Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
BREAKING: Reporters, non-residents banned from upcoming Ferguson town hall meetings : Newsstltoday.com

Special Department of Justice unit tells city that for open dialog, media can’t be present.

FERGUSON • The news release was emailed to dozens of local and national media representatives.

The city of Ferguson was promoting a five-week series of “town hall” meetings beginning Monday to update residents “on changes the council wants the community to consider’’ and to address concerns about the city.

But by Friday, a little-known unit of the U.S. Department of Justice had gotten involved, and those meetings, originally billed by Mayor James Knowles III as a dialogue with the community “so they know exactly where we stand on things with full transparency,” would be closed to the media and nearly anyone else who wasn’t a resident.

In the days after Michael Brown’s fatal shooting Aug. 9 by a city police officer, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder dispatched the Justice Department’s Community Relations Service to the city to help keep the peace and resolve racial tension.

On Friday, Devin James, a spokesman for Ferguson, said that the Community Relations Service was insisting that reporters be kept out of the city’s “town hall’’ meetings planned for each of three wards because having media present could alter the conversations.

The first meetings are scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at City Hall, 110 Church Street; Wellspring Church, 33 South Florissant Road; and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 17 Hawkesbury Drive.

“It allows us to have a more true dialogue,” James said. “It’s for the benefit of the community.”

In an email late Friday, Dena Iverson, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed that the “town hall” meetings were being overseen by the Community Relations Service.

Iverson also pointed to the unit’s mission statement, which says the service “provides confidential mediation, facilitation, training, and consulting services to help communities enhance their ability to alleviate, solve, and respond to future conflicts more effectively.”

She did not respond to a question about whether the city’s town hall meetings fit the mediation concept.

The unit was also sent to Sanford, Fla., last year in the aftermath of the slaying of Trayvon Martin and trial of George Zimmerman, the man who shot Martin.

City Attorney Stephanie Karr said she believed the decision to restrict attendance to residents and certain invited guests at the town hall meetings doesn’t violate Missouri’s Sunshine Law because only two council members would be present at each meeting. Without a quorum, such gatherings of council members do not violate the state’s open meetings requirements, Karr said.

Karr, however, also said that the city would not do anything to keep reporters from attending, but that would be up to the Department of Justice.

After Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Brown on Aug. 9, the city saw a number of protests, some of which county and state law enforcement agencies quelled by using tear gas, rubber bullets and armored personnel vehicles.

A City Council meeting on Sept. 9, held at the Greater Grace Church to accommodate the large crowd, was disrupted several times by angry chants from protesters, some of whom were not from Ferguson.

Another council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday.

On Friday, Knowles said the city was still exploring possible venues for that meeting.

Source: Stephen Deere for St. Louis Post-Dispatch


May 1, 2012
A nikka with no mustache. :patrice:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Breh is confused as hell. His "battle buddies" will be sure to pull his card once they see this video.

Breh spends a decade plus terrorizing the Middle East, running urban warfare exercises and he's shocked to find that the same tactics we use on them are being turned around on US.

The US Military is no place for a brother that's hip to what's really going on.

Men Without a Country

Booker Thomas Spicely (December 1, 1909 - July 8, 1944) was a victim of racial violence whose murder in North Carolina, United States is considered to be one of a series of outrages that contributed to rising activism in the Civil Rights movement. Other incidents in this period included Irene Morgan in July 1944 being arrested and jailed in Virginia for refusing to give up her seat on an interstate bus to a white person, and the murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till inMississippi in 1955.

Spicely was born in Blackstone, Virginia, to Lazarus and Alberta Spicely. He attended two years of high school and was a cook before volunteering for theUnited States Army on December 31, 1943 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania He did not work for the Tuskegee Institute like most stories say. It was his brother Robert that was actually a former business manager there. His serial number was 33809308, and he was trained as a cook in the Army.

In 1944, Private Spicely was stationed at Camp Butner, North Carolina. While on a pass into the nearby city of Durham on July 8, 1944, he boarded a bus with a black woman he was talking to at the bus stop, and according to her sworn statement, they sat in the second to last seat and not in the front as reported. The driver told them all to move to the last seat for some white soldiers who boarded, as public transportation was segregated in North Carolina. The woman did, but Spicely refused, initially asking the other soldiers why he had to move since he was not aware of the laws in North Carolina. There was conflicting testimony exactly what PVT Spicely said but one of the white soldiers mentioned that he said "I thought I was fighting this war for democracy". The bus driver then said "shut up or get off".
During the ride, PVT Spicely continued arguing with the bus driver until he departed the bus. When he did, the driver followed him off the bus and shot Spicely twice when the soldier turned around. His cause of death is listed as homicide ("shot by bus driver"), with sudden death occurring due to a "pistol shot wound through heart" with a secondary cause of "pistol shot through liver".[1]
The driver, Herman Lee Council, was tried for the second-degree murder of Spicely; he was acquitted by the all-white jury on the grounds of self defense. Chief Counsel for the NAACP, Thurgood Marshall, was involved in prosecuting the case.

According to some sources, due to Spicely's murder, a riot ensued in the tobacco warehouse district of Durham, resulting in the destruction (via arson) of several of the white-owned tobacco warehouses. However, contemporary newspaper accounts make no mention of a connection between Spicely's death and the warehouse district fire.

The War Department conducted an investigation of Spicely’s death titled Subject: Racial Incident, Shooting of Negro Soldier, Durham, N.C. on 8 July 1944 at about 1940, dated July 12, 1944. His cause of death, which occurred during World War II, is listed as DNB, or “Died, Non-Battle.”

Spicely's body was returned to his home in Blackstone, Virginia, for burial. Herman Lee Council died in a nursing home in 1982.
Jun 8, 2012
The lack of media and social media coverage on this NOW has really proven to me one thing: RACE TRUMPS EVERYTHING in America.

I'm pretty sure many people would like this to go away and pretend it doesn't exist...but something like this doesn't go away that easily.

Rather than confront the truth, society would rather paint it over with a lie (in this case...MANY). But the truth is still there.

The fact this is the biggest thread on the Coli is proof of that. And I'm pretty sure many people would like to see it gone too...which is very telling in itself.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2012
Men Without a Country

It definitely feels like it breh.

I was just out in the park today near my family's house in the burbs since I'm staying with them until January. It feels like we're the only black people here sometimes.

I lost count of how many bad looks I got from white people just jogging and biking.

Some of them even got scared.

Me? I was smiling and laughing just walking....wow. This country and it's people really have some deep problems.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
It definitely feels like it breh.

I was just out in the park today near my family's house in the burbs since I'm staying with them until January. It feels like we're the only black people here sometimes.

I lost count of how many bad looks I got from white people just jogging and biking.

Some of them even got scared.

Me? I was smiling and laughing just walking....wow. This country and it's people really have some deep problems.
White folks probably call the cops on you and embellish on the truth....uoeno