cole phelps
so when is the verdict supposed to happen??
These laws do not respect us, so we need to start operating outside of the law. I'm sorry for the loss of this young brother (just 18!), but these kind words and prayers mean nothing. Cacs laugh at them and goI don't have the resources or connections to start a revolution, but I damn well will join it when someone who does sounds that alarm
Anonymous OpFerguson Leak Grand Jury Announcement and Personal Details of Darren Wilson
ON 10/27/2014AMERICAS, U
Anonymous Operation Ferguson: Grand Jury Leak
In a tweet published on Monday morning, 27 October, the @OpFerguson Twitter account is confirming based on reliable sources that the Grand Jury will not indict Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown on August the 9th, sparking over 2 months of daily protests and community outrage.
OpFerguson also released some details on Darren Wilson’s current location, appearance and his current alias. Darren Wilson’s whereabouts have been unknown for over 2 months now while he is on paid leave from the Ferguson Police Department.
The OpFerguson account has said it plans on releasing an action statement in the next few hours, we will update this article when it becomes available.
Text from Anonymous OpFerguson pastebin post below.
Monday – October 27, 2014 3:00 PM ET USA
Last night we announced that we have received over the past several days a series of leaks from two separate and unrelated sources regarding the long awaited Grand Jury decision regarding the murder of Mike Brown by Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson. In our opinion after careful analysis the sources are reliable, and the information we are about to reveal is true. Both sources are government employees with access to both internal government as well as confidential police communications. For reasons of safety we will not be revealing anything further on either our sources or the material leaked to us. The following is a synopses of the leaked information:
On or about November 10, 2014 the Grand Jury decision will be announced. Darren Wilson will NOT be indicted on ANY charges related to the murder of Mike Brown. All local police Chiefs and jail commanders have been notified to begin preparing for major civil unrest. Governor Nixon has been notified of the impending announcement and has ordered the Missouri National Guard to begin preparations for a possible re-enstatement of the martial law that was declared at the beginning of the Ferguson protests.
As additional evidence that neither the State nor Federal authorities intend any legal action against Darren Wilson for the murder of Mike Brown, one of our sources has provided a very intriguing close up glimpse of Darren Wilson – his current where abouts and lifestyle.
Darren Wilson is still in the St. Louis area and recently attended a Blues game. He has been made aware of the impending Grand Jury and US DOJ decisions in his favor and is now comfortable enough that he has just closed purchase on a new home in the south county area. He is still co-habitating with his girl friend “Barbie”, who is now pregnant with their first child. I guess his paid vacation for murder has been productive in more ways then one.
In an attempt to “protect” himself, Darren Wilson has altered his appearance. His hairline & hair color have been altered and he has grown a substantial beard. He is operating under the alias “Darren Obrien” or another false identity.
Finally on an un-related note. “Josie” who called into a radio station during the early days of the Ferguson protests and purported to give Darren Wilson’s “side” of the story, from which many conservative media outlets (such as FOX News) have since spun the most outlandish falsehoods – has been identified as an account assistant at Javelin, Inc. and is associated with the Ferguson PD. We are still gathering info on this person and what exactly her relationship is with the FPD and her interest in Mike Brown’s murder.
As more information is leaked to us we will update this document. Please follow us on Twitter @OpFerguson and visit our website at where this leak and other valuable information related to the Ferguson Movement is posted and regularly updated.