This is where it gets tricky and needs a proper strategy. We cant have selective justice based on race and the fact we personally like a rapper or athlete. That's the game these cac demons play and we are morally and ethically better than them. Rice and Wilson are both guilty, so we benefit nothing as a collective from rallying behind a female beater or the latest stupid act by a rapper.
We can no longer have athletes and rappers as the face and voice of Black people..the athletes and rappers the media interviewed all publicly expressed their support for Rice. Not very clever. They were speaking as people from his circle of millionaires, their reality is not normal to regular peoples. There is a serious divide between the Blacks in the public eye and regular folks.
What did we benefit from rallying around OJ. What did we get out of it? But cacs will benefit a lot from backing Wilson because he's a Federal employee on tax dollars with an actual license to maim and kill.
We cant let cacs dictate our route by dangling a carrot in front of us, and that carrot is the NFL season
cause cacs think they know us, they think we love football and entertainment so much we're willing to forgo our general freedoms and unity to watch bad TV.
If we want real change, we have to be willing to all turn off the Football, not watch the playoffs, tune out of the Superbowl etc..