There is no middle ground.
The man who drinked with the cop that murdered his friend? GTFO clownObama is bound by his presidential office. I do believe he sides with the people of Ferguson, and he's made comments that reveal as much. But Obama is trying his best not to step outside the confines of his executive power. If he does, it will inflame hostilities all around the country. And that's not a bad thing from our perspective, but he's the president and he's thinking like one.
The man who drinked with the cop that murdered his friend? GTFO clown
@Woodwerkz @*L*E*G*A*C*Y* @nikkaz In Paris @2stainz @Originalman yall dapped this bullshyt lmao
@Rose Gold is mistaken. Obama had a beer with a cop who arrested a friend of his, not a cop who murdered a friend of his.what happened bruh? I didn't hear bout this
I fukked up, drinkin beer with the cop who arrested the black puroffesor for tryin to get in his own home by force cause he lost the key owhat happened bruh? I didn't hear bout this
This thread has now surpassed that garbage ass "tips/gems on dealing with women" thread for all the wrong reasons.
I've been paying attention to this thread cause the future of black america hangs in the balance of all of the moves made in ferguson and beyond. This should be waking black people (and hell the rest of the country and world population) the fukk up! There's no benefit to staying asleep because from the last couple of tweets I saw from Shaun King, it's obvious them military boys are preparing for something big.
I've said this in another thread but I'll say it again, how do we know what's going on here isn't going to spiral out of control and spread to other cities? And it won't just be black people being the victims of this shyt...they just started with us cause we're at the lowest when it comes to priorities in this country.
I'm truly worried and somewhat frightened about what this fall and the next two years before Obama leaves office will bring.
There is no middle ground.
Didn't those dweebs give us the wrong name?TheAnonMessage @TheAnonMessage
@BarackObama is not black. He looks like one, yes, but he was of white upbringing. He will not defnd blck ppl bcs he doesnt believe he is 1.
10:52 PM - 13 Aug 2014
I'm not worried because I and true Israelite brethren know the end games according to the scriptures something that many of our people do not believe. This is a time of violence, pestilence, and famine. We have 4 blood moons in a year (very rare occurrence), all falling on the Passover and the feast of tabernacles this year and next year along with a total solar eclipse . This is a time of uproars of the people, sedition (revolts, civil disobedience, rebellion), increased earthquakes. This is the just beginning of the end of some terrible times across the world and increasing push towards the gathering of all nations into the valley of Jehoshaphat. A lot of y'all are going to die a terrible death in Babylon because some y'all are just sniff-necked and rebellious against the Most High and will not repent. We want our people to make it out, we do this out of love, it is not our desire that our people should perish here, but we know that only the elect will make it out. That is why I....