brown had attempted to grab Officer Wilson’s gun, and in so doing the officer was justified in the use of force which resulted in Michael’s death. They even included quotes from a forensics expert, Dr, Judy Melinek, which appeared to indicate familiarity with the case, and justification of the teens untimely death.
Problem is, the autopsy report says nothing of the sort.
Instead, the story as put down in the report damns Officer Wilson. In the report, the evidence fit with Officer Wilson having unholstered his weapon and discharge it, still in the car, against an unarmed teen. It did find that Michael Brown had been exposed to cannabis at least 24 hours earlier, based on his blood and urine toxicology. The amount found, 12 nanograms of delta-9-thc in his blood along with over 150 nanograms of 11-Nor-Delta-9-THC-cooh, at his BMI of over 34, denoted someone who had smoked two cannabis blunts the day before, and at least 4 more over the prior week. Not exactly someone who was a hard core drug offender. But it was above the point of impairment for driving. Thankfully, Michael Brown was walking that day.
Now, many news sites ran with the claim that Michael Brown reached for officer Wilson’s gun. But the autopsy report tells a very different story. The only shot which indicated it was close to Officer Wilson, by having a powder burn or residue, was a burn on the inside of Michael Brown’s thumb, along with a bullet graze, which ran straight down the inside, across his thumbprint. Visualize just a moment, a bullet, in close proximity, so close that it could burn your thumb just below the knuckle, with the bullet heading straight out, away from the hand. A bullet coming out of a barrel likely touching the thumb at the knuckle joint, based on the description.
A thumb attached to a hand which had to be underneath the gun, pushing it upward, for the bullet to travel along that path.
That is not a hand placement for reaching into a car to grab a gun at all. That is not a hand position for wrestling a gun away from someone. That is a hand placement for pushing an already drawn sidearm up and out-of-the-way – a defensive move as someone is attempting to level it at you in order to kill you. It is unknown if Michael Brown had taken any self-defense classes, but this is a valid defensive response when ones life is in danger – to defend against the aggressor as best they can. This means however that Officer Wilson had drawn his sidearm against an unarmed teen before the situation had escalated, something also mentioned directly in the autopsy report. This would imply that Officer Wilson purposefully and willfully engaged with Michael Brown, with the result that the 18-year-old lost his life.
Every other injury to Michael Brown lacked any trace of firearm residue, meaning that they all happened at distance – away from the vehicle. The defenders of Darren Wilson therefore are defending the officers rights to engage in murder, so long as they can come up with a justification post-mortem.
As for the forensics expert, turned out that the St. Louis Post-Dispatch had completely misrepresented her in their piece. On “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnel” Dr. Melinek blasted the St. Louis Post-Dispatchfor their complete misrepresentation of her statements and went on the record with her findings based on the autopsy report.
At this time, no apology from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch over their gross misrepresentation of the statements given has been released, and it is quite probable that none will be. As for Officer Wilson, he now has even more to explain, such as why he was aiming a loaded firearm at an unarmed teenager through his patrol car window. There is no plausible explanation for such an action that anyone is yet aware of. It is now on Officer Wilson to explain his actions that afternoon in August..

Source: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/10...on-lies-again/

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
St. Louis mayor dismisses open carry rally as ‘a scene out of a bad Western’

27 Oct 2014


The mayor of St. Louis dismissed an open carry rally over the weekend intended to test new gun laws in Missouri.

About 30 demonstrators carrying handguns and rifles walked through downtown Saturday, but about 50 people showed up to express their opposition, reported St. Louis Public Radio.

Organizer Jeffry Smith, a firearms instructor from Ohio, set the date of the demonstration to coincide with a planned visit with his son, who attends St. Louis University.
“I’m well-armed here, but nothing’s happening — and why is nothing happening?” said Smith, who carried two hand guns and a long gun strapped to his chest. “Because I’m not doing anything with these guns, and neither are any of these people you see around you. So it’s not the gun that is the problem, it’s the individual.”
The opponents were mostly made up of members of Amnesty International, which was holding its Midwest conference during the weekend.

“I’m not against guns,” said Barb Stellar, of St. Louis. “I hunt, I shoot for sport, I skeet — but the right to carry is just an escalation of violence, and I think we need to put an end to it if we can before more of our children are killed.”

State legislators overrode Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto of a Senate bill to allow open carry of firearms statewide by individuals who hold a valid concealed-carry permit.

Smith and fellow organizer Richard Lofftus, of O’Fallon, Missouri, said they believe a gun-rights amendment passed by voters in August allows open carry for anyone who legally owns a gun.

“There are people here who would be willing to show a permit, and there are people here, like myself, who would not even be willing to say whether or not they have a permit,” Smith said.

Police watched the demonstration but did not check for concealed carry permits.

St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said he hoped legislators would clear up confusion about the law, reported the Riverfront Times, adding that the open carry demonstration showed the law went too far.

“What you saw on the streets of downtown St. Louis today was like a scene out of a bad Western,” Slay said. “We can dismiss the people who protested this morning as extremists who should not be taken seriously. I agree with that. But we have to take this law seriously.”

Slay said he would work to get the law repealed.

“In Deadwood (South Dakota), there was no law,” the mayor said. “In Missouri, it is the law. I don’t know which is worse, frankly.”

A member of Hands Up United and the Organization of Black Struggle pointed out that police reacted calmly to the armed demonstrators and compared the response to protests in nearby Ferguson.

“When we protest in a similar manner, without guns, they proceed with aggression and arrest,” said activist Tef Poe.
